155 files found in Library "E-Mail Programs & Utils"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
ADDQWK20.ZIP No 57170 02-01-94
ADDQWK v2.0 will merge several QWK mail
packets with many options. Simple to use.
Can handle ARJ LHA PKZIP. By Steve McGrath
ADDREP10.ZIP Yes 27518 09-01-93
Add Those REP v1.0 August 1993 (C) COPYRIGHT
by Steve McGrath ADDREP is a simple program
to merge several REP packets. ARJ/ZIP or LHA
AM2020.ZIP Yes 334005 10-31-93
AutoMessage 2.0 20-Column! Professional
graphical messages w/5 fonts, optional
password protection, quickshow, and MORE!
Registered version has 10 fonts, a GIF
and PCX intermission viewer, music, MORE!
A Shareware Express President's Pick!!
AM2032.ZIP Yes 313961 10-31-93
AutoMessage 2.0 32-Column! Professional
graphical messages. w/fonts, QuickShow, more!
Register to show GIF & PCX files. Shareware
APPEND.ZIP Yes 7229 11-23-93
Utility to deal with files downloaded on
the Internet
AUTOV1R.ZIP Yes 52333 03-25-94
<- Auto Message V1R ->
Includes support for 29 diffrent bbs types
Has Color interpritation, sysop auto lock
Visual editor
BDOS259B.ZIP Yes 346978 01-06-94 Binkley v1.59Beta for DOS
BDOS_258.ZIP Yes 297713 11-29-93 BinkleyTerm 2.58 Wide Beta for FidoNET
BFE2000P.ZIP Yes 399477 10-30-93 The Worlds Premier BBS Front End System!
BNP_0213.ZIP Yes 117539 02-13-94 New BinkleyTerm/Portal of Power Netmail
BNP_600.ZIP Yes 61644 10-11-93
BNP v6.00. The BinkleyTerm Netmail Packer.
Many options. For FidoNet
BNP_V762.ZIP Yes 133607 02-19-94 Black Hole netmail masher/packer
BOS2259B.ZIP Yes 347650 01-14-94
Binkley v1.59Beta for OS/2
6 files - New:01-06-1994 Old:01-06-1994
BWNT_259.ZIP Yes 213839 12-21-93 BinkleyTerm 2.59 Wide Alpha (NT)
CENSOR.ZIP Yes 14035 12-01-93
CENSOR v1.00 - Allows the sysop to censor
email messages on their BBS. That is have
curse words automatically removed, etc.
CHANNELS.ZIP Yes 3061 03-03-94
RIME channels.nme for Postlink
Download most recent version from J FREE
CHPRMAIL.ZIP Yes 220039 01-23-94 An excellent EMAIL package for Novell.
CISBIL21.ZIP Yes 34997 07-28-93
CISBill v2.10: organizes captured CompuServe
billing records for viewing and/or printing;
CNMSG.ZIP Yes 198674 01-29-94 CyberNet EMFXS compatible message reader
CVTQWK10.ZIP Yes 47944 02-01-94
CVTQWK v1.0 - can convert QWK mail packets to
indexed.TXT file(s) Can handle ARJ LHA PKZIP
DBLS201B.ZIP Yes 28983 08-13-93 Db Logscan01b. A D'Bridge Log Scanning
DB_154.ZIP Yes 863763 08-26-93
D-Bridge Latest Frontdoor Mailer for FIDO
based systems and others too.
DOVE0793.ZIP Yes 338285 07-30-93
DoveMail is a program that will read an
uncompressed UseNet batched newsgroups file,
extract the messages and send them to other
nodes according to a control file. It's
written primary for use in FidoNet. Dir 7
DPROTE.ZIP Yes 739553 02-24-94 NAVCIS PRO TE for windows and Dos.
EBOONE.ZIP Yes 147993 07-20-93 Qnet v1.03 trouble reports in QWK format.
