Talk to your PC As most of you have seen the TV commercials on Voice commands for your computer. Microsoft has one that directly shows you how you can talk to your computer instead of typing on the keyboard. Just admazing, but maybe one day we can do this with our own personal computers. Well you don't have to wait anymore. It's out. IBM has announced Voicetype for Windows. It recognizes keywords that most windows applications understand. The 129.00 program includes software and a Sony FVX300 microphone. You supply a SoundBlaster or compatible audio board. Installation is simple: You just run the setup program and plug the included microphone into the mono input port on your sound card. VoiceType Control supports multiple users on the same machine, so the first step is to tell it who you are. A quick training option lets you teach the program your pronunciation of the basic commands, which it calls the "always active" vocabulary. This system is very sensitive to how the control words are pronounced. The program defaults to a clear, accentless pronunciation that won't match the way the majority of users talk. You'll want to go through the training to ensure that you don't have problems with the vocabulary. Once this is all completed the program leaves a Voicebar active on the screen. This Voicebar lets you toggle the microphone on and off, change users, and reopen the quick training session In addition you can use words that a number of Windows utilities such as Notepad, Calculator, and File Manager, as well as for serveral Windows Applications. It does take in effect surrounding noises and you must make sure to pronounce the words and phrases exactly as you did in the training session. Its not meant to replace the mouse or keyboard but to supplement them. EDITOR CLYDE ARNOLD BITS N' BYTES BBS