THE VIRTUAL BOOK LIBRARY Following are descriptions of some of the 'Virtual Books' available direct from. LIGHTHOUSE PRODUCTIONS MOST OF THESE TITLES ARE TOTALLY UNIQUE AND CANNOT BE FOUND ANYWHERE BUT HERE! And all of them will help save the environment because you NEVER USE PAPER when you read information on your computer screens and you actually save energy! HELP SAVE THE PLANET - TELL A FRIEND! - COPY FREELY AND PASS IT AROUND - <<< IF YOU WANT TO PAY BY CHECK, >>> JUST RUN THE ORDER PROGRAM FORM ON THE MENU AND SEND IT IN TO US WITH A CHECK. (ADDRESS BELOW.) <<< IF YOU WANT TO PAY BY CREDIT CARD, >>> CALL 800-444-5457 AND GIVE THE OPERATOR THE ID# OF THE ITEM Y0U WANT TO ORDER. <<< YOU CAN ORDER ANY OF THESE BOOKS, BY GOING TO THE 'BECOME A SUBSCRIBER' CHOICE ON THE MAIN MENU. [ NEXT CHAPTER ] ____________________________________________________________ <<< MAKEMONEY MAGAZINE. SUBSCRIPTION IS $25/YR. ID # V955 (FOR CREDIT CARD ORDERING USE ID# V955) ($12.50 FOR THE FIRST ISSUE.) ID # V981 If you find this first edition of MakeMoney Magazine of value, then subscribe to the rest of the yearly issues Published at least every 3 months, sometimes more often, you will get hundreds of valuable ideas and tons of information that will return many times the cost of this subscription. We compile the best information from all other printed magazines and give it to you here, making this a giant savings to get it all here. In future issues, we will describe more investment opportunities for various ages and kinds of goals. We will have dozens of valuable coupons worth hundreds of dollars in savings. We will tell you where to enter contests for cars, boats, homes, cash, trips, etc. where your odds of winning are far higher than any contest you've entered before. We will give you hundreds of fresh ideas on how to save money around the home, at work, at play, or traveling to and from. We will have freebies that many corporations give away every day because of outdated or obsolete models. We will tell you where the economy is booming and where it's busting. We'll help you organize your personal finances in ways that could save you thousands of dollars in taxes. In our very next issue, we are going to analyze the new tax laws and tell you how to defend yourself against the new higher rates. All this and much more can be yours if you subscribe to this magazine. AND by doing so, you'll save the environment by helping support the new Electronic Publishing Industry. We use one sheet of paper, the order form, while your local newspaper has to chop down an average of 5,000 acres of trees JUST FOR THEIR SUNDAY EDITION. Trees, create oxygen essential to all life on the planet, and so someday this wasteful and dangerous practice will stop, but only with your help. By cancelling all your subscriptions to paper magazines newsletters and newspapers, you will more than pay for the new electronic versions. You can now get everything you get from your paper magazines from electronic editions, if you look around. We'll help by providing everything you need. <<<<< CONTEST NEWSLETTER - THE ELECTRONIC DATABASE >>>>>>> ID # 985 $15/YR This publication is not found anywhere else but here. It is a careful compendium of all the major National Contests with complete rules for entering and prize desription. Each month, hundreds of companies decide to promote their product by offering a contest with a prize like a TRIP TO HAWAII FOR TWO, or A NEW CAR, or $25,000 CASH. And everything in between. Our current month's issue has over 30 of these contests and a complete Database Manager so that you can quickly bang out a post card or a hundred to become eligible to win. THAT'S OVER 300 CONTESTS YOU CAN ENTER EACH YEAR! Many subscribers have already won Millions of dollars in prizes and cash such as the ones we've mentioned above. If you have your own favorite Database Manager, you can quickly import this ASCII file to your program and print the entries that way. Either way, if you make it a habit to enter at least 5 or 10 contests every month, you greatly increase your odds of winning one of them. I think it's worth mentioning that newsletter subscribers are usually the winners in every major contest you hear about, because they follow the rules, and more IMPORTANT, the use this program to ENTER EVERYTHING. THE MORE CONTESTS YOU ENTER, THE MORE YOU WILL WIN. We know of one subscriber who won a trip for two to Hawaii, a new Honda Motorcycle, a year's supply of cereal, $25,000 CASH, a brand new BMW automobile, a a new wardrobe of suits and shirts and slacks, AND A VACATION CONDO IN VAIL COLORADO! All worth over $100,000 and all in ONE YEAR! What was his secret? He entered every contest in this newsletter and one other. He says that he spends about 1 hour per day on average printing up entry forms and mailing them, and about $30 per month on postage, but it all seems to have been a very good investment for him and we see this all the time. So, if you want to make a nice second income without leaving