ELMOD993.ZIP Yes 18664 09-20-93 FIDOnet echomail technical reference
EMOTIC11.ZIP Yes 16075 12-26-93 Emoticon TSR Version 1.1
EMSKTCH1.ZIP Yes 80202 07-18-93 The EMSKETCHER v1.0 for IBM's - creat upper
ENFORC11.ZIP Yes 86883 04-21-93
ENFORCER logs user off if SEC level doesn't
match cfg. File! EXCELLENT for those who hub
mail and don't run a front end that can keep
non-mail calls off while the nodes call in to
get mail! Has many other uses too!
ESC170.ZIP Yes 247820 09-05-93
Setup/Shell/Utilities for Node or Point. Uses
Binkley and Squish. For FidoNet systems.
FD212.ZIP Yes 654666 03-02-94
FrontDoor 2.12/Shareware release
archive. FidoNet compatible E-Mail
software. Includes Mailer, Editor,
Terminal, Nodelist Compiler, and
Full-Screen configuration utility.
FDDEV202.ZIP Yes 40037 06-24-93
This is the FrontDoor v2.02 developers
package. It supports code in Turbo C and
Turbo Pascal.
FDHM115.ZIP Yes 63836 06-24-93
This is the FrontDoor High Message program
version 1.15. FrontDoor is a Front End
FDLA202.ZIP Yes 69105 06-24-93
This is the FrontDoor Log Anylyzer for
FrontDoor 2.02.
*NOTE* this is version 1.01 not 2.02.
FDLS100C.ZIP Yes 28758 07-16-93 Front Door Log Scanner w/bug fix
FIDOQ118.ZIP Yes 186965 07-17-93 FidoQWK 1.18: FidoNetPKT/.MSG <=> QWK
FIXPKT5A.ZIP Yes 15542 11-26-93 Bad Packet/Bad Bundle fixer. For FidoNet.
FLEETB85.ZIP Yes 324010 03-31-94
FleetStreet 0.85wb for OS/2 2.x PM
is a flexible and powerful message
reader for Squish & *.MSG areas,
multithreaded, 32 bit, CUA'91,
drag'n'drop, highly configurable,
engl. & german version, requires
SquishP 1.01.
FLEXPAC4.ZIP Yes 125407 12-28-93 PacketCluster (tm) terminal w/ headings.
FLST115.ZIP Yes 66301 08-19-93 Fastlist 1.15 - Nodelist Compiler for FIDONet
FNLS103.ZIP Yes 41226 09-29-93
FNLScan v1.03 - Fidonet NodeList Scan door
Scans up to 10 Fidonet (and compatible)
nodelists for a variety of criteria defined
by the user, such as BBS name, sysop name,ETC
FREQR22.ZIP Yes 88144 02-17-94 FILE REQUEST REPORTER v2.2 for FrontDoor (tm)
GEDIT201.ZIP Yes 119694 07-01-93
GEdit 2.01 - Full-screen message editor for
QuickBBS, SuperBBS, RemoteAccess, EzyCom and
ProBoard, TAG - Any QuickClone will work.
Includes complete rewrite of earlier version
with all new user interface and easier setup
with supported packages!
GFRADT07.ZIP Yes 39273 08-21-93
A GOFER Distibuted File Request utility for
FidoNet BBS systems. It deletes zero-length
file requests, so that they won't waste time
traveling across any GOFER networks.
GFRTWT06.ZIP Yes 23260 08-21-93 GOFER twit ver. 0.06 GOFER Tutorial.
GIGO0114.ZIP Yes 444311 01-15-94
GIGO (pre 1.00) - Fidonet<->UUCP gateway pkg
W/ ftpmail server, mail-list->echo conversion
GMSG408.ZIP Yes 85778 04-05-94
GenMsg .MSG editor system for UUCP/PGP/
/SecureMail interface in FidoNet.
GOSCAN23.ZIP Yes 222614 03-25-94
GOSCAN v2.03 - The Ultimate GOMail v1.+ Log
Analzyer. GOSCAN shall scan your GOMAIL.LOG
file and generate very accurate and
professional output screens of ALL available
information in the log files. It even
supports Rip and TNet. In addition, it
generates a conference statistical output
screen. For more information, call TkdBbs
Software HQ at (704)982-9223.
