Echo Fun By John Kleinbauer The Free For All BBS North Arlington, New Jersey 07031 Voice (201)991-6659 BBS (201)998-7337 Main HUB for MegNET Echo Mail have a BBS and now you want to start an Echo Mail Net. Well let me say right off the bat after one year of hard work I now have 15 systems. You might be laughing at this but I have doubled my amount of systems in the last two months. Lets face it everybody wants the Big Cookie,Big Car, Pretty Girl but few will want to join your net. Getting people to join a new NET is like selling snow to an Eskimo. I have had two systems disappear in the middle of the night and several people who said they were joining that never did. I even had two NUTS call about linking their schools up but I would do all the work under their direction. One of them even told me I would need an other phone number.(Yea Right!) You must also have lots of free time and you can forget about having your weekends free again. My friend Vince said best "Most new nets end up like road kills". I can tell you that once you hit the one year mark Sysops start calling you to join and no longer will you have to beg. I hope you are luckier than me and get rolling sooner. Now I will tell you what I have learned the hard way so you can build on what I have done. The first thing you need is an other system to pass messages back and forth to in order to understand how it works. If you already belong to a NET keep reading. Start off with at least 30 conferences of the most popular subjects you can think of. My first mistake was only to start off with six conferences. I though carrying only a few conferences was a good idea, it was but 30 is a better amount (Variety is the spice of life). Now here is the first trick...Look for any other BBSs in your area that are just starting out and offer to let them join. Also look for systems that don't have echo mail yet. The big NETS want a BBS to be up awhile so you can scoop up the newcomers. Trick number two, offer to teach people how to echo and feel free to use my ECHOEN11.ZIP (found Salt Air) as a guide. Now trick number three the most important! make all the systems who to join take all the conferences. If you let some systems take only a few conferences this will cause some conferences to die. Then there are the systems who ECHOs off the HUB who isn't carrying all conferences. Some good conferences will not be availible all the way up the line. Here is a example...I made a conference called BOOKS, it gets several messages a week while HEADLINES sits idle. So you see if someone doesn't take BOOKS because he thinks it won't do well it causes the conference to have less of a chance. I tell my MegNETers to take all my conferences and when we hit 25 systems we will rename the dead ones. If you have a certain theme in mind introduce it into a few conferences and if it flies add on by killing dead conferences. Don't expect your members to keep adding conferences every few weeks. Ok that is about it, the rest you will learn as you go. I found making up an info pack was a great idea. Put a list of systems that are in your net in it along with your history and a few other things. Don't put and large list of rules, this turns people right off. Make sure you offer the highest level on your BBS to Sysop who join your NET. Everytime I get a new System I thank them for joining on the NET and I add them to the info pack. Keep one list that has the Name of the BBS, The Phone Number,Name of Sysop etc. I also send out ADs for MegNET with the phone numbers of all the members. I would also like to take a moment to thank John Carroll of Best Buy BBS for getting me to show him how to echo causing me to start a net. Vince Rifici of No Nonsense BBS who has given me lots of support as well as bringing in new members I would like to also thank Richard Flathmann of The Silicon Sysop BBS who was the first out of state BBS to join. Good Luck John Kleinbauer