To summarize where we are. We have presented you the readers with a simple plan to band together in a NATIONAL ELECTRONIC CONGRESS. The technological means are existing today to produce a live debate of the issues facing all Americans at any given time. The two greatest issues we face today are crime, and gun control being part of this issue, and the second greatest issue is Health Care if we are to believe President Clinton. I personally believe that there are more important issues that address the Federal Budget crisis such as the Defense and Entitlement spending, the waste, fraud and abuse rampant in the Federal Bureaucracy that would make the Health Care spending seem like small potatoes. We can address all of these problems, one at a time but in order to get there we have to take baby steps at present. Later on we will be walking with this machinery underneath us and working smoothly and later still we'll be in full cruise control mode where problems pop up, they are debated over these channels that we are setting up now in the computer industry, and then a common solution is agreed upon by the majority and Congress can spend their days on the less important issues that most people either don't care that much about or don't need fixed right away. This kind of problem, the small, the insignificant the miniscule, are the kinds of problems that a representative body of government is good at. They can debate and make compromises, hold their hearings. Call witnesses and filibuster and preen themselves on camera, scratch each other's backs, pat themselves on the backsides and finally get something passed into law after years of careful and studied deliberation. The American system of Democracy, however, cannot wait for all of these stalling tactics. The problems are too costly and expensive if left un-tended. Look at the Federal Budget Deficit. We are four, almost five trillion bucks in debt. The recent tax hikes didn't even slow this rate of debt increase at all! AND THE PROBLEMS IN THIS COUNTRY GET WORSE by the minute. It would be far more tolerable if these debts that Congress has piled up for us had gone to solving some of the problems, like Crime, Drugs, Health Care, Social Security, Welfare Fraud, etc. But, instead every major social problem of our times has been ignored since the 60's the date of their birth. So, Congress has proven that it is ineffectual in handling the large problems. The reasons are too numerous to go into here, but they all center around the power of the Almighty Dollar vs. the weakness of Human Greed. In a National Electronic Congress, the Almighty dollar can have no influence over our decisions as a body of people because no single individual would ever yield any more power than his/her neighbor. That's the simple beauty behind Direct Democracy. The special interest groups can't go around bribing every voter. They will try, but no single group nor all groups put together has this much money! So, please join this FIRST NATIONAL ELECTRONIC CONGRESS. If you are still unsure, but feel that you might be convinced in the future. Subscribe to this magazine at least. Then, you can join later if you wish. But please help us to spread this word by subscribing and/or calling our 900#s, at least our political one, once per week so that we can generate the revenues to keep this ball rolling. No major corporations are going to help us. No Grants will be granted. No advertising will come to us. We are a Non Profit Organization and we will need to get all of our support from you. Thank you. THE PUBLISHERS. THE unLEARNING FOUNDATION 850 FRONT ST. P.O. BOX 7885 SANTA CRUZ, CA 95061