TruthNet is a Christian famiily oriented network that caters to the needs of those that are concerned about the state of affairs of this Nation and of its educational system. TruthNet is a loosly bound system of Bulletin Board systems, Home Schools, Individual PC users, Educators, Ministers of the Gospel Concerned Christians, Parents and their children. These Rules are in effect as of 9/20/93 and will remain in effect until updated or revised by the Truth Net Administration at which time notification will be sent to all valid nodes of the Network and an updated application package will be made available. ****************************************************************************** Requirements for receiving status as a host node of the TruthNet.............. ****************************************************************************** Individuals and BulletinBoard operators requesting Host status have to meet several requirements for Host status. 1. They must use a mailer program that is compatable with the FidoNet Technology. All mail transfers to the Host nodes will be carried out by the use of a nodelist and a specific routing proceedure. Acceptable software programs are listed below: FrontDoor Portal of Power Binkleyterm D'Bridge Opus Fido Seadog Tabby InterMail Dutchie TIMS Also the use of a mail tosser is required in conjunction with the above listed software programs, Below are several acceptable software packages : Imail Fastecho 1.25 or higher GEcho Fmail Tosscan If you are unable to locate these programs several are available for download from the Bold Truth BBS, 1-618-937-3962 400:100/10. Programs available at this board are listed below: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Front end Mailers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FrontDoor 2.02 Portal of Power ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mail Tossers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Imail Fastecho GEcho Fmail 2. Requests for Host node status must also recieve mail 24hrs daily. Hosts are also responsible for the content of their outbound mail. If a user of your system enters messages with profanities, flaming, etc. it reflects upon your node and your status as a host may be removed. 3. Hosts are required at the minimum to carry 4 of the message areas which are: TN-ADMIN Truth Net Addministration echo, this echo is necessary for the operation of the Network. Changes in policys, new areas, Host support are contained in this area. TN-HSCHL Truth Net Home Schoolers Support Echo, this is the bread and butter of the TruthNet and is the most important echo, this echo also contains the school circulum and must be available to all users of the TruthNet. TN-PPAL Truth Net Pen Pals echo, this echo is for home school students and is necessary for interaction between students. Getting Acquainted and support of Home Schooled Students. TN-PRSUP Truth Net Prayer Support Echo, this echo is mandatory for the support of christian families and individuals. Prayer requests and returns are included and moral support for the above mentioned in todays American Society. 4. It is also required of the Host node to make available the message areas that are requested by several users if activity in those areas are active enough to deem it feasable to carry them. 5. It is also requested that Hosts make the message areas available to Hubs in your Region in QWK format if requested to do so. The use of QWK format shall limited to Regional areas. Mail transfers outside of your region should be conducted according to Fido Technology. 6. It shall NOT be the responsibility of the Host to make contact and transfer mail to the HUBS. This is solely the responsibility of the HUB. 7. Message areas shall be made available to the general public. Conferences that are not carried shall be made known to your users. ****************************************************************************** Requirements for Node Status.................................................. ****************************************************************************** Node status is available in two different forms. 1. Fido Type node, Those nodes using a front end mailer program that is compatable to Fido Technology. 2. QWK Type node, Nodes using QWK format network software. Fido Type nodes will receive a standard fido type node address from the Host of the Region that they reside in. Points may also be issued of of these nodes Nodes that support points are responsible for the conduct of these points. Node status shall be made available to all requests for node status if they meet the following requirements. (1.) The applicant is the operator of a Bulletin Board System that is not a Private System and the message areas are available to the general public. (2.) The Applicant is active in HomeSchooling. Operates in their home a school (these do not have to be public access nodes). (3.) The Applicant is a Pastor or a Church. (4.) The Applicant is a Private School. (5.) The Applicant is an educator involved in support of Home Schoolers. (6.) The Applicant is a legal professional in support of Home Schoolers. QWK type node will be issued an address in the form following: Example : "" Example : the Bold Truth BBS would actually be The requirements for node status of the QWK format are identical to the requirements of the Fido Type Nodes. QWK type nodes are responsible for receiving their own mail and should make arangements with their boss node for time slots to transfer mail. ****************************************************************************** Mail Transfers ****************************************************************************** As the Network is just