E.D.S. Call-Back Verifier v1.14 Beta Archive Listing & Explanation Copyright (c) 1994 by Eric D. Scales ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following is a list of files that should be contained in your EDSBK###.ZIP archive, where ### is the version. If you do not find all of these files in the archive or if your archive is under a different name, then please call E.D.S. Development at (812) 423-3394 to obtain a new file. We always carry the latest version. * denotes a filename that can be changed via EDSUtil (ie., MODULE 4, etc.). % denotes a filename that can be graphics and language specific. ! denotes a filename that should not be run by itself. (EDSUtil will call it) File Description -------------------------------------- BETACYCL.TST -- Beta cycle information screen. This could be displayed as EDSAD -- Dialing templates editor help file% EDSAE -- Allowed Calling #s editor help file% EDSALLOW.CAL -- Allowed # calling file* EDSALLOW.IDX -- Allowed # calling index file EDSBACK.DOC -- EDSBack & EDSUtil documentation EDSBACK.PPE -- EDSBack Call-Back Verifier (MAIN PPE) EDSBACK.XXX -- Configuration file EDSBAD.NUM -- Bad-number file* EDSBE -- Bad-number editor help file% EDSBHLP -- User help file on EDSBack%* EDSBKBAD.SEC -- Security level trash file* EDSBKBAD.USR -- Name trash file* EDSBTXT. -- Prompt file EDSCP -- Configuration paths help file% EDSCR -- Registration information help file% EDSCS -- Configuration settings help file% EDSCT -- Configuration toggles help file% EDSDIAL.PLT -- Dialing templates file EDSNE -- Already used # editor help file% EDSNMNU. -- Number selection menu%* EDSP -- Prompt file editor help file% EDSSTATS.DAT -- Statistics file EDSTABLE.LOK -- Locking timetable* EDSTE -- Timetable editor help file% EDSUHLP. -- Sysop's help file on EDSUtil% EDSUTIL.PPE -- Main utility & configuration PPE EDSWC -- EDSBack main menu%* EUTMOD1.PPE -- Prompt file customization [PPE]! EUTMOD2.PPE -- Already used number trash can file maintenance [PPE]! EUTMOD3.PPE -- Statistics file maintenance [PPE]! EUTMOD4.PPE -- Configuration file maintenance [PPE]! EUTMOD5.PPE -- Timetables maintenance [PPE]! EUTMOD6.PPE -- Name & Security Trashfile maintenance [PPE]! EUTMOD7.PPE -- Bad number file maintenance [PPE]! EUTMOD8.PPE -- Local areacodes & prefixes maintenance [PPE]! FILE_ID.DIZ -- Archive description file FILES.TXT -- File you are reading HISTORY. -- History of changes, additions, & revisions REGISTER.EDS -- Registration form. SCDISP -- File displayed prior to database searching% SYSOP.MSG -- Sample external message to send to the SysOp* TRASH.BIN -- Already used number trash can* TRASH.IDX -- Index file for already used number trash can UPDATE.DOC -- Documentation for upgrading to the new version UPDATE.HIS -- History of changes since last version USER.MSG -- Sample external message to send to the user*