GODFATHER OF CRIME ------------------ by Robert A. Dalton VERSION 1.00 Copyright (c) 1994. SITUATION --------- Dust off those old Tommy guns and let's head to the past! The time is the 1930s, the place is the metropolitan New York City area. The situation: 10 Families have come to dominate the violent crime scene in the New York area. These families cooperate reluctantly in order to maintain a fragile peace. The head of each family, known as a Boss, is a voting member of the New York Mafia Commission. This "Commission" arbitrates conflicts between the families so as to maintain the peace and increase illegal profits. The chairman of the Commission is the Boss of Bosses, sometimes known as the GodFather, and is elected by a majority vote of all members of the Commission. All families are required to obey the rulings of the GodFather. One of the Bosses has recently opened the books to allow a new Lieutenant into the family. You are that ambitious young Turk. The current situation is volatile and can be exploited to your benefit, IF handled correctly. You have decided that the old "Mustache Petes" need to go and that you are the man to make that happen. Your goal is nothing less then to control ALL the crime family territories and become the new GODFATHER of New York! GOAL: TO BECOME THE GODFATHER AND RULE ALL 10 TERRITORIES OF NEW YORK! BREAK DOWN OF RANKS RELATIVE TO LEADERSHIP: GODFATHER: Boss of Bosses and Head of the New York Mafia Commission. BOSS: Rules 1 Crime family and a single territory in the metropolitan New York City area. Has a vote on the Commission. UNDERBOSS: Assistant Boss of a family and helps run a single territory in the metropolitan New York City area. LIEUTENANT: First of the leadership positions in a crime family. You have a home, a few soldiers and followers and a small slice of the action. GAME PLAY --------- If the sysop has registered the game, then play is limited only by the amount of time the sysop has issued that particular player on the BBS. If NOT registered, Game play will be limited to 10 minutes. UNREGISTERED GAMES will be limited to a maximum of 10 players allowed. Encourage your Sysop to register the game, or better yet do it for the sysop, so that you and everyone else may enjoy the additional options. From almost any menu, EVEN THOUGH THE OPTION IS NOT DISPLAYED, you can select '*' as your selection and kick the game into expert mode and return to novice mode in the same way. Moving Around The Map --------------------- Movement on the map is done by using the Number Pad on your keyboard. Make sure your NumLock key is activated. Except for the "5" key each number on the number pad corresponds to the direction you wish to move to. Hitting the "8" key for instance moves you one space North of your present position. When moving be sure to use the Recon Option on occasion to avoid possible problems such as the cops, thugs, etc.. On the NumberPad the "5" key activates the recon option when you are moving on the map. After you hit the "5" key you will then be asked to hit a number key to point out the direction of the area you wish to check out. You can only perform a recon on an area one position away from where you currently are. After entering the direction key the computer will tell you what is in that area. There IS a small chance that something was overlooked and the area may NOT be as empty as you were told. After telling you what it found you will be returned back to normal movement. Traveling around with MORE then 5 soldiers will cost you additional expense money for each area you move into. All those extra cars you know! If you encounter one of the other players traveling with his soldiers on the map and you decide to fight him, and in the process manage to kill him, you will get any cash that player has remaining. If YOU get killed in the fight the reverse is true as well! For a list of OTHER available commands when moving just type and hit enter. Starting Out ------------ Everyone starts out as a Lieutenant who has some soldiers, a few followers and a small slice of the family businesses and resources. THE FIRST THING you must do is decide were you want to build your Home. You will be starting in a random home of one of the 10 crime families. Until you build your home you will be unable to enter ANY other family BOSSES home except for the one you started in. To build your Home, travel through the crime territories of the greater New York City area until you find a location which pleases you and select command . This will build it. Once you build your home you will only be able to enter the BOSSES home of the territory where YOUR home is located from that point on or until you are at least the rank of BOSS of YOUR territory. To enter a home on the map just hit the key command when you are standing on top of a Home on the map. For help type and hit enter. STARTING A FAMILY ----------------- Marriage is the KEY to successfully playing and winning this Game!!! It is VERY important that you find a wife as soon as possible and get married. When you are married, the computer will check daily to see if your marriage has produced any children. (No 9 month waiting period here!) You can only have a MAXIMUM of 2 children at any one time in the game. If so, it can be either a son or