HARVEY_5.ZIP Yes 30852 08-02-93 Harvey's Robot Mailer System.pkt format.
HAY28800.ZIP Yes 2597 03-25-94
Hayes 28.8k Modem Control File .MCF for
HAYES288.ZIP Yes 3371 03-25-94
Another .MCF file for D'Bridge and the Hayes
28.8 modem
HRPTV101.ZIP Yes 37064 10-31-93
Utility for POSTLINK hubs - Node caller logs
and statistics manager - with options v1.01
HSLMAIL4.ZIP Yes 7457 09-07-93 QmPro script for HSLINK QWK/REP mail transfer
HYTELN66.ZIP Yes 671350 10-13-93
Hytelnet 6.6, a hypertext database of
information that can be found on the Internet
via telnet. It loads as a TSR that can be
called up with a hotkey while you're online.
An essential utility. Program by Peter
Scott, last revised October 1993.
INTROV1.ZIP Yes 66115 02-26-94
Creates Intro Files for RIME Conferences
Screen Maker
IPOST100.ZIP Yes 86514 03-13-94
The Internet Mail Post Door for most BBS
IS20.ZIP Yes 7103 01-06-94
IS.EXE v2.0 File Size Checker! For checking
size of your REP packet. Errorlevel branching
can help ensure you won't BOMB the net!
JM940310.LHA No 321958 03-13-94 JamMail (10-March-94)FTN/UUCP Frontend Mailer
KILTOS11.ZIP Yes 48022 12-27-93
KILLTOSS v1.1 -TIC Manager for Satellite
LASTUUCP.ZIP Yes 9508 08-20-93
Creates a bulletin of the last date & time
that a connection was made to your host(s).
LOGENH11.ZIP Yes 88274 02-02-94
Flexible login for Telnet v1.1:Includes Unix
password, logging, shells
LR36.ZIP Yes 33104 07-08-93 LSTRELAY 3.6 Network/IMPORT mail bulletin
MAILMOVE.ZIP Yes 38973 03-31-94
Utility to move mail bundles from hold to
process directory.
MINU10B6.ZIP Yes 275318 10-01-93
MINUET, version 1.0, beta 6 -BETA! This
program combines everything you need to
interact with the INTERNET in one program!
Imagine, EMail, FTP, Telnet, Gopher, and News
You must have TCP/IP to use this program!
MKMSG102.ZIP Yes 207154 08-15-93
Mythical Kingdom Message Access Source v.
1.02 - Sample Pascal source code for
accessing various types of message bases
MKMU100.ZIP Yes 110082 08-15-93
Mythical Kingdom Message Utilities 1.00 - A
great collection of utilities for
accessing/converting between types of message
MKQM4BLT.ZIP Yes 39242 07-18-93
Bulletin creator for top 10 message up/down
loaders - using the QMail4 Door.
MSGT1_1.ZIP Yes 29704 02-27-94
MessageTime v1.1 Sysop util shows graph of
msg times etc. BBS
MUIFFR11.LHA No 83602 03-15-94
MUI Fido File Request v1.1 - GUI for
selecting files of Fidonet boxes
NDXPRO_9.ZIP Yes 53230 07-20-93
NDXPro will make NDX files from QWK or REP
packets! Helpful for corrupted packets.
NETCHK10.ZIP Yes 35515 12-27-93
Net Check v1.0 - Close nodes by security
level and times. For Echo Net BBS Mail runs.
NETDAY21.ZIP Yes 37397 09-04-93
NETDAY Version 2.1 from HOTware. A little
utility that will quickly and easily display
the current NETMAIL date for you. Fido.
NETLOG11.ZIP Yes 12547 07-01-93
Creates logs for net activity of Squish
Fidonet utility. v1.1
NEWSDB10.ZIP Yes 234222 10-10-93
The NewsDB - allows the user to create
complex hypertext databases from Internet
Usenet articles. Includes UNIX <-> PC
translation program. Requires a PC capable of
running DPMI programs and Help Development
Kit v9.5 or newer. Dir 7
NFILE13C.ZIP Yes 20619 11-06-93
Newfiles version 1.3C Compares two file
listings from two QWK packets and checks
which files are duplicates and which files
are the true NEW files. More!
