-------------------------------------- How to Update from RBatch 2.40 to RBatch 2.42 -------------------------------------- 1. Replace RBatch.Exe with the ones supplied in this archive. -------------------------------------- How to Update from RBatch 2.35 to RBatch 2.40 -------------------------------------- 1. Replace RBatch.Exe with the ones supplied in this archive. 2. Make the additional entry to your configuration file(s). This entry will be the last entry in your configuration file unless you use the feature that will add a file to your uploads. (If you use this feature, then the new configuration entry is the 2nd to the last line). The entry is as follows: Syntax: LARGE FFS;RFM Example: YES;NO - Use Large FFS;Don't use RFM YES;YES - Use Large FFS;Use RFM NO;NO - Don't use Large FFS;Don't use RFM NO;YES - Don't use Large FFS;Use RFM -------------------------------------- How to Update from RBatch 2.30 to RBatch 2.35 -------------------------------------- 1. Replace RBatch.Exe with the ones suppliedin this archive. -------------------------------------- How to Update from RBatch 2.25 to RBatch 2.30 -------------------------------------- 1. Replace RBatch.Exe and Msgfile.00 with the ones supplied in this archive. 2. Please review the SAMPLE.CFG file that is included in the EXAMPLE.ZIP archive for the new configuration parameters in 2.30 (There are two new parameters for you to review and consider using). 3. Read the Whatsnew file for fixes, enhancements to RBatch. -------------------------------------- How to Update from RBatch 2.22 to RBatch 2.25 -------------------------------------- 1. Replace RBatch.Exe with the one supplied in this archive. Replace the MSGFILE.00 with the one supplied in 2.25 -> There are no configuration file changes since 2.22 2. If you wish to process .TIC Files using RBatch, you need to unzip the file TIC2DOZ.ZIP that is contained in the file EXTRA.ZIP -------------------------------------- How to Update from RBatch 2.20 to RBatch 2.22 -------------------------------------- 1. Replace RBatch.Exe with the one supplied in this archive. 2. There is a new feature for distribution lists help. This file which is listed as the last parameter on line #28 in the configuration file, will be displayed to the user when uploading a personal file to a distribution list. See the WHATSNEW file for the structure of the help file and also the SAMPLE.CFG file for the proper placement and syntax. 3. Make sure you read the WHATSNEW file for NEW FEATURES, fixes and changes to RBatch. -------------------------------------- How to Update from RBatch 2.00 to RBatch 2.20 -------------------------------------- 1. Replace RBatch.Exe with the one supplied in this archive. 2. All of RBatch's output messages are now contained in a file called MSGFILE.00 - This file MUST RESIDE IN THE SAME DIRECTORY as your RBatch configuration file. This file can be modified by yourself either to change what the prompts say or converting them to another language. See the instructions at the beginning of the MSGFILE.00 !!!!!!!! RBATCH WILL NOT RUN IF THIS FILE IS NOT PRESENT !!!!!!!!!! 3. Make sure you read the WHATSNEW file for NEW FEATURES, fixes and changes to RBatch. -------------------------------------- How to Update from RBatch 1.80 to RBatch 2.00 -------------------------------------- 1. Replace RBatch.Exe with the one supplied in this archive. 2. THE CONFIGURATION FILE HAS CHANGED!!!! Read the Sample.Cfg file for new parameters added. Read the RBatch.Doc file for a detailed description of the entire configuration. 3. CAP2DOZ program has been updated since 1.80. Use the new .EXE if you use this program, and read CAP2DOZ.DOC file for new features. If you do local file posting, you will find it a breeze to post files locally by using: FAKEXFER.EXE CAP2DOZ.EXE RBATCH.EXE - In local mode 4. If you turn on the Personal Upload feature of RBatch, make sure to TURN IT OFF in RBBS. You do not want to ask the user before and upload if it is a personal upload, and then have RBatch ask again. 5. Read the WHATSNEW file for any new features, fixes in version 2.00 -------------------------------------- How to Update from RBatch 1.76 to RBatch 1.80 -------------------------------------- 1. Replace RBatch.Exe with the one supplied in this archive. 2. If you wish the new prompt on the opening menu which pauses the program until the user hits [ENTER], or 20 seconds expires, which ever occurs first, add to the first line in your configuration file a ;YES. The first line then would look like this: C:\UPLAODS;YES If you do not wish this feature to be enabled, then you do not need to make any changes to your configuration file. 3. Read the WHATSNEW file for any new features, fixes in version 1.80 This file also will list the new files/archives included in 1.80. --------------------------------------- How to Update from RBatch Versions 1.50, 1.51, 1.65, to RBatch 1.76 --------------------------------------- 1. See the SAMPLE.170 file for all the changes that have been made to the configuration file up to and including 1.70. All Changes are noted with the version number that they occured in, with a description of each change following the config example. 2. See the SAMPLE.CFG file for changes that need to be made to your 1.70 configuration file to make it compatible with RBatch 1.76 3. Replace RBatch.Exe with the one supplied in this archive. 4.**Read the WHATSNEW file for all fixes/enhancements added to RBatch. 5. If you use FakeXfer for local file posting, replace the FakeXfer.Exe with the new FakeXfer.Exe in FAKEXFER.ZIP -------------------------------------- How to Update from RBatch 1.70 or a BETA Version to 1.76 -------------------------------------- 1. See the SAMPLE.CFG file for changes that need to be made to your 1.70 configuration file. 2. Replace RBatch.Exe with the one supplied in this archive. 3.**Review the WHATSNEW file for fixes and enhancements to RBatch since 1.70 4. If you use FakeXfer for local file posting, replace the FakeXfer.Exe with the new FakeXfer.Exe in FAKEXFER.ZIP -------------------------------------- How to Update from RBatch 1.75 or a BETA Version to 1.76 -------------------------------------- 1. Just replace the RBATCH.EXE file. 2. If you use FakeXfer for local file posting, replace the FakeXfer.Exe with the new FakeXfer.Exe in FAKEXFER.ZIP 3.**Read the WHATSNEW file for the fixes to RBatch 1.76 *** That is it! - You are ready to use the new Version *** ============================================================================ See the file WHATSNEW for information on fixes/enhancements ************************************************** REMEMBER THAT YOU DO NOT NEED TO USE THE SUPPLIED MERGES FOR RBATCH TO RUN ON YOUR BBS **************************************************