daughter, or some combination. Right after you have a daughter born, you can attempt to marry her off (They married YOUNG or else!). To do this you must first set a dowry which another player will have to pay in order to marry your lovely daughter. If the other player accepts this Dowry your daughter will be married to him and you will find you are now minus one child and can have another. If one of your children is a boy he will become your Heir in case of your untimely death. Yes, this means you can ALMOST be immortal! Be careful, other player's can kidnap or kill your children or wife. In the event you die while your heir is kidnapped you LOSE everything. Also random events such as accidents or illness can also take your wife or children. If an heir does take over, your new alias will be the same as the name of the child that you chose for it. Also his attributes will all be reset. Except for Under Boss, titles are NOT passed on to your heirs. If you were a Boss or GodFather and die the old computer GodFather and Bosses will retake over their titles and family and your heir will be reduced to a Under Boss who owns only the family Home and businesses. By the way your wife and other remaining children will disappear too to make way for the heirs family members. Once daily the GodFather will announce the availability of a woman relative for marriage at his Home. If someone beats you to her for that day then visit the other player Homes and see if someone wants to marry off his daughter for a dowry you can afford. Watch Out For ------------- THUGS! They roam randomly throughout the New York City area. The GodFather rewards those people who eliminate these thugs. The reward is a standard $100 for the death of each thug. Be warned they CAN be tough in the early stages and CAN wipe you out quickly. The thugs represent renegade soldiers, street toughs and young gang members out to make a quick buck. They wait in ambush for important looking individuals and attempt to waylay them. When moving on the map use the "5" key to recon ahead of you to avoid being ambushed by them. ATTRIBUTES ---------- Almost every aspect of the game will effected by your 5 Attributes which range from 1 to 10 or 1 to 100 with 1 being lowest in all cases: ATTRIBUTE RANGE WHAT IT DOES 1. Guts 1-10 Bravery & willingness to take chances 2. Leadership 1-10 Ability to motivate others 3. Respect 1-10 How others feel toward you and fear you 4. Influence 1-100 Your ability to influence adverse situations by use of bribes and political contacts 5. DA Interest 1-100 How interested in you the Law Enforcement In You Authorities are (DA=District Attorney) Respect is considered the most important of ALL the attributes. In the Mafia a man's rank is determined by the amount of respect and fear he can generate. If respect for you is low, you will notice that it will effect EVERYTHING else associated with you in a negative manner. All attributes start out initially at 1 except for Respect which is 3 (barely adequate). Losing a fight and many other actions, can adversely effect your respect. Think of it this way. If it would cause you to be looked on less than favorably in the real world then it will most certainly do so here to! These attributes can be moved up in a number of ways. The ways to do this will be discussed later on. MOVING UP --------- You start out as a Lieutenant in a crime family and then move forward through the ranks in the following order: 1. Lieutenant 2. Under Boss 3. Boss 4. GodFather To reach the level of Under Boss a player needs 50 or more soldiers, an influence level of 40 or more, and have both the respect and guts attribute at the 4 or more level. During daily Maintenance, the computer will check stats for qualifying players who will be notified the next day when they loggon. . After you reach Under Boss you can attempt to replace one of the existing Family Bosses by traveling to their Home and, after entering, hit the "A" key to attempt to replace them. The Commission will convene and take a vote. If you are sufficiently strong enough and can win 6 or more votes you will become the new Family Boss and the old one will be "retired". After controlling 4 or more crime territories you can attempt to replace the the current GODFATHER! You may only convene the Commission ONCE per day. WARNING - When you lose a vote you also suffer a loss of some respect AND influence, so do NOT try this before you are really strong enough! THE LAW ------- Patrolling the city on a random basis will be a squad of Police, or the Vice Squad or a group of The FEDS. They are attempting to ambush and arrest organized crime family members. When you run into them they may or may not be interested in you or your family. The level of interest is determined by how high your "DA Interest In You" attribute is. The higher it is the more certain they will be to try to get YOU. When stopped you can try one of three actions: FIGHT - You can attempt to shoot your way out. Lose and you die. ESCAPE - You can attempt to run from them. SURRENDER - You can surrender to them and trust that your influence and your counselor, if you have one, will get the charges dropped. If this fails you are sent to prison and your heir takes over, if you have one. Otherwise that's it for you! Options in HOME Menu -------------------- orruption Menu = See Below for explanation o To The = See Below for explanation Mattresses information on = Gives you important information on your family Your Family and a summary of your Family Fortunes iew Instruction = Look at these instructions cout Out New York = Perform a recon of selected coordinates of the New York City area Given any coordinates, it will tell you what is there. dit Trade Market = IMPORTANT! There are 3 values to be set for both Influence and Soldiers on this menu. 1. Amount to Sell - how many soldiers or how much influence you wish to sell. Used for surplus or if in need of money. 