37 files found in Library "Renegade"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
10RDJOKE.ZIP No 12560 04-30-93
Joke of the Day for Renegade BBS Very
configurable! The Jokes and the Output
screens can be edited to suit your own taste.
ACTIONS.ZIP Yes 5183 09-28-93
A load of actions for the Renegade
CBVR097U.ZIP Yes 74765 03-09-93
Non-Crippled. Can modify a users SL, DSL, ETC
DANEWS13.ZIP Yes 101087 09-09-93
Da News 1.3 News maker for Renegade. Many new
features have been added, including QWK
referencing. Color Configurable, bugs fixed
DELU13.ZIP Yes 11742 09-15-93
���� User Deleter v1.3 ۲�� by Digital Reali
This handy little Renegade 7-17 utility will
all your users who haven't called within the
of days specified, and/or pack your user data
(eliminating deleted accounts). Fully config
EVCHAT20.ZIP Yes 26656 09-29-93
Evil Chat - Multinode Multiwindow Chat for
Renegade BBS & Desqview
FDHELP5.ZIP Yes 48237 11-02-93
FDHELP revision #5. text explaining how to
setup FrontDoor & GEcho with the Renegade BBS
system. Nov '93 Ed. Corrected for FD v2.11.
FDUDE40.ZIP Yes 165199 07-19-93
FILEDUDE v4.0 for Renegade BBS Software
The complete file manager/processor for RG.
FMAN12.ZIP Yes 10131 08-12-93
File Manager v1.2 by Digital Reality This
useful Renegade 7-17 utility will scan your
file bases and fix incorrect entries. More!
MCIFIX.ZIP Yes 9953 10-25-93 Fixes New MCI Codes in Renegade
MCIFIX2.ZIP Yes 11016 01-23-94
MCIFix v2.0 - Upgrade utility for RG 12-25 Ex
Use this utility to convert from the older AT
(@) MCI codes in 7-17 Beta to the newer perce
t (%) MCI codes in 12-25 Exp and 01-02 Exp.
Now processes your *.MNU files automatically!
MCMD1225.ZIP Yes 4906 01-23-94
|08�|15|17 Updated MENUCMD.ASC For RG 12-25 E
p |08�|15|17 Fixes Allignment Probs, Updated
With |08�|15|17 Unlisted Command Keys And Re
oval Of |08�|15|17 Extinct Command Keys. By
Bryan Rapp |08������������������������������
MSRG10.ZIP Yes 35522 06-28-93
Automatically Adds MOD specs to file
descriptions in Renegade BBS
MTYPE.ZIP Yes 9853 01-28-93
MTYPE will display any ANSI or Renegade
screen from DOS. It expands Renegades
MCI codes, so you see your screens as
they will appear to users.
RAFL10B.ZIP Yes 23689 07-30-93 Renegade AllFiles Lister v1.0�
RANKS20.ZIP Yes 30217 03-12-94
The ultimate program for Sysops running
Renegade or Telegard. Nobody uploading on
your system? It will "rank" your users and
how much they upload, more access they get.
*Totally* Configurable! Create your own ranks
and do anything else! You must get this
program if you run a BBS... Ver 2.0
RENEGADE.ZIP Yes 346427 01-23-94 Renegade 01-02 Beta release
RG0102.ZIP Yes 320210 01-23-94 Renegade 01-02 upgrade for existing RG boards
RGD07_17.ZIP Yes 64321 08-12-93
Renegade Documentation for the 07-17�eta
release. From the GS Connection BBS -
207/799-9080. Renegade Support Board.
RGE19.ZIP Yes 44910 09-30-93
KludgeWare! Renegade Editor - very well done
Shareware editor for RG BBS package.
RGHELP13.ZIP Yes 17025 01-22-94
RGhelp v1.30 - Renegade interactive user help
file system. Plug and play eliminates the
need for most sysop chats and requests for
help. Full RIP/ANSI support! Must get!
RGM1225.ZIP Yes 20730 12-25-93
Renegade Maintenance Utility. Packs, sorts
files, more.
RGMLTNDE.ZIP Yes 66774 03-21-94 Docs for setting Renegade up in Multi-Node.
RGQR6_25.ZIP Yes 6811 06-28-93
Renegade Quick Reference for 6-25-93 - Lists
MCI codes, Pipe bar color codes, SysOp
Commands, ACS flags, and file extentions�
From The Ice Castle BBS (509)736-0976!
RGRPT100.ZIP Yes 25271 10-14-93
RGReport v1.00 Beta Brand new, unique
Renegade utility. Chris Portman.
RGU250.ZIP Yes 32496 08-31-93
RGUtil v2.5 - A Multi-Purpose Utility
for Renegade BBS. Includes RIP support.
RGUL20.ZIP Yes 17882 03-25-93 Renegade BBS Users Lister version 2.0
RGU_0717.ZIP Yes 310040 09-20-93 Renegade bbs 7-17-93 Update files
RG_RIP.ZIP Yes 3812 07-11-93
Sample RIP main menu for Renegade systems.
Remote Imaging Protocol is fast, very small
and extremely hi-resolution. Includes some
basic instructions for modifying the file
to suit your system.
RIPMENUS.ZIP Yes 10180 03-12-94
The set of default RIP menus for
Renegade BBS Systems. By Tom Klepl.
RMAILDOS.ZIP Yes 17027 01-23-94 ReneMail 12-25 for Renegade EchoMail boards
STRUCTS.ZIP Yes 11542 12-25-93 Renegade structures in Pascal
UOD_RG21.ZIP Yes 18372 09-05-93
User of the Day vRG-2.1 Randomly Selects a
User and awards him/her with a configurable
ammount of FilePoints and/or Xtra time
on-line! Very configurable/easy to setup.
Runs as a nightly event. Now supports RIP.
WHATDONE.ZIP Yes 44821 01-23-94 What Cott has done to Renegade over the years
_1DONATE.ZIP Yes 27977 12-15-93
Donation! Automated donation grabber
for Renegade. Writes reminder messages
to users who promise to donate!
_RGQ11.ZIP Yes 159840 03-04-93 Renegade BBS Utilities