NSFG_103.ZIP Yes 40031 11-01-93
NSFG v1.03 Newsgroup system file generator
Takes your list of newsgroups and presents a
NSFGdate.SYS file. For BBS/PCBoard 15.0
N_EMAIL.ZIP Yes 43139 09-04-93
Network Email 2.74 is a freeware electronic
mail package.
OUTB103.ZIP Yes 17602 03-29-94
OUTBOUND Version 1.03 is a FrontDoor
2.11+ FDC reporter which creates reports
of outbound mail and files in a mailer
system. Great for debugging FrontDoor's
mail flow and routing. Freeware from
Chief Israeli Communication Systems
(1993) Ltd.
PBILL24.LHA No 95049 03-25-94
PhoneBill v2.4 Analyses logfiles on
phonecosts (mail+term. programs)
PBU_100.ZIP Yes 108828 04-06-94
������ PBBSuucp Version 1.00 ������
Allows your user to enter or reply
to Internet E-Mails just like what
they does with FidoNet style Netmails
without have to specifically type a
TO: statement at the first line of
the message body! -= GREAT =-
PCBINTRO.ZIP Yes 2601 12-22-93
PCBINTRO is a collection of three INTRO
screens for PCBoard for the following three
networks; RelayNet(tm), FidoNet, and
Intelec. This version is for PCBoard.
Other formats done with a $5 contribution.
PKTMUX12.ZIP Yes 93646 01-07-94 Multiplex internet protocols (several stacks)
PMPOP10.ZIP Yes 47351 11-24-93
POP gateway for PMail - email transfer
POINT180.ZIP Yes 172137 02-28-94
PPoint - Professional Point - Automatic
Setup and Maintenance. Automatically
accepts and sets up new areas. Simple
to use. Sets up and interfaces
transparently with Binkley. 4d or
FakeNet addressing. Efficient message
database system. Optional Modules
available for QWK or LAN Support. By
the author of OFFLINE, Harvey Parisien.
PSRT_11B.ZIP Yes 107329 12-16-93
PacketSorter v1.1b (bug fixed version)
Defragments FidoNet mail packets.
Can split large messages according to
FSC-0047. Runs w/OS/2 2.x and DOS
QF_1062.ZIP Yes 747946 02-21-94
Wide-area beta release of QFront v1.062b.
The ULTIMATE utility written specifically
for PCBoard. A complete FidoNet mailer
(mail scanner/tosser included), event
manager and MUCH more, all integrated
into one package. Simple to install and
a breeze to use, yet VERY powerful.
This version contains many fixes including
point problems and file forward problems.
Complete installation package.
QF_1063.ZIP Yes 91120 03-15-94
Wide-area beta release of QFront v1.063b.
You MUST be running QFront v1.062b in
order to apply this patch. This is NOT
a complete installation package!
Fixes point problems and magic filename
QF_1064.ZIP Yes 83900 03-30-94
Version 1.064 of QScan. Fixes runtime
error problems when a message addressed to
Areafix was found in an EchoMail area. You
must be running QFront 1.063 before
installing this update.
QKCON100.ZIP Yes 120722 08-16-93
This program converts successiveqwk
download packets into individual
single-conferenceqwk packets, each spanning
manyqwk downloads.
QNODE202.ZIP Yes 86202 10-09-93
Latest QNODE nodelist processor. Can use EMS
if you have it. Also MNP. For FidoNet.
QNODX202.ZIP Yes 187954 10-09-93 Quick Nodelist Compiler, version 7
QPRN110.ZIP Yes 139759 03-02-94
QWKPRUNE 1.10. Removes unwanted messages
from QWK-format mail packets. Strips leading
spaces as well as (R) and Re: prefixes from
subject lines. Other options, repairs
message headers. Supports ZIP, LHA, ARJ, and
ZOO, as well as a user-specified archiver.
