{ EZ-ROM 1.30 Jan 31, 1994 } { Turbo Pascal Record Structures } { As used by EZROM.EXE, EZREQ.EXE, EZUSER.EXE } { Copyright 1994 Mike Robinson } CONST Request = 2; { These used for RequestRecord.Status } Send = 1; Done = 0; TYPE { EZROM.REC is a File of RequestRecord } RequestRecord = Record Status : Byte; Date : String[8]; UserName : String[30]; DiskName : String[30]; CDPath : String[79]; RequestDir : String[79]; Description : String[60]; Extra : String[30]; End; { EZROM.DAT is a File of EzUser } EzUser = Record UserName : String[30]; EnterDate : String[8]; ReqFilesToday : LongInt; ReqBytesToday : LongInt; ReqFilesTotal : LongInt; ReqKBytesTotal : LongInt; DoorFilesToday : LongInt; DoorBytesToday : LongInt; DoorFilesTotal : LongInt; DoorKBytesTotal : LongInt; FlagForDelete : Boolean; Extra : String[30]; End; { Extra records are reserved for future expansion }