the comforts of your home, this publication may be for you. Ideal for someone with kids who get their homework done early. Make it a fun game and reward the kids when you win and you've found a new family activity that pays. All contests are guaranteed to have a winner. And best of all there is a federal law that makes all contests open to everyone, and I'm sure you've seen these words many times before, "No purchase necessary to enter." <<< COMMODITY FUTURES CHARTING SERVICE $35./MO ID #555 (CANNOT BE PURCHASED BY CREDIT CARD. CHECK ONLY PLEASE) << BILLED QUARTERLY - $105 REQUIRED TO START. GUARANTTEED - IF YOU DON'T MAKE MUCH MORE THAN THE FEE, FIRST 3 MONTHS SUBSCRIPTION IS REFUNDED IN TOTAL! >> THE COMPANION SERVICE TO THIS MAGAZINE. WILL HELP YOU REACH YOUR GOAL OF TOTAL FINANCIAL FREEDOM. If you've been reading Money-Making Magazine, you know that what you need is a way for your money to work as hard or harder than you do. One of the best ways to do so is to put some of your money into Futures Trading, BUT NOT WITHOUT A COUNSELING AND GUIDING SERVICE LIKE THIS ONE. The easiest and quickest way to play a market is to look at its chart and get in on an obvious trend as we showed you in Summer '93 Soybeans. There have been about dozen opportunities just as good in 1993. How many of these did you take advantage of? If the answer is "None", you need this service which is FAX'ED TO YOU every night after the markets have closed, so you get information you can use the NEXT DAY. We point out with clear arrows the way we feel the market is going and when you should get in or out of any particular position. This is the only service of its kind in America, where these trading suggestions are given along with the charts of all the most popular markets at the time. You need a FAX MACHINE TO PARTICIPATE in this service. If you don't have one, you can buy a FAX/MODEM to install in your computer. They sell for about $100 or less. If you subscribe to our Fax service, we'll sell you one at our cost - about $50 at the time of this writing. This way, you are assured of getting our information whether or not you're in or not. You can print out the fax at your convenience and then have it to use the following morning to make money. ... Lots of money! THE MULTIMEDIA MAGAZINE. ID# V956 (FOR CREDIT CARD ORDERING) This is perhaps the world's most innovative magazine ever attempted. It is filled with great articles, science fiction, animation, and even a few of the world's finest females. This was a former a fellow experimented with in the 50's and he became quite successful. His name was Hugh Hefner. But he didn't have half the writer's we have. Great reading, new and innovative ideas. The Movie and TV industry has claimed that this kind of interactive program is their number one competition in the future, and so they are all scrambling to create their own versions. Don't wait for the watered-down corporate blue-suit, censored version. Get the real, the original MultiMedia Magazine. It will only run on a IBM compatible. The Mac Version will be out soon! SUBSCRIPTION - $25/YR CHARTER MEMBERSHIPS The Bible According To Me - $10.00 THE NEW AMERICAN BIBLE - ECOLOGY OF MIND ID# V957 ($12.50) Two thousand years ago, people were inspired by the life of a great teacher to write what would later become known as 'The 'Bible', arguably the most important book ever published by Man. Now, the New American Bible is being compiled by people just as sincere and dedicated to the survival and betterment of Mankind in the year 1987. It begins with the first part of the Bible, - Ecology of Mind. It was inspired by conversations between the author and 'Universal Mind' a concept new to most of us but soon to become a household word. It is a presence found in everything we can see, hear, touch or taste. It's the Universal Force of Consciousness that produces every word we speak, every breath we take. It's found in computers, salt, potatoes, cars, animals, even in the rocks. If you want to know how you got here, who you are, where you are going, you will want to read this book that will someday be bigger than the original. It's all about the last days of this millennium and the beginning days of the next. {HARD BOUND ONLY} <<< OPERATION DESERT STORM $12.50 ID# V958 OPERATION DESERT STORM Edited by Edward R. Taro The Gulf War as told by the Combatants who were actually there!! "OPERATION DESERT STORM is the full story of the Recent Gulf War. It includes the stories of the pilots who flew the missions to destroy the radar sites and missile sites and the ground troops who blew away the Iraqi Soviet-built tanks and artillery. It's a great story about the most successful war in history. Over in only 100 hours, there has never been so much destruction leveled on so many people in so short a time. You will also read about the many acts of heroism in piloting the Apache helicopters which were so decisive in this war, the tank commanders who blew away thousands of enemy tanks, artillery, armored personnel