RMDOOR All of you SysOps out there in Byte Land that program in Turbo Pascal need to be aware of a set of com routines written by Randy Hunt and Mark Goodwin of the "Lobster Buoy BBS". The program is called "RMDOOR" and comes as a TPU file for Turbo Pascal v5.5 or v6.0. This is the easy way to write door programs. The program will pick up all most any door drop file and use it. So Wildcat!, RA, RBBS, TriBBS, Pcboard, WWIV, Gap and any other BBS that drops DOOR.SYS can run your program as a door. What makes it so simple is you can use the same commands that you would normally use, put RM in from of the command and it will send the results of that command to the com port and to the local device. I recommend this to all SysOps that want to program their own doors. Programs that I use "RMDOOR" on include "International On Line Magazine", the "Key Door", on "Arkansas River Valley" and the "International On Line DownLoad Door" on both "Arkansas River Valley" and "Hector Programmer's Forum". You can download an un-crippled Shareware version of "RMDOOR" from "The Lobster Buoy" at 207-941-0805 or from "Hector Programmer's Forum" at 501-284-2086. Both of these numbers are on 14,400 baud modems.