SODOMITES LOSE 30 YEARS OF LIFE! A study of 5,200 obituaries over five years, in 16 homosexual newspapers, plus dozens of other studies, show that homosexual conduct reduces life expectancy by 30 years. A report, "Homosexuality, A Public Health Problem" by Raphael Kazmann shows the average age of homosexuals dying with AIDS is 39. The average age of homosexuals dying of all other causes is only 41. In an astonishing result, the study showed only 1 percent of homosexuals lived to be 65 or older. The report indicated five things are contributing to their early deaths. 1. SUICIDE First, suicide is epidemic among homosexuals. Their suicide rate is 60 times as high as the general population. while they have labeled their lifestyle as "gay," many prefer death rather than to continue living in it. USA TODAY reported Massachusetts will launch what supporters say is the first state health and suicide prevention program to help gay youths. The cost of the program will be $200,000. Gay youths, the report states, are two to three times more likely than other teens to attempt suicide." (USA TODAY, Jan. 29, 1993, p.3A) Homosexuals say this is a result of religion and society in general denouncing their life style. Such charges hardly seem reasonable. Our society viciously denounces the racists of the Ku Klux Klan without raising the Klan suicide rate. 2. DRUG ABUSE A second factor in the short life expectancy of homosexuals is drug abuse. Men practicing sodomy are three times as likely to have alcohol or drug abuse problems. This leads to an increase in heart, lung and liver failure as well as an increase in accidental deaths. 3. AUTO ACCIDENTS Raphael Kazmann's report gave highway fatalities as a third factor. Homosexual deaths in auto accidents are 45 times greater than in the heterosexual community. 4. DISEASE The forth factor shortening homosexual's lives is disease. Homosexuals are 14 times more likely to have had syphilis; 23 times more likely to contract some venereal disease; and thousands of times more likely to contract AIDS. Lesbians are 19 times more likely than heterosexual women to have had syphilis; twice as likely to suffer from genital warts; and four times as likely to have scabies. The homosexual political agenda expands the number of health related deaths. Homosexuals have strongly opposed society's traditional right to report AIDS and trace potentially infected partners. After seven years and more deaths than the Vietnamese war, the American Medical Association finally called for contact tracing of AIDS patients. That just means telling a sex partner that their partner has the disease. But that interferes with "privacy" and so homosexuals continue to oppose tracing. So AIDS continues to destroy tens of thousands in the homosexual community. 5. MURDER The fifth factor in the premature deaths of homosexuals is murder. "Homosexuality, A Public Health Problem," reveals the ratio of homosexual men murdered (one in 200 deaths) was 50 times that of the general population. The intelligent attitude toward homosexuals should be the same as the intelligent attitude toward tobacco users. Both have a life style that is going to kill them, prematurely robbing them of many years of productive life. Both have a powerful addiction. Both derive pleasure from their practice. Both resist efforts to get them to stop their practice. And both are deserving of all the compassion we can muster. The poor people are killing themselves. The thinking members of American society are working to discourage smoking, toxic pollution and high fat diets for the simple reason that they reduce human life expectancy. Yet none of these threats reduces life expectancy as much as homosexual conduct. Therefore, thinking members of society must work harder to discourage homosexuality (rather than toxic pollution, smoking, and high-fat diets). And in light of this new knowledge, isn't it easier to understand why God opposes homosexuality? It kills the very creatures He molded in His own image and gave life to them. - The Moody Adams Report May 1993 (For a free subscription to The Moody Adams report, write to Moody Adams Evangelistic Association, P.O. Box 329, Baker, LA 70704-0329) The Sodomite sin against his own body is an extremely grave one because man was created in the image of God. Moses wrote the clear command of God regarding Homosexuality. "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination" Leviticus 18:22 Then he gives the reason why the nations that occupied the Promised Land died or were expelled, "For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled; That the land spue not you out also, when ye defile it, as it spued out the nations that were before you." Leviticus 18:27-28 During the time of the law, death was the punishment for such vile practices, "For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people" Leviticus 18:29 Is there hope for homosexuals and lesbians who have sinned against their own bodies? The New Testament gives a very clear answer, "...him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." (John 6:37) and 1st John 1:9, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." The Midnight Call, September 1993 P.O Box 92075, Bridlewood Mall 2900 Warden Ave Scarborough Ont M1W 3Y8