carriers with very accurate weapons, as well as the many interesting and intriguing stories of the ground soldiers who had to flush out all the thousands of enemy prisoners of war to rescue the country of Kuwait. You will also learn about the Iraqi atrocities in this war. (Not for the squeamish.) <<<< RE-INVENTING AMERICA >>>> $12.50 ID# 981 President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore, Jr., been traveling all over this nation and talking about the fact that we need to RE-INVENT OUR GOVERNMENT. Well, we agree and we are certain that these two men cannot handle such a large job on their own. This Electronic Book is meant to aid them in their great cause. With the feedback we get from the readers, and with some of our own ideas we are going to tell the folks in Washington DC just how to RE-INVENT OUR GOVERNMENT. We desperately need your help on this one because the fools are likely to throw the baby out with the bath water. WE NEED YOU to help us TELL THEM what to keep and what to scrap! We also want them to give the people some new freedoms. We want the ability for all the voters to vote on the issues RIGHT ON THE BALLOT. We can't wait for Congress and all their dirty laundry to get the solutions out in time to solve the problems. All they do is sit around and argue with each other and try to take credit for anything good that comes along. This book teaches us all a way to OVERCOME THIS GRIDLOCK IN WASHINGTON ONCE AND FOR ALL TIME! MAKE NO MISTAKE, this book is DYNAMITE! Nothing short of a political REVOLUTION. But they are the ones who called for it, not us! But WE THE PEOPLE are the ones must finish it. If you love America, don't miss out on participating in the new version. Coming soon to a voting booth near you ... NATIONAL INITIATIVES & REFERENDA. THIS BOOK IS DEMOCRACY IN ACTION .... PLEASE ORDER TODAY. $12.50 ID # 981 <<< ELVIS PRESLEY'S GUIDE TO THE UNIVERSE! - ($12.50) ID# V959 By Elvis Presley - Post Mortem. Have you ever wondered why Elvis Presley's spirit seems so Earthbound? Fifteen years after his death, people still see Elvis Presley's spirit walking around. If you read this book, you may agree that it could be because Elvis still has something very important to say. Well, this author, didn't actually see 'The King', but he was visited by Elvis in his dreams for forty consecutive nights. In these dreams, Elvis explains everything you will ever need now or after death and beyond what our senses can tell us. It's a very good read, a quick tour through some of the most interesting concepts ever talked about. When you finish this book, you actually find you have been on a trip through the center of the universe and back. You also feel as though you have knowledge that will help guide you through the rest of your life. Try this one, if you're interested in the ultimate adventure novel! One of the greatest thing about this book is your introduction into what is rapidly becoming known as 'Virtual Reality'. This is the - gateway into the next century! <<< TOURS DE FORCE - $12.50 ID# V960 Finding places to travel to that are a bit of Paradise is harder and harder since sooner or later everyone finds out about them and then they get crowded and - no more paradise. This guide will keep you updated on places to see that are not yet discovered by everyone and ruined. A very off-the-beaten-path travel guide. The authors take you to places on the Earth where you can finally relax and enjoy the Earth the way God intended it to be enjoyed. Some of the places visited, include the remote parts of Hawaii, Mexico, Bali, Tahiti, Europe, and even places in America where you can get to cheaply, without a great deal of hassle and when you get there, you will honestly believe you're in Paradise. This guide is not meant for the traveler who wants to find a Hotel with all the amenities and then hang out like most Americans. This travel guide is for the truly adventurous. It is filled with air fares that are generally unknown to the public and much cheaper than what you would find at your local travel agent. It gives much useful & needed information about what you can expect at each location. Fresh new ideas about how to take the family on an adventure that they will never forget and renew the spirit! <<< LE CLUB LINGERIE $15.000 ID# V982 STATE DOS OR WINDOWS VERSION PLEASE A very nice collection of professional models wearing some of the sexiest garments ever conceived of by Mankind. You will find hundreds of ideas in this electronic catalog and by simply pushing a few buttons, you can have some of these delictible goodies on your girlfriend or wife or both within a few days. After viewing some of these lovely and sexy models, you can order some of the smallest sexiest, Teddies, Garter belts, fancy nylons, Bustiers, etc. from us. We aim to please. We put this catalog out mainly as a public service. We looked around at all the terrible news coming from all over the globe and we were saddened by the fact that all the wars, the poverty, the petty things