TSS PGPWORD FOR WINDOWS 95 -- UNBREAKABLE COMPUTER SECURITY It doesn't matter whether you use it at work or at home. You have personal and professional secrets on your computer. What would be the consequences if... * your business competitors (or co-workers) had access to your letters, faxes, memos, proposals, financial records, calendars, etc.? * strangers had access to your private letters, love notes, diaries, credit card information, travel itineraries, phone numbers etc.? YOUR PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL PRIVACY IS AT RISK Without protection, you can lose far more than your computer -- your personal and professional privacy is at risk. Consider the consequences if your PC or laptop is stolen, or compromised when being repaired. Just how accessible are your files to hackers, co-workers, and even casual office visitors? Face it -- your documents are wide open for anyone to read. If you want protection, you need encryption. Encryption scrambles your documents so only you can read them. Quality encryption means total privacy. TSS PGPWORD GIVES YOU TOTAL DOCUMENT PRIVACY TSS PGPWord is an easy-to-use Windows 95 program that protects your documents with unbreakable military strength encryption. TSS PGPWord seamlessly integrates Microsoft Word with state of the art "PGP" encryption technology to give you the privacy you deserve. TSS PGPWord automatically and effortlessly encrypts and decrypts documents as you open and close them in Microsoft Word. Just enter your password -- TSS PGPWord does the rest, bringing together the world's best encryption with the world's best word processor for an unbeatable combination. GET FREE PROTECTION NOW TSS PGPWord only costs $19.95, but for a limited time you can try it out first for free. See for yourself how easy it can be to gain total document security. Go online and download your own free copy right now from the Internet, CompuServe, or our Bulletin Board Service! * World Wide Web http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/TSSINFO * CompuServe Information Service GO TSSFILES or GO TOTALSYSTEM * TSS Software Bulletin Board Service 718-375-6261 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS TSS PGPWord encrypts documents using PGP as the encryption engine. Before you can start working with TSS PGPWord you must have PGP present on your system. Upon installation, TSS PGPWord will automatically configure PGP for you. IF YOU DON'T HAVE PGP The world famous freeware version of PGP is easily obtained from online sources all over the world. Download it, unzip it into its own folder, (e.g. C:\PGP) then install TSS PGPWord by running the setup program (pgpword7.exe). Two popular distribution points for PGP on the World Wide Web are: * USA version http://web.mit.edu/network/pgp-form.html (maintained by MIT) * International version http://www.ifi.uio.no/pgp/ (maintained by Ståle Schumacher) To help you download your free copy of PGP from the Internet we've included an HTML file containing links to popular PGP download sites. After TSS PGPWord installation, see the "TSS PGPWord" menu on the Windows Start menu to load these links into your Web browser (or open the file PGPLINKS.HTM). CONTACTING TOTAL SYSTEM SOLUTIONS ONLINE * E-Mail 74777.3313@compuserve.com * Main TSS Software World Wide Web Site http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/TSSHQ * CompuServe Information Service Forums GO TSSFILES and GO TOTALSYSTEM * Bulletin Board Service (BBS) 718.375.6261 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright (c) Total System Solutions, Inc. 1996 All Rights Reserved.