SLIMLINE DASHBOARD Hewlett Packard has come out with Dashboard for Windows. The $99.00 package is a new version. Version 2.0 and is strengthening by a multitude of smart improvements, including a slick SOS windows, many drag and drop features, a hard disk monitor that reports free disk space, a calendar and plenty of options to customize. You can upgrade for $29.00. The default look hasn't changed but the new DOS command line window with more funtions is something to really look at. The main part of the popup looks like a DOS command line, but you can launch both Windows and DOS applications from it. The great features like clipboard and drag and drop support are also included in the DOS command line. New customization features include an option to change Dashboard from horizontal to vertical orientation, color and font control, and resizing capabilities for the main window and subpanels I'll tell you that since my friend bought this product I've really missed not seeing this on my screen at home. To me this is an extensive upgrade. Look for it in your local computer superstore. EDITOR CLYDE ARNOLD BITS N' BYTES BBS