Dear Sysop, If you are a new Sysop or thinking of joining MegNET thank you for taking the time to look over this package. MegNET is a different type of net because it uses subjects that the average computer hobbiest might talk about in a given day. Our conferences fill only one screen (37 conferences) so callers can see all the conferences in one glance. We also have a special intro screen and menu so people know they are in a MegNET conference. We use QWK packets for our mail and we let any quality BBS join that wants to. MegNET is also known for teaching new Sysops about echo mail. See ECHOEN11.ZIP on Salt Air or most MegNET echos. MEGPICS.ZIP -- INTRO picture for each conference and AUTO Menu NODE.LST -- List of MegNET systems MNCN.TXT -- Conference discriptions MEGINFO.TXT -- This file MEGNET.HST -- MegNET History I hope you will consider MegNET..........Drop by The Free For All at 201-998-7337 and just put I want to join MegNET in one of the answers and I will give you access. You might want to give me a Voice call at (201)991-6659. John Kleinbauer