NOTES ON HOW TO WRITE StarTrek(tm) CARDASSIAN, AND ABOUT THE FONT. by tommy of escondido Cardassian, in the examples i have seen, seems to be written in many different ways. letters seems to be usable as: upside down, backwards, run together, and distorted into wide low "fat" shapes. however, they are always the same set of letters. i did *not* font all of these forms, i only fonted the two basic forms. i *did* font the two! variants of cardassian into this one font - the capitals [A-Z and {}[]/<>.-!@] are the most common letters, and the minor letters [a-s] are less common. there are also a few wingdings [#$%&] here. both letterings do seem to be related vaguely in shape, so neither probably is the numbers, but with aliens who can tell? since they might be capitals and minors like english, i decided to put them into the same font for ease of use. yet, note: i have *never* seen the minors and the capital forms used together at all. [btw - the capital form is more often "mashed" and flipped around than the less common minor form - maybe just because it is more common, i don't know.] i call the major letters the "computer" style and the minors the "gothic" style, because that is what they remind me of. the punctuation i have seen is a dot [for which i used the period], a dash and some filled circles [used .-!@], their significance is unknown. i have not seen them used with the "gothic" minor style, only the "ibm" major style. the wingdings [#$%&] are seen with both. i don't claim that these fonts are complete or accurate - Paramount is always changing things. however i only used "canon" sources - the books "THE MAKING OF STARTREK DEEP SPACE NINE", "THE ART OF STARTREK", and "STARTREK, WHERE NONE HAS GONE BEFORE, A HISTORY" primarily in this case. i used their sample pictures from the shows as the source. if you should come across any missing/new letters, punctuation, or the numbering system from canon sources, please post several notices on the internet usegroups ALT.BINARIES.STARTREK and ALT.STARTREK. [it may take several times to get my attention!] this is distributed as charityware. if you find it worthwhile, please give a little more than usual to charities such as the Salvation Army or United Way - or others the next time you have a chance. cardassian seems to be very flexible in how it is written, i have seen it written around in a circle - and in each of these forms as well: 1. in parallel lines 2. u d t w like english is p o h r w i i a n s t n t d l i e i s n k u e s s i e o 3. crossword m t the e y v p t also i i e n s m computer d s e screens