Chapter Ten: NPCs The NPCs are your voice in the game. They give you the opportunity to role-play along with your players. Acting out the part on an important NPC is close to the most fun you can have sitting down. You portray both the obvious NPCs, all the major villains, and the NPCs of lesser consequence. When minor NPCs who have no bearing on the outcome of the adventure are needed, you can invent them (giving them personalities and names) and store them in your head. Once they have played out their encounter with the characters, they can be forgotten. You should go through the trouble of creating the characteristic values, skills, and Skill Bonuses of an NPC only when there is some chance the characters will interact with the person in some game related way (combat and the like); whenever you will have to roll dice for an NPC, you can assume he is important. This chapter offers a quick method for creating important NPCs for your adventures. All it involves is picking an NPC and creating a persona for him. Bounty Hunter: Str: 12 Damage Points: 34 Agi: 10 Height: 72" Con: 12 Weight: 180 lbs. Int: 8 Age: 28 years Cha: 7 Skills: Roll Modifier: Hand Guns (10) 20 Rifles and Shotguns (10) 20 Demolitions (4) 12 Quick Draw (4) 14 Law (4) 12 Horse Riding (8) 18 Tracking (8) 16 First Aid (6) 14 Survival (8) 18 Hand-to-Hand Combat (10) 22 Perception (10) 19 Seduction (5) 12 Reading and Writing (1) 9 Farmer/Rancher Str: 8 Damage Points: 25 Agi: 9 Height: 70" Con: 8 Weight: 210 lbs. Int: 4 Age: 35 years Cha: 5 Skills: Roll Modifier: Hand Guns (1) 10 Rifles and Shotguns (1) 10 Hand-to-Hand Combat (1) 9 Agriculture (4) 10 Cow Hand (4) 10 Horse Riding (3) 12 Horsemanship (3) 9 Teamster (3) 9 Gambler: Str: 8 Damage Points: 27 Agi: 7 Height: 72" Con: 12 Weight: 180 lbs. Int: 12 Age: 27 years Cha: 10 Skills: Roll Modifier: Hand Guns (4) 11 Hand-to-Hand Combat (6) 14 Con (8) 19 Gambling (8) 20 Horse Riding (4) 11 Perception (6) 18 Merchant: Str: 6 Damage Points: 18 Agi: 6 Height: 70" Con: 6 Weight: 160 lbs. Int: 8 Age: 24 years Cha: 8 Skills: Roll Modifier: Hand Guns (1) 7 Rifles and Shotguns (1) 7 Hand-to-Hand Combat (1) 7 Law (2) 10 Teamster (2) 9 Horse Riding (2) 8 Reading and Writing (4) 12 Outlaw: Str: 8 Damage Points: 25 Agi: 10 Height: 72" Con: 7 Weight: 190 lbs. Int: 9 Age: 25 years Cha: 9 Skills: Roll Modifier: Hand Guns (5) 15 Rifles and Shotguns (5) 15 Hand-to-Hand Combat (3) 11 Horse Riding (4) 14 Demolitions (2) 11 Gambling (2) 11 Con (1) 9 Perception (3) 11 Stealth (2) 10 Quick Draw (4) 14 Lockpicking/Safecracking (2)10 Posse: Str: 7 Damage Points: 20 Agi: 8 Height: 68" Con: 5 Weight: 160 lbs. Int: 5 Age: 20 years Cha: 5 Skills: Roll Modifier: Hand Guns (2) 10 Rifles and Shotguns (2) 10 Hand-to-Hand Combat (1) 8 Horse Riding (3) 11 Cow Hand (2) 8 Agriculture (4) 9 Sheriff: Str: 8 Damage Points: 26 Agi: 10 Height: 72" Con: 8 Weight: 200 lbs. Int: 8 Age: 32 years Cha: 10 Skills: Roll Modifier: Law (8) 16 Hand-to-Hand Combat (3) 11 Hand Guns (6) 16 Rifles and Shotguns (6) 16 Tracking (4) 12 Perception (4) 12 Horse Riding (3) 13 Quick Draw (1) 11 Leadership (5) 14 Reading and Writing (4) 12 Indian Customs (2) 10 Soldier: Str: 8 Damage Points: 25 Agi: 9 Height: 70" Con: 8 Weight: 150 lbs. Int: 6 Age: 20 years Cha: 7 Skills: Roll Modifier: Hand Guns (2) 11 Rifles and Shotguns (5) 14 Hand-to-Hand Combat (2) 10 Horse Riding (2) 11 Leadership (4) 10 Law (2) 8 Tracking (2) 9 Demolitions (1) 7 Teamster (2) 9 Indian Customs (1) 7