2. Price to Sell At - price your willing to sell the above amount at. 3. Price to Buy At - If you want to buy something, set a price and players can come along and sell as much as they want. REMEMBER, a player could theoretically sell you INFINITE numbers of either value so watch it closely. ravel = Leave Home and travel. ick The Jerk = If someone is in your Home that you don't want Out there this option will throw them out. arry Off Daughter = This will allow you, if you have a daughter, to set a dowry and allow your daughter to marry other players. ho Is Visiting = See what players are visiting you at home ree Hostage = Let a hostage go that you are holding ub Out Hostage = Rub out that hostage you are holding ock The Doors = This will allow you to lock the door and keep other players out of your Home. Can be a good idea sometimes, but not ALWAYS recommended. This is NOT selective. Either everyone can enter or everyone cannot enter. You of course can ALWAYS enter your Home. djust Tax Rate = See below

ost a Message = Send messages to other players with your soldiers TAX RATE -------- The "Tax" on your followers is an income percentage levy you demand from your followers to protect and take care of them. Although early on the tax rate doesn't mean much, it does when you start building up people. Your TAX rate CAN effect how much you are able to do each day. It's a FAST way to make money, but if you keep it up too long, your followers and soldiers will start to notice and you could possibly start a rebellion that you yourself could be killed in. You will learn quickly what they will tolerate in taxes! GO TO THE MATTRESSES MENU ------------------------- Something to remember--when a Family is under attack, and the owner is home, the defense value is GREATLY increased. This is not to say, sit at home and defend your Family, but it doesn't hurt to be at home if your not going to be playing a couple days. The more soldiers, Lieutenants, etc.. you have the better your chances are. I highly recommend you do NOT use this option if you are JUST starting out and have little power, soldiers, etc.. ou or Him Right = Excellent way to build up Leadership, but do NOT try this if you are just starting out and are not very strong. If you survive you get his remaining cash. If he survives and wins he gets yours. There are FIVE outcomes possible: (A) You kill the other guy. (B) You are killed by the other guy. (C) the other guy is killed by your Soldiers but you are ALSO killed in the fighting in the Home. This will happen most if you are not very strong. (D) He is not home but you trash his place and kill anyone you can find there. (E) You lose but you did not lead the attack on his home. All your soldiers and Lieutenants are killed in the attack and respect for your family declines. aid His Holdings = The more men you send the higher your chance for success and amount of money retrieved. ttack Followers = Wipe out a players followers. nock Him Down = You attempt to destroy some of his businesses. a Notch ake Out a Family = You try to kill his Wife or Children at Home. Member liminate Soldiers= Pit your soldiers against his. Wear him down! it Him With = Attempt to assassinate a player Your Soldiers CORRUPTION MENU --------------- To survive in this game you will need to bribe officials and gain contacts. Successfully doing so will raise you influence level. If you are unsuccessful the law will take more interest in you. The higher the individual is the more influence you will gain IF you successfully bribe him but keep in mind the risk is higher as well. Options while VISITING player Homes ----------------------------------- Goto Trade Menu - Allows you to Buy and Sell Influence & Soldiers at prices and amounts set by the owner of the Home. Marry Owner's Daughter - If owner has a daughter he may or may not make her available for Marriage. If so you will be shown the dowry he is asking and if it meets with your approval she's all yours....however, she will have to bear the name, the owner assigned her at birth. Ransom Hostage - Use this option to ransom a hostage the player took from you. The ransom will be 25% of your money! Attempt Treachery - SEE BELOW TREACHERY --------- Word of warning on using treachery - There IS a small chance you can be caught in the act with sometimes unpleasant consequences! ubvert Soldiers = Start a rebellion in player's Home. escue Hostage = Rescue a family member from an enemy player. cquire Information = Learn VITAL information about a player. reak Into His Safe = Steal money from player's safe. ake a Hostage = Take another player's family member hostage.

