A few defintions several readers have asked for when dealing with BBSs ANSI GRAPHICS - ANSI Graphics are special control codes that the BBS can send to your computer, to allow changing of colors, cursor movement, etc. on your screen. This allows the BBS to display graphs, charts and simple drawings, as well a providing a much nicer interface. ARJ FILES - ARJ is a file compression format used to archive multiple files into a single package for uploading and downloading to the BBS. In order to access the programs and files stored in an .ARJ archive, you must obtain a copy of ARJ, which is usually available for download from most BBSes. BAUD RATE - The baud rate refers to the speed at which data can be transferred between the BBS system and your computer. When you connect to a BBS you should set your terminal program to the highest baud rate that is supported by both your modem and the BBS. DOWNLOAD - Downloading refers to the process of transferring a file (such as a program, graphics image or other data) FROM the BBS TO your computer. ECHOMAIL - EchoMail refers to a message that will be sent to other BBSes, allowing you to communicate with users other than just those who call your particular BBS. FREEWARE - Freeware is a term that refers to software that legally be used and distributed free of charge. GIF FILES - The GIF file format is the standard method of storing the graphics images that are available for download from many BBSes. In order to view or use these images, you will need a program that supports the GIF file format - of which there are many available on various BBSes. LOCAL MAIL - Local mail refers to messages that are only available on the particular BBS on which they were written. LZH FILES - LHA is a file compression format used to archive multiple files into a single package for uploading and downloading to the BBS. In order to access the programs and files stored in a .LZH archive, you must obtain a copy of LHA. PUBLIC DOMAIN - Public Domain software refers to software that can legally be used, altered or distributed free of charge. PUBLIC MAIL - Public mail refers to messages that can be read by anyone with access to a particular message area. PRIVATE MAIL - Private mail refers to messages that can only be read by the person who wrote the message, the person to whom the message is addressed and the sysop. PROTOCOL - A file transfer protocol refers to one of several different "methods" used for uploading and downloading files from a BBS. Common file transfer protocols include Xmodem, Ymodem and Zmodem. QUOTING - When replying to a message, it is common to use a "quoting" feature on the BBS to quote a portion of the message to which you are replying. Quoting serves to remind people of what was said in the message you are replying to and helps maintain a sort of continuity of conversation. SHAREWARE - Shareware refers to software that can be freely distributed, but you must pay for if you wish to continue using for an extended period. Most of the software you'll find on a BBS is Shareware. TERMINAL PROGRAM - The terminal program (or communications program) is the program you use to call a BBS. The terminal program displays information sent from the BBS, transmits your commands to the BBS and transfers files to and from your computer. UPLOAD - Uploading refers to the process of transferring a file (such as a program, graphics image or other data) FROM your computer TO the BBS. ZIP FILES - PKZIP is a file compression format used to archive multiple files into a single package for uploading and downloading to the BBS. To access the programs and files stored in a .ZIP archive, you must obtain a copy of PKZIP, which is usually available for download from most BBSes.