THE FAIRY TALES OF EVOLUTION! Do you believe in fairy tales? Is it wise to live your life believing that a fairy tale is true? The theory of evolution is a fable that many cling to despite the scientific facts. This tract will examine some of the problems with evolution in the light of science and the Bible. THE PARADE OF FRAUDS !! Cro-Magnon: Cranial capacity exceeds that of man today. He was entirely human. Neanderthal man: Cranial capacity equal or exceeding man today. His stooping posture caused by arthritis or rickets from a vitamin D deficiency. Ramapithecus: Consists of teeth & jawbone fragments found in India in 1932. A species of baboon in Ethopia has same dental and jaw characteristics. Many anthropologists agree that it is an ape. Australopithecus: Cranial capacity 1/3 of man. Height is about 4 ft. tall. It is a long armed, short-legged knucklewalker. It is an ape. Nebraska man: Constructed in 1922 from one tooth (tooth of an extinct pig). Piltdown man: Jawbone of an ape with the teeth filed down. A human skull treated with iron salts was used to make it look old. Modern man: Many (not all) of this species believe they were once an ape! FOSSIL RECORDS If evolution were true, there would be many transitional fossils in the fossil record. This means that as evolution occurred there would be many transitional forms of life as things progressed through the evolutionary stages up to mankind. There should be an abundance of fossils showing fish that are part reptile as well as reptiles that are part bird and mammal. For evolution to be "scientifically valid" there should be many evidences of transitional forms of life. But what does the fossil record say? The fossil record shows all the highly complex animals just suddenly appearing on the scene with absolutely no signs of gradual development from lower forms. This is a major problem for any "thinking" evolutionist! If evolution were true we would see transitional forms but there are none. We would also expect to see living stages of evolution going on today with different species developing new organs and structures. None of this is happening! On the other hand if God created, we would expect to see life just appear on the scene with major gaps in the fossil record between species and no transitional forms. Unfortunately for the evolutionist, the scientific evidence of the fossil record points to Divine Creation. THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS Evolution contradicts known and fixed laws of science. One of these laws is the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This law states that all things left to themselves always tend to go from the complex to the simple, from the organized to the disorganized. To put it simply, things tend to decay , grow old, and wear out. Evolution, however, states the opposite. Things must evolve from the simple to the complex, from the disorganized to the organized. Evolution states that chaotic, disorganized matter evolved upward to greater complexity and organization over a time purely by random processes. Contrary to science, evolution requires the continuous building up from the simplest organisms to the more complex. By blind faith, the evolutionist believes complex structures like eyes that can see in 3D color, and brains that are more complex that the most sophisticated computers, came into being without a Designer. Also, from dead atoms acting through random, unknown processes (which themselves evolved!) came living, conscious, intelligent life. We are told that all forms of life came through this process even though it contradicts the Second Law of Thermodynamics. COULD THE SCIENTIST BE WRONG ??? IS THAT POSSIBLE ???? How dare this possibility even be mentioned in this tract!!! How can a scientist be wrong? After all they are scientists and everyone else is not! Right? ... Yet, it wasn't too many years ago when the scientific community strongly believed that the world was flat. There was a time when it was thought that the earth was the center of the universe and the sun and stars rotated around a stationary earth. Others believed that the earth was carried on the back of a turtle or some man carried it through the heavens on his shoulders. Did you know that the scientific community has been wrong all along? Why go along with them now with the theory of evolution??? What does the Bible say. Since God told 40 different men over a period of 1600 years (many of whom lived in different generations) to write down His Word, is it possible that God knew all along? Over 2500 years ago God inspired Isaiah to write the following: "Have ye not known? Have ye not heard? hath it not been told you from the beginning? have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth? It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth,..."(Isaiah 40:21,22). The word 'circle' is the word 'sphere' in Hebrew. Also, God describes the earth in outer space: "He stretches out the north over empty space, and hangs the earth on nothing" (Job 26:7). Why do people have a problem today accepting the simple fact of God's Word which says: "In the beginning God created the Heaven and the earth."? (Gen 1:1). Why would anyone want to believe the fairy tale of evolution? IS EVOLUTION A RELIGIOUS FAITH WITH MORAL AND SPIRITUAL IMPLICATIONS? How does the evolutionist look at life? GOD: He does not exist. Chance is the creator and designer of the universe. Matter always existed or came into being from nothing. PURPOSE to life: Live and love for today and enjoy life now because after death the future is uncertain. The goal is personal fulfillment and satisfaction in life. RELIGION: Religions are created by man to satisfy social, environmental and emotional needs. Only the weak need it. SALVATION: Sin is not a problem. Salvation is not needed since God does not exist. Each person is responsible for his own life and does not have to answer to a 'God'. HELL or a place of eternal torment does not exist. There is no Holy God who demands punishment for sin. In contrast, the following is how the Word of God looks at life. GOD: He is a personal being who exists apart from His creation. He designed, created, and now maintains the universe by His almighty power. PURPOSE to life: To receive forgiveness of sins and come into a personal relationship with God. God has a plan and a purpose for each individual. RELIGION: Christianity is not man trying to reach God. Christianity is God's intervention in human history to save lost mankind. SALVATION: The Lord Jesus died on the cross and paid for sin and purchased a place in heaven which He offers as a free gift. HELL is for those who reject God's love gift of forgiveness and choose to pay the penalty for their sins themselves. "THE FOOL HATH SAID IN HIS HEART, THERE IS NO GOD..." (Psalm 14:1). "For by him were all things created,..." (Col 1:16). In closing, here is a challenge for those who are not afraid to use their gray matter. Excellent books by Duane T. Gish, Ph. D. and Henry M. Morris Ph. D. have been written which completely refute the fairy tale of evolution. Pick one up at a Christian bookstore.....If you dare!!!!! THE SEED SOWERS, P.O. Box 2513 Stn. F, Scarborough, Ont. M1W 3P2 Computer BBS 24Hrs (416) 498-5259