RBBS AND CONFIG MAIN"G" MERGES 09/17/92 by Eric M. Evans CONFIG NODE MERGE 04/28/93 by Eric M. Evans RBBS ViewArc Fix #1 01/01/92 by Eric M. Evans RBBS LOG OFF COMMENT MERGE 09/14/92 by Eric M. Evans RBBS Message Header Merge 04/04/93 by Eric M. Evans (bassed on forgoten password merge) I am very sorry for those folks who tried the RBBSGDB2 file out, seems that the CNFGxxx.mrg and CSUBxxxx.mrg were missnamed to each other. I hope that this will be included in all future versions of RBBS. This merge has been tested with RBBS 17.3a-17.4a/0314 NOTE: THESE MERGES ARE FOR 17.4A/0312 You Must HAND CODE any other version. You must hand code if you have any other merges applied to your code. I recomend QEdit as it allows for Split screen multyfile editing, with block and copy between files on screen. 2.15 or higher. ONLY TESTED FOR QUICK BASIC 4.5 APPLY BY HAND, OR USE BLED 2.2+ Included files in this archive are as follows: R-PC0001.MRG - Merge for RBBS-PC.BAS RSB10001.MRG - Merge for RBBSSUB1.BAS RSB30001.MRG - Merge for RBBSSUB3.BAS RSB40001.MRG - Merge for RBBSSUB4.BAS RSB50001.MRG - Merge for RBBSSUB5.BAS CNFG0001.MRG - Merge for CONFIG.BAS CSUB0001.MRG - Merge for CNFG-SUB.BAS CVAR0001.MRG - Merge for CNFG-VAR.BAS EME-0001.TXT - This Text file Note: BASE is RBBS 17.4A/0312 (should work with any version of 17.4+) ************************************************** ************************************************** **** **** **** WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! **** **** **** **** YOU MUST REBUILD THE RBBS?PC.DEF FILES **** **** AND ALL MESSAGE BASE FILES *M.DEF *U.DEF **** **** FROM SCRATCH FOR THIS MERGE TO WORK! **** **** **** ************************************************** ************************************************** CONVENTIONS: ie...EE09179201 EE = Eric Evans ... SysOp ... The Mind's Eye! RBBS 09 = Month 17 = Day 92 = Year 01 = Fix Number ------------------------[ EE09249202]------------------------- Problum - Missed spelled the word Goodbye in config-sub. Sulution - Spell it right. File(s) Changed - CNFG-SUB.BAS -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------[ EE09249201]------------------------- Problum - Hard Coded OptSec() that were missed causing several sections of the code to malfunction. My Appologies for missing these code changes. Sulution - Change the hard coded OptSec() lines to reflect the new ZFF numbers passed from the RBBS?PC.DEF file. File(s) Changed - RBBS-PC.BAS RBBSSUB1.BAS RBBSSUB3.BAS RBBSSUB4.BAS RBBSSUB5.BAS -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------[ EE09219202]------------------------- Problum - Join/View Conferences not working. Error in first version of merge. Sulution - Change ZFF peramiter to reflect new command number of 9 File(s) Changed - RBBS-PC.BAS -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------[ EE09219201]------------------------- Problum - Command Prompt Not setting correctly Error in first version of merge. Sulution - Change the Option Strings to point Directly at Command #. File(s) Changed - RBBSSUB5.BAS -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------[ EE09179202]------------------------- Problum - Utilities Definitions Not Correct in Cnfg-sub for DEFAULTS. Sulution - Change and add corrections. Password Change, Changed to Personal Info Change. And added Letter Definitions (I,2) File(s) Changed - CNFG-SUB.BAS -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------[ EE09179201]------------------------- Problum - Goodby for the Main Menu is not redifinable. Sulution - Add "G" to Config, REMOVE original FIX for "G" not in Prompt line, thus allowing FULL REMAPING of "G" from Config. File(s) Changed - CONFIG.BAS CNFG-SUB.BAS RBBS-PC.BAS RBBSSUB1.BAS RBBSSUB5.BAS -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------[ EE09149201]------------------------- - MODIFICATION - Add's a LOG OFF COMMENT. Bassed on the Forgotten Password merge. File(s) Changed - RBBS-PC.BAS -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------[ EE04289301]------------------------- Problum - Loosing track of which node that is being worked on in Config. Sulution - Add Node Name to the top of ALL Config Pages. File(s) Changed - CNFG-SUB.BAS -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------[ EE01019201]------------------------- Problum - View Arc Work file NOT being Deleted. Sulution - Add Killfile statment to delete it. File(s) Changed - RBBSSUB2.BAS RBBSSUB4.BAS -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------[ EE04049301]------------------------- Problum - Running out of memory when compiling RBBS-PC.BAS even with /S for writing out strings to .OBJ file. Sulution - Move lines 23000-24000 to there own sub-routines. File(s) Changed - RBBS-PC.BAS RBBSSUB1.BAS -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------[ EE04269301]------------------------- Added Ken's fix 03/13 for the message header to the 04/04 fix. --------------------------------------------------------------