ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ PCGnet Membership (Sysop) Rules and Guidelines ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 1.0 PCGNet is a professional service to the CAD and Computer Graphics community. It is not, and never has been, the intent of PCGnet to become the kind of widespread, "come one, come all" network that can be found on many BBS systems within the same calling area. 2.0 After being accepted into PCGnet, each individual node is granted exclusive rights in carrying our conference message areas within their own toll free calling area. All existing PCGnet nodes have the right to exercise their option to disallow new applicants within their local toll free calling area. 3.0 It is the responsibility of each PCGnet sysop to monitor the NETADMIN conference on a regular basis and determine if a new applicant infringes on their exclusive territory BEFORE the application is approved. 4.0 Exclusive PCGnet Node Territories are difficult to establish because of the extremely varied nature of the telephone calling areas that exist in the world but are generally defined as follows: 1) The territory from which end-users can access a PCGnet node specifically without having to access their Long Distance carrier. 2) In territories where service is based on a graduated Zone type setup the exclusive territory is the calling area within the zones but not deemed to be a toll call. 5.0 In the case of territorial disputes the final decision is to be made by the Network Coordinator who must be contacted BEFORE the application is approved. Once an applicant is accepted there will be no area disputes allowed. The primary deciding factor in the case of disputes will be made with the PCGnet users in mind and with an eye towards keeping access to the conferences free. 6.0 An official PCGnet node is defined as a node, which is listed specifically within PCGnets nodelist file (PCGLIST.XXX i.e.). 7.0 No PCGnet node (e.g sysop) may charge or require their end-users to subscribe to their BBS to access PCGnets' message conferences areas specifically. All PCGnet conference areas (with the exception of PCG-NETADMIN and PCG-PVTSYSOP) must remain open to the general public free of charge. 8.0 All members will be required to setup a front-end mailer system capable of being accessed during specific hours as determined by PCGnet administrators before linking with PCGnet. Those wishing to link to PCGnet through .QWK type mail exchanges must contact Adam Shiffman at The Graphics Alternative in El Cerrito, CA. at 510-524-2780 (data). 9.0 All PCGnet nodes are required to carry the PCGnet Administrative (PCG-NETADMIN), Sysop (PCG-PVTSYSOP) and the Public conference (PCG-NETOPEN). The Administrative and Private Sysop conferences are for PCGnet member sysops (or co-sysops) only and access must not be given to normal callers. The Public conference must remain open to all callers. PCGnet nodes are required to carry either ALL PCGnet CAD related conferences and/or ALL Graphics related conferences. 10.0 PCGnet sysops must agree to notify anyone reading or exchanging messages within all PCGnet conferences on their own personal BBS of all PCGnet guidelines. Suitable Bulletins and/or news displays must be placed within a callers viewing capabilities at all times. 11.0 It is suggested that a PCGnet node post a bulletin on their own BBS, listing all nodes currently linked to PCGnet. The MEMBERS.TXT file included within this archive may be used for this purpose. A similar file named PCGNODES.ZIP may also be used in place of the MEMBERS.TXT. It will be available in .TIC format when updated or FREQable at 9:517/160. 12.0 All members are required to make the PCGNETXX.ZXX file available on their system for downloading. If a PCGnet node decides to distribute this file to a BBS they frequent, please do so ONLY AFTER receiving approval of the sysop of that system. 13.0 All PCGnet nodes (sysop i.e.) are required to POLL their PCGnet feed at a minimum of twice weekly, for mail. 14.0 All PCGnet nodes are required to read and respond to postings from any PCGnet Coordinators or Administrators. Messages posted in PCG-NETADMIN addressed to ALL or private NetMail, must be answered within a 14 day time period. 15.0 PCGnet nodes must follow the PCGnet conference rules and encourage their callers to do so as well. The conference rules will be posted periodiodically by individual conference moderators or PCGnets Network Coordinator. 16.0 Anyone found to be abusive in nature, such as but not limited to, name calling, insults, slanderous statements, arrogant or inciting posts or any other rude, lewd or otherwise obnoxious behavior or comments is to be removed from the conference. The sysop (from which the postings originate) must notify the individual in question (via a private message) before action is taken. Further occurrences of this abuse will result in the user being removed from PCGnet completely. 17.0 PCGnet conferences are not to be bridged with the conferences of other networks or passed to non-networked PCGnet systems. Violations must be brought to the attention of the Network Coordinator immediately. 18.0 Only official PCGnet members (those individuals listed in our nodelist) are to be permitted to carry the PCGnet conferences. 19.0 PCGnet Points are not allowed to offer any of the PCGnet message conference areas to anyone. Points are not to be given access to any of the administrative or sysop message conference areas. 20.0 The PCGnet Disclaimer and PCGnet Copyright Policy (which is located in the COPYRITE.TXT file) must be made available to all end users to read on a PCGnet nodes BBS. 21.0 PCGnet official nodes may not configure ANYONE to acquire our FDN (File Distribution Network) unless permission is given by PCGnets' Network Coordinator. 22.0 All official nodes are required to notify the Network Coordinator by routed netmail or the NetAdmin conference, if their system will be down more than 14 days. This includeds a PCGnet nodes system which is left unattended for an extended period due to other circumstances. 23.0 Any PCGnet nodes feeding the network with duplicate messages (or any other software circumstances) which directly effects the operation of PCGnet may have their link immediately disabled, without notification from their uplink. Once the problems are resolved, this temporary (hopefully) feed-cut will be enabled once again. 24.0 No voice (home and/or work) phone numbers shall not be listed or supplied to ANYONE that are not directly involved administratively within PCGnet itself, without permission of that individual. 25.0 A node currently requesting access to PCGnet cannot be ADMINISTRATIVELY involved with another network, such as but not inclusive of, Network Statistician, Co-Administrator, Conference Coordinator, Network Marketing, Network Treasure, and so forth, UNLESS approved by PCGnets administrators collectively. [End Of File]