lant Evidence = Attempt to plant incriminating evidence on a player. Options in BOSS Homes ---------------------- Donate Money - Donating money to charity is the easiest way to gain to Charity in respect. Every $5000 donated will increase your respect by 1. Can be a cheaper way to improve your public image. Erect Public - Erecting a public building in the city is a great way to Building increase your respect but can be expensive. To do this will cost $10,000, but will raise your respect by 2. NOW you understand what philanthropy is and why some of them do it! Hire Soldiers - Allows you to add more soldiers to your family for a Fixed price. CRIME Menu - Assuming you can get permission from the Boss, you can perform an assortment of crimes. These give rich rewards if you succeed but the price for failure is also great in some cases. Your options are: <1> Rob A Bank = Lot of loot if you win, possible death if you botch it up. <2> Rob a Jewelry Store= Not quite the risks of a bank and of course not quite the loot either. <3> Take Over a Business= "Convince" a legitimate business owner he would better off in your family. <4> Fix a Horse Race = Just what it says. <5> Protect a Business = "Convince" a store owner you can provide better vandalism protection for him. <6> Extort Money = Good old down-to-earth blackmail. <7> Loan Shark = Loan money at outrageous rates to desperate people. <8> Murder for Hire = Try your hand at being a paid assassin. <9> Conduct Fraud/Scam = Can you convince the insurance company it really was an accidental fire despite the gas cans found nearby? BUSINESS - Assuming you can get permission from the Boss for you to open a business in his territory, you can buy a number of cash producing businesses. Your options are: <1> Open a Betting = A cheap almost No-fail method of making illegal Parlor cash. Watch out for the Vice Squad! <2> Open a Bordello = An always popular choice! <3> Open Bootlegging = Provide "cheap" alcohol at a price they can Operation almost afford! <4> Control Labor Union = Not as much money but somewhat more respectable. Helps raise your influence. <5> Open a Legitimate = More costly in the short term but less risky and Business a steady source of cash in the long term. Attempt To - See MOVING UP above. Replace the Boss Options in the GODFATHER HOME ----------------------------- Recruit Lieutenants- Once a day you can choose this option and it will randomly recruit Lieutenants to your Home which aid in defensive and offensive actions with other players. The more soldiers you control, the more Lieutenants you will attract. Lieutenants act as VERY powerful Soldiers for most purposes and have some other roles in the game as well. One Lieutenant is worth roughly 10 soldiers for combat and defense purposes! Look for Wife - During nightly maintenance a suitable woman will become available for marriage. Usually a relative of the GodFather. Selecting this option will reveal if she is still available. Of course, you'll have to pay the dowry which is arbitrarily set by the computer. Petition For - While the cost is high ($1500) purchasing a suitable Counselor counselor from the GodFather will greatly assist you in defeating the law and probably save you from prison at least once in your career! Because they are hard to come by the GodFather only allows each player to have one Counselor in his family. Attempt To - See MOVING UP above. Replace the GodFather ENFORCER MENU ------------- Assuming you can get the GodFather to agree with you, it is possible to hire a mob enforcer to do a number of dirty jobs for you. If the player you try to use them against is the current GodFather, then they will refuse to do the job and you will lose your money just to keep them quite about what you tried to do! Cost for an enforcer depends on what you want him to do. Costs are listed in the Enforcer menu and are NON-negotiable with the GodFather. Each enforcer hired will do ONE job only. <1> Rub Out Player = Attempt to kill a player. <2> Take Hostage = Attempt to take a member of a players family hostage. <3> Damage a Business = Attempt to burn up some businesses. <4> Rescue Hostage = Attempt to rescue a member of your family who is being held hostage by another player. <5> Spy on Player = Attempt to find out information on another player. <6> Rub Out Family = Attempt to kill a member of another players Member family. <7> Rub Out Followers = Attempt to kill the followers of another player. <8> Rub Out Lieutenant = Attempt to kill a Lieutenant of another player. <9> Rub Out Counselor = Attempt to kill Counselor of another player. RANDOM EVENTS ------------- During the course of the game several random events will come into play. These can be good, bad or both. As mentioned earlier illness is one of the random events and can affect members of your family, soldiers, Lieutenant, and, of course, those long suffering followers who are part of your family. Random events can also effect your money, businesses and the rest of your crime empire in several different and colorful ways.