QQL121.ZIP Yes 43789 10-29-93
QQLink v1.21, Improved Reply Linker for
Squish - for FidoNet.
QSLVR133.LHA No 203886 03-20-94
Quick Silver v1.33 - FidoNet File Request
QWKLAY15.ZIP Yes 16825 02-24-94
QWK File Layout 1.5 [30-Jul-92] - This is one
of the most comprehensive file on the QWK-
format. It covers everything from the format
to implementation notes. See related file
QWKP*.ZIP for a list of current QWK-format
products & author contact info.
QWKSTF12.ZIP Yes 14042 01-03-94
QWKSTF by Nor'Easter Software. Searches
directory for REP/QWK packets and notifies
you that they need to be read or sent. v1.20
QWKSTF13.ZIP Yes 13702 01-20-94
** QWKSTF ** by Nor'Easter Software. Searches
directory for REP/QWK packets and notifies
you that they need to be read or sent.
Version 1.30
QWKTALKG.ZIP Yes 418753 03-24-94
� ANSI & PCBOARD Color Display Features �
� Full Voice Utilities * ALIAS Support �
�********* FIXES ALL KNOWN BUGS ********�
RABBS402.ZIP Yes 13996 02-25-94
International BBS List of systems using
RemoteAccess BBS software for Feb 1994.
Telephone numbers and system descriptions
REF14.ZIP Yes 44941 11-07-93
The REF Version 1.4. A HOTware utility to
produce a true Read Only echo, or REVIEW
messages by users prior to allowing them to
"echo". The REF will monitor a listing of
users in an echo and either MOVE to an
alternate message area, KILL messages, MARK
bagged any message posted by UnAuthorized
posters, or REVIEW the postings prior to
bagging the messages. Version 1.4 adds the
ability to REVIEW, MARK, MOVE, or KILL by
NET/NODE number.
RKR110.ZIP Yes 11494 12-20-93
RKROUTE 1.10 by Russell Kroll [12-20-93] This
program will generate Route: lines on
outbound GT mailbags, w/additional info.
ROBOT600.ZIP Yes 24355 10-24-93
Harvey's Robot allows you to produce
incoming or outgoing 4d PACKETS. Any
format message systems can use this
system, since it writes to in/outbound
packets directly. The system's message
database format does not matter.
RP100.ZIP Yes 223467 12-26-93
The Prime External Request Processor v1.00
for Frontdoor 2.11.sw+ and Frontdoor 2.20a.ml
SBC100.ZIP Yes 15418 08-07-92
Binkley Color seting program, set up and then
askes if you want to save by modifing the
binkley.cfg file.
SOBNLE.ZIP Yes 72529 12-17-93
Son of Bonk standalone nodelist editor, beta
1.0. Can handle multiple nodelists. Fido.
SQWK10.ZIP Yes 50166 02-01-94
Search that QWK v1.0 - Simple QWK Mail packet
25 words search/extract. Handles archives.$5
STARTPL.ZIP Yes 4792 12-04-93
Help Files for POSTLINK echo mail program
for BBSes. Used with RIME echo.
STATSC1D.ZIP Yes 31502 01-01-94
StatusC: Generate Export, Import, Last
Import and Monthly Total bulletins using
Cam-Mail logs. Multi-Network. Rollovers.
ANSI, ASCII and PCB color/mono support.
STATUS3K.ZIP Yes 49827 01-01-94
Status: Generate Export, Import, Last Import
and Monthly Total bulletins with Postlink
logs. Multi-Network. Rollovers. ANSI, ASCII,
PCB color/mono support. CleanUp log utility.
STRING20.ZIP Yes 35402 02-01-94
STRING SEARCH(R) 2.0 Text file string
extractor. Predecessor of SS 1.10. New ver.
Is faster and don't have the stupid music.
Good for FIDO-NET hubs and nodes w/points.
TAGD084.ZIP Yes 63923 03-07-94
Add taglines to messages in FrontDoor and
other message editors (timED,etc.)
