[PPE] Products written by Eric D. Scales Copyright (c) 1994 by Eric D. Scales ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E.D.S. Development (14,400 Baud 24hrs/7 days a week) 812-423-3394 SysOp : Eric Scales þ EDSBack þ EDSBack is a VERY powerful call-back verifier for use with PCBoard v15.1. This is a great way to keep multiple accounts off of your system and to do away with voice verification. If you can't seem to find a door to support your intelligent multiport serial card, fossil driver, or OS/2 interface, then turn to EDSBack. EDSBack supports all multi-port cards that PCBoard supports. If PCBoard supports it, so does EDSBack. EDSBack also comes with another PPE called EDSUtil. With EDSUtil, there is no hassle with shelling to DOS and editing text files, etc. With EDSUtil, you control EVERY setting, every toggle, every database file, everything from PCBoard. EDSBack supports dialing templates, wildcards, bad # file, trash file, trash file index (for QUICK access), timetables defineable by dialing template, automated messages (Internal and External), file flagging, much more... To experience EDSBack for your self, please call E.D.S. Development and download the latest code. (The filename is displayed on the welcome screen.) þ EDSLiner þ EDSLiner is a nice looking PPE that will display a "OneLiner" to your users when they logon. (A OneLiner is kind of like a tagline in a message.) EDSLiner will display the name of the person that entered the OneLiner (if they choose so). EDSLiner also comes with another PPE called AddLiner. With AddLiner, users can add new OneLiners and view OneLiners that they have already entered. EDSLiner supports user name trash cans, a trash can for inappropriate words in the EDSLiner database, binary database file for quick access and the latest in technology. To get the latest version of EDSLiner, please call E.D.S. Development and download the latest code. (File name is displayed on the welcome screen.)