COMPANAL.TXT GENESIS 1:1 COMPUTER VERIFICATION OF A MIRACLE The ˙Bible begins with "IN THE BEGINNING GOD CREATED THE ˙HEAVENS AND THE EARTH". ˙The number of words, ˙in this one verse, ˙in the original Hebrew (which was the language of the Old Testament) ˙is SEVEN words. These SEVEN words have 28 ˙letters (4x7). ˙These 28 ˙letters ˙are divided like this: The ˙first ˙three words (containing the subject and predicate ˙of the ˙sentence -"In the beginning God created"-) ˙have 14 ˙letters (2x7); the last four words (containing the object of the sentence -"the heavens and the earth"-) ˙also have 14 ˙letters (2x7). ˙The last ˙four words are thus subdivided: ˙The fourth and fifth words (Containing ˙one object -"the heavens"-) ˙have SEVEN letters (7); the ˙sixth and SEVENth words (containing the the second object ˙- "and the earth"-) also have SEVEN letters (7). In relation to the importance ˙of the words, ˙themselves, ˙the 28 letters ˙are ˙thus ˙divided: ˙ The three leading words GOD. ˙˙the subject, heaven, earth the two objects have 14 letters (2x7); the four words have also 14 (2x7). The ˙Hebrew ˙language ˙was ˙unique ˙in that it ˙did ˙not ˙have ˙a character ˙or set of characters to represent numbers such as ˙our present 1,2,3, etc. Instead, ˙the Hebrew language made use of the letters of the alphabet; so that the first letter of the alphabet stands for 1, the second for 2, the third for 3, etc., ˙until the 11th ˙letter represented 20, ˙the twelfth letter 20, ˙etc through 800. (The Greek language also had this particular feature). ˙Thus each ˙letter has a numeric value. ˙Thus each word can be given ˙a value ˙by ˙adding ˙the ˙cumulative total value ˙of ˙each ˙of ˙its letters. The numeric value of the first, middle, ˙and last letters of this sentence is 133 ˙(19x7), while the numeric value of the first and last ˙letters of all seven words in this verse is 1393 ˙˙(199x7). The ˙first and last letters of the first and last words have ˙497 (71x7); the remaining words (between the first and last) have 896 (2x2x2x2x2x2x2x7). ˙˙We break this amount down due to the factors being SEVEN and TWO taken as a factor SEVEN times. The three important nouns, ˙God, ˙heaven, earth, have 14 ˙letters (2x7). ˙The numeric value is 777 (111x7). ˙The one verb, ˙created has 203 (29x7). In this verse of only SEVEN words there are some repetitions. The untranslatable particle ETH occurs twice and the article THE also occurs ˙twice. ˙˙The numeric value of these ˙repetitions ˙is ˙406 (58x7). This ˙whole ˙sequence should be referenced through ˙Hebrews ˙13:8 where ˙it ˙says ˙that ˙God is the ˙"same ˙yesterday, ˙˙today ˙and tommorrow" ˙and where God, ˙Himself answers Moses and tells Moses that He is the "I AM", ˙meaning that he was before all things and will be forever the same. We then conclude that (1) if God is the same at all times and, by His ˙own ˙word, ˙˙does not change, ˙then the ˙numeric ˙phenomena, briefly shown above, should be a measure of whether God wrote the remainder of Genesis, ˙or the Books of Exodus, ˙or Jonah, ˙or any other ˙Old ˙Testament phrase or book and (2) ˙It would also ˙hold true ˙for ˙the New Testament, ˙even though the New Testament ˙was written ˙in ˙Greek, ˙the phenomena should hold true in ˙IDENTICAL patterns ˙and ˙finally (3) ˙We can also use the ˙progressions ˙of numerics ˙as ˙a ˙test ˙of other text that have ˙been ˙claimed ˙as revelations from God. If ˙the language of the ORIGINAL text is not Greek or ˙Hebrew ˙or Chaldean, then sufficient kinds of the numeric structures will be evident in as much as the language will permit. We ˙ask ˙that you take any of these text and ˙test ˙them ˙against these ˙structures. ˙If they contain any multiple of the ˙numerics shown ˙here, ˙˙we would like to have you communicate with ˙us ˙by directing a copy of the text, ˙source of the text, and your name, address, phone information. Computers For Christ - San Jose, CA