TAGGER10.ZIP Yes 59293 09-23-93
TAGGER.EXE v1.0 A BBS utility to add a bit of
change to the BANNER files in InterMail and
various other BBS Mailers. Free from PAROLE
TD183BUF.LHA No 13117 03-05-94
chgTDbuf v33.01 - TrapDoor 1.83 long AKA
EMSI packet bugfix (no more gurus!)
TICIT130.ZIP Yes 14830 01-31-94
TICIT 1.2 is a tic file preprocessor
for Planet Connect Systems satellite service
TIMB11P.ZIP Yes 151408 12-29-93
TimEd/B11; Fast msg editor for FidoNet;
supports Squish, JAM,MSG and now also
Hudson bases. Now with internal editor! OS/2
(32 bit) version.
TIMG2P.ZIP Yes 164807 03-15-94
[TIMG1P.ZIP]TimEd gamma 2; fast FidoNet
message editor for Squish, JAM, Hudson &
*.MSG. With internal editor. OS/2 version.
TPOST105.ZIP Yes 42725 10-24-93
Tpost v1.05. Tick Message poster used in
TPSQAPI1.ZIP Yes 38728 09-28-93
Squish API library specific to Turbo Pascal
with source
TWITIT05.ZIP Yes 12227 12-29-93
Version 05 of TWIT_IT. Utility for RoboMail
Adds the ability to twit out a subject
globally or by a specific board. Plus a nifty
OS/2 icon!
TXTBCS12.ZIP Yes 34899 10-14-93
TXTBCST v1.2 - This utility creates a REP
packet out of any text file. Version 1.2
adds a broast feature. s utility is gat for
Product Anouncements, BBSde Lists, Mrator
Rule msages and BBS-Ads.
TXTBCST.ZIP Yes 33153 10-11-93
This utility takes a standard text file and
converts it to a REP packet.Text longer than
75 lines get broken into multiple messages.
ULAN_111.ZIP Yes 24160 11-15-93 Ultimate Log Analyzer v1.11 for FrontDoor.
UPC12BAD.ZIP Yes 342396 12-15-93
UUPC 1.12b Documentation File. Here are the
docs for this *very* complete and powerful
UUCP implementation.
UPC12BS1.ZIP Yes 433071 12-16-93
UUPC 1.2b SOURCE CODE file 1 of 2 for OS/2,
DOS, Windows. This is a *very* complete
and powerful UUCP implementation, includes
mail and news readers.
190 files - New:10-04-1993 Old:11-12-1992
UPC12BS2.ZIP Yes 49915 12-16-93
UUPC 1.2b SOURCE CODE file 2 of 2 for OS/2,
DOS, Windows. This is a *very* complete
and powerful UUCP implementation, includes
mail and news readers.
UPC12I12.ZIP Yes 209320 04-11-94 UUPC/Extended v1.12 OS/2 16BIT 1/3
UPC12I13.ZIP Yes 227471 04-11-94 UUPC/Extended v1.12 OS/2 16BIT 2/3
UPC12I14.ZIP Yes 172038 04-11-94 UUPC/Extended v1.12 OS/2 16BIT 3/3
UPC12I22.ZIP Yes 552828 04-11-94 UUPC/Extended v1.12 OS/2 32BIT 1/3
UPC12I23.ZIP Yes 366158 04-11-94 UUPC/Extended v1.12 OS/2 32BIT 2/3
UPC12I24.ZIP Yes 123218 04-11-94 UUPC/Extended v1.12 OS/2 32BIT 3/3
UPC12ID1.ZIP Yes 198627 04-11-94 UUPC/Extended v1.12 DOS 1/3
UPC12ID2.ZIP Yes 214791 04-11-94 UUPC/Extended v1.12 DOS 2/3
UPC12ID3.ZIP Yes 168696 04-11-94 UUPC/Extended v1.12 DOS 3/3
UPC12IS1.ZIP Yes 213908 04-11-94 UUPC/Extended v1.12 Source 1/4
UPC12IS2.ZIP Yes 196399 04-11-94 UUPC/Extended v1.12 Source 2/4
UPC12IS3.ZIP Yes 127106 04-11-94 UUPC/Extended v1.12 Source 3/4
UPC12IS4.ZIP Yes 111412 04-11-94 UUPC/Extended v1.12 Source 4/4