forming mail transfers between Hosts shall be made not less than 2 times a week. The main day for the bulk of transfers will be Saturday which is the mandatory transfer day at present. On this day updated nodelists will be available from 400:400/0. Mail from Hosts should be routed to this address and new mail will be transmitted from this address. The weeks ciriculum for the home school will be available at this time also. >>Regional Routing shall be as follows. from points to nodes, from nodes to hubs, from hubs to hosts, from host to main zone cordinator 400:400/0. Mail will be routed from the Zone Cordinator in the opposite of the above. The only exception is stated below. >>--NetMail may be sent to Officially listed nodes in the node list directly. This is refered to as CRASH MAIL and is only valid if the destination node allows the reception of CRASH MAIL. 400:400/0 and 400:400/1 allow CRASH MAIL 24 hours daily. SEND ONLY MAIL RELATING TO THE OPERATION OF THE NETWORK TO THE ADDRESSES ABOVE UNLESS OTHERWISE INSTRUCTED. This is the only form of private mail available on this Network. All Echo Areas are to be strictly PUBLIC ACCESS. For this purpose it is hoped that the majority of the nodes will use the Fido Technology. >>-- Upon Growth of the Network it shall become necessary to require daily mail transfers. When the volume of mail reaches limits that require this a change in Network Policy will be issued and a 30 day grace period to comply will be in effect. ****************************************************************************** Rules to posting Messages ****************************************************************************** The Truth Net is a family oriented network. Keep this in mind at all times. The use of Profanity, Obscene or Leading Language or Blasphemous statements against our LORD Jesus Christ are Prohibited. While agreeing fully in the Constitutional right of Freedom of Speech This right in no means allows one to legally defame our Lord and Savior. If you disagree with this then the Truth Net is not a Network for you. You should further read the writings of the Founding Fathers of this Nation including the Works of John Jay one of the Framers of the Constitution and directly responsible for the Freedom of Speech in the Constitution. Also you should study the Federalist Papers which directly lead to our present constitution. Flaming, Defamation of Character, Slanderous Statements are also prohibited. In message areas dealing in Theology, Bible Study etc. biblical backing must be given to support your beliefs. The Truth Net deals with the truth, any false or misleading statements, commentarys, articles, or ciriculum that cannot be proven true are prohibited. The only acceptable theory on the beginning of life is Creation which is proven in Gods infallable Word and through the actual study of Archeology. Evolution may be discussed to disclose its deceptive nature. At no time is it allowed to be supportive of Abortion. All specefic topics should be directed to their respective conferences. ****************************************************************************** The use of Quotes in the Message Areas ****************************************************************************** The excessive use of Quotes in the message area is prohibited. At no time will the quotes exceed 1/2 of the length of the new message. ****************************************************************************** Tag Lines ****************************************************************************** Tag lines in the message area will be limited to the Origin of the message. Taglines should include the Origins address either in Fido Style or in the QWK style and should not exceed one line in length. ****************************************************************************** File Requests ****************************************************************************** File requests are allowed specifically for the purpose of transfering ciriculum for the Home School Programs. All other File requests are at the discrection of the Host Node. ****************************************************************************** Silver Xpress ****************************************************************************** The Silver Xpress mail system is an excellent mail system and is recommended for use in this NetWork. While it is up to the discrection of your Host Node to use whatever software he or she prefers it is highly recommended by the Truth Net Addministration. Silver Xpress also supports QWK Networking and is FAX capable ****************************************************************************** Recommended Programs ****************************************************************************** Again it is up to the individual Node to choose the software that is to be used on YOUR system. But for those of you that are unsure as to the easiest to set up and use these recomendations are handed down by the Truth Net Addministration: FrontDoor 2.02 >-< Mailer with an excellent terminal program. FastEcho 1.25 >-< Mail Tosser and scaner Silver Xpress >-< Maildoor that is QWK Network compatable and is capable of several different Mail Packets and is Fido Compatable MNET103 >-< QWK to REP, REP to QWK network Utility These programs are available at the Bold Truth BBS if you cannot find them in your area and you decide to use them. Bold Truth BBS 1-618-937-3962 John J. Zortz 1:2290/ 70:70/40 Little Egypt Net 400:100/ FINET 14400 USR HST V32b V42b 24 hours 7 days ______________________________________________________________________________ eof TNETRULE.TXT ______________________________________________________________________________