that people think about all day was probably due to a very modern and insidious disease effecting us on a global scale. We discovered that many people in this world are suffering from USS, the Unsatisfied Sex Syndrome. We are one of the world's first organizations to recognize this disease and we are also the first to offer a completely healthy cure. Wearing these feminine things makes a woman feel more like a woman and so she can make a man feel more like a man. Order this today and your sex life is guaranteed to improve significantly! You won't find any nudity here, but you will find girls who are very scantilly clad, so you must be of a healthy mind to order these and please be over 18 or we could have the sex police out after us for contributing to the happiness of a minor. <<<< FOOTBALL STATS & Sports Magazine. ID# V986 >>>>>>>> A quarterly magazine with a way for you to get your weekly stats from the Professional games without having to leave he comforts of your home. Once you become ad subscriber, you are given a Fax Number and you will be faxed all the latest stats on every major league game. You can tell who the best-rated quarter- back is, what the win/loss ratio of the team in question. The standing of any team in question. How they are ranked in dozens of formats. Who the best kicker, passer, linebackers, special teams and how the rest of the leaque stacks up. Take your SPorts predictor program an input this data instead of waiting for newspapr or magazine to give it to you. Magazine is only $15.00. The weekly update service is only $5./week. Worth much more than this if you like to put your money where your mouth is. <<<< E-BIBLE - $15.00 ID# V961 THE ELECTRONIC BIBLE or HOW TO WRITE AND CREATE 'VIRTUAL BOOKS' LIKE THESE! - ($15.00) This book explains everything you need to create 'VIRTUAL BOOKS' or the kind of books that you are now reading. They are meant to be read on a computer screen and never actually make it to paper media unless the reader wants or needs to print it on his own personal printer. The implications of this new industry are varied and exciting. Creating 'Virtual Books' is fun AND PROFITABLE. All you need is a personal computer. You can get ideas at any time and you don't know how to publish them. This book gives you step-by-step procedures for getting your ideas published almost instantly. New York publishers get thousands of manuscripts each day and they must invest between $50,000 to $100,000 to manufacture, distribute and promote a book. So, the odds are not great that you or I will ever interest a New York Publishing house. The good news is you don't have to deal with them any more because the personal computer industry has created a completely new market where no huge investment is required to publish your work. With Electronic publishing like the oee you're reading now, the entire investment is only a few dollars. And you could earn more than any New York Publisher is going to pay you in royalties. The Electronic Bible - actually a kit - will give you everything you need to make an electronic book including the program that puts it into the format that you see on your screen! It's called hypertext. All you need is an idea for something that lots of people would be interested to know, or be entertained by. That's the first rule! The second rule is, 'Don't try to re-invent the wheel'. Order this kit today and you will avoid all the pitfalls! Well worth the small investment to save you a great deal of time and money. If you're a budding author, you will not regret looking into this. Oh yes, I should tell you that one of our electronic books proved itself a hot-seller and now the New York Publishers are coming to us with offers. <<< PHONE CHESS ID# V987 $12.50 >>> COMPLETE COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM and Chess Game, so that you and a companion ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD, can play Chess over the phones. Don't worry about cost - each move takes less than one minute to transmit. And with our Long Distance Savings Plan, you will save many times per month what you might have to pay playing the game. So,if you order this game, also order the Long Distance Savings Plan included with this magazine, so that you can start saving a minimum of 10% even from your current Discount Calling Plan. That's guaranteed. So, if you don't have a Discount calling plan, you could save as much as 25% - 50% off your Long Distance Bill. This should be more than enough to pay you back for the time spent playing this age-old, time-tested classic game with an old friend anywhere in the world. The Communications program GIFCALL & GIFHOST can be used to transmit pictures within seconds as well. So, get out the old family pictures. Scan them or fax them to yourself and then you can send them to a friend anywhere in the world, while you play chess. Or, start a teleconferencing center in your company. GREAT PROGRAM. Highly reliable. And does the job of much more expensive programs. Only $12.50 <<< COLLEGE COURSEWARE FROM TELECOM UNIVERSITY - $15.00 ID# V962 - XXXX & other College Courseware can lead to college degree even advanced degrees with the use of your computer. GET A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION SUITABLE FOR FRAMING. You could get a new job, a promotion, a raise or a whole new career. Choose from: COMPUTER TECHNICIAN ID # V962 COMPUTER CONSULTANT ID # V963 COMPUTER PROGRAMMER ID # V964 MARKETING EXECUTIVE ID # V965 NUTRITIONIST ID # V966 WRITER/PUBLISHER ID # V967 MOVIE REVIEWER ID # V968 HISTORIAN ID # V967 ECOLOGIST ID # V968 INVESTMENT ADVISOR ID #V969 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ID# V970 MORE COURSES WILL BE ADDED LATER. All courses are just a few hours of study at your own pace and require only that you pass a short Final Exam to get your Certificate of Completion. Great gift for that special someone who needs to improve skills, gain a little confidence, change careers, or just move up in his present organization. We find that many times, all that is missing for any of these things is a certificate from a prestigious organization, like TELECOM UNIVERSITY hanging on the wall for wonderful things like getting a RAISE, A PROMOTION or just being noticed. All courses above - $15.00 EACH Successful completion of ten courses is acceptable for Bachelor of Arts from Telecom University. Fifteen course can equal a Master's Degree and fifteen courses is equivalent to a PH.D, also granted on a parchment suitable for framing. Impress your co-workers, your boss, your friends, your parents. All degree programs are according to your own pace and courses are taken in the privacy of your own home or office utilizing your personal computer as teacher. <<< THE RE-UNION Science Fiction Novel $12.50 ID# V980 Ripley, Kirk, Spock, Picard, Luke Skywalker and ALL THE REST come together in a giant time warp to defend the Earth against the most monstrous of all evils in the universe. The characters are real, the situations befuddling, amusing, challenging in this first ever commingling of all the great Science Fiction movies of the last three decades. There's even a cameo from HAL 9000, the onboard computer in 2001. All kidding aside, this is a great science fiction adventure where you can never guess the twists and the turns as one after another of your fondest heroes enters the story. You'll wonder how the Universe ever got along without all these characters coming together to fight the universe's most dreaded evil. Space has never been, nor will it be the same again. You can't stop reading, once you get started because of the laughs, the tears, the joy of seeing your favorite heroes go through the most tumultuous and challenging adventure they've ever known. This is an inter-active Science Fiction Novel, where you participate in the story by using clues and pieces of a very mysterious puzzle that emanates from the news of the day. Very unique, very entertaining, very educational for all ages. <<<< FEMME FATALE MAGAZINE. ID# V988 $12.50/ISSUE $25./YR >>> If you like looking at a great pair of legs on a woman this magazine is for you. We found the prettiest girls in town and got them to lift up their skirts and show off some of the sexiest legs around etc. and ooh, la, la, what a beautiful collection of legs and other beautiful body parts. No nudity, just good clean fun and lots of beautiful girls. Some interesting articles too. <<<< HOW TO GET OFF THE INCOME TAX TREADMILL ID # V989 >>>>>> $25.00 The IRS has us all working until May 5th of each year just to pay our tax bill. Yet, at no time are we given the chance to vote on tax issues. This is called Taxation without Representation, and this is one of the main reasons that the break from England was justified by the founding fathers. "Therefore, it is not only just, but it is the right of every citizen to avoid paying taxes using every legal means at his disposal." (THE WORDS OF U.S. SUPREME COURT JUSTICE OLIVER WENDALL HOLMES.) This book teaches you how to get your income and your property completely sheltered and exempt from income tax by setting up a TRUST. This method is the same one that some of the wealthiest people in America use to avoid the tax man. The authors have discovered all the legal methods of using this trust to never have to pay income taxes again. It is foolproof and it is legal. Best of all, it will save the average tax-payer thousands of dollars each year. Work for yourself and your family. Give some of what you save to your favorite charity. This is one of the only places in the world you can find this information. Don't delay. If you ever wondered why you were so easily "volunteering" to give some of your hard-earned money to projects like Welfare, Foreign Aid, Viet Nam, N.A.F.T.A., Watergate, Iran/Contra, and all the waste, fraud and abuse, then this book should help you reverse your financing of all this nonsense. <<<< YOU CAN ORDER ANY OF THESE BOOKS BY PRINTING UP THE SUBSCRIPTION FORM 'BECOME A SUBSCRIBER' ON THE MAIN MENU >>>>