UPC12IW1.ZIP Yes 70997 04-11-94 UUPC/Extended v1.12 Windows 1/2
UPC12IW2.ZIP Yes 144014 04-11-94 UUPC/Extended v1.12 Windows 2/2
UPC2N1.ZIP Yes 241288 10-04-93 UUCP/Extented 1.12b - Email & News Package 2
UPC2N2.ZIP Yes 256706 10-04-93 UUCP/Extended 1.12b - Email & News Package 2
UPC2N3.ZIP Yes 80649 10-04-93 UUCP/Extended 1.12b - Email & News Package 2
UPC2S1.ZIP Yes 430378 10-04-93
Build UUCP/Extended from Source files
completes the UPC12 files 1/2 source files
UPC2S2.ZIP Yes 57178 10-04-93
UUCP/Extended 1.12b - Email & News Package
UUEXE525.ZIP Yes 32496 12-03-93
DOS vrsns of Unix uuencode/uudecode v5.25 by
Richard Marks. These are still the best
versions for DOS and they are FREE. W/fast,
multi-section processing. 12/3/93
UUPCB120.ZIP Yes 587626 12-18-93
uuPCB - Version 1.20 - Shareware Release -
The most widely used USENET for PC Board!
This version is for PC Board 15.0! This
release is fully functional for registered
uuPCB Sysops and will operate in demo mode
for evaluation purposes. (demo mode limited
to 6 newsgroups but otherwise uncrippled.)
Contains all required files.
WAFGTB06.ZIP Yes 75673 10-03-93
WAFTOGT 1.0 BETA 6 [10-03-93] GT Sysops:
Bring USENET to your GT power BBS!
WAFGTB07.ZIP Yes 76247 01-11-94
WAFTOGT 1.0 BETA 7 [01-11-93]
*GT Sysops: Bring USENET to your BBS!*
WAFTOGT brings the multitude of groups
that make up Usenet to your GT Power
BBS! It will also import E-mail for
your users, and can bounce back mail
sent to unknown users. Try it today!
** SHAREWARE - Registration is $15 **
Author -- rkroll%cmptech@csn.org
WCTRAF11.ZIP Yes 29549 03-25-94
wcTraffic v1.00-wcUUCP BBS Screen maker
and error detector. Creates HELLOx.BBS/
BULx.BBS based on activity, checks for
errors, writes errors to external file,
configurable @ Color codes & more! NO DEMO
KEY REQUIRED! Callers love it! Easy to
install, easy to register.
From Integrad Services, Inc.
WRITEJAM.ZIP Yes 47688 12-20-93
The write-to-jam C function, Dec 1993
An example of a function to write to the
JAM(mbp) (the message base format by Joaquim
Homrighausen, Andrew Milner, Mats Birch, and
Mats Wallin). Code for Door authors.
Includes JAM library for MSC & Borland C
XMAIL100.ZIP Yes 346995 12-07-93
XMail 1.00 Shareware Release - The most
powerful Mailprocessor, incl. Hudson, Squish,
JAM and MSG. Multi-line support and lots
lots more features. Primarily for FIDO Net
YARN_057.ZIP Yes 319314 02-17-94
Yarn offline mail reader - Suite of programs
to store and read usenet news
ZNR092U.ZIP Yes 128975 12-05-93
ZipNews local/remote newsreader;PCBoard BBSs+
Wildcat!, Waffle, and others. BETA v0.92u. A
threaded Usenet news-reader & companion to
the ZipNews Door (DOS) & uqwk v1.7 (on Unix
hosts). Select newsgroups/maintain pointers
via upload to the door. Also a LOCAL reader
& mailer for sysops using the ZipNews door.
Registered version is a mailer for uploading
Internet E-mail and your own news postings to
the ZipNews Door or uqwk. Reg. Cost: $19.95.