****************************************************************** The following is a readers comment to the editor that we wished to publish to see if anyone could or would offer assistance to this individual. Information for contacting him is provided at the end of this article. If you respond we would be very interested in hearing from you for a possible article in a following issue. Thanks for your attention and assistance. Michael Gray - Publisher InterNational Online Magazine Bus. (501) 890-5150 (voice) ****************************************************************** Dear Editor Michael Gray, I am a new sysop. I am running Wildcat 3.9 (like yourself). With version 3.9, I have RIP screens. This is cool. Very cool. I bought the Telegraphix RIPAINT and I'm a decent graphic artist (mouse driven progs). HOWEVER, my problem is how much I don't know about both programing (Ripscrip) and exactly how Wildcat uses things (which I don't understand) like text variables and stuff like that. The manual that came with RIPAINT tells virtually everything except how to do things. It has a wealth of technical information but now "how-to" info. Also (understandably) it is not Wildcat!-specific. At this point, the only creation I can pull off without losing my mind are simple HELLO#.RIP screens! Every once in awhile, I download a few RIP menus from MSI BBS, and they include a README.DOC. These provide much better information (wildcat-specific) than anything else, but they are STILL too confusing. I don't want the world. All I want is to create custom DOORS.RIP, BULLETIN.RIP, QUESTION.RIP, etc. In my wildest imagination, I would like to create "dialog boxes" to come after the initial menu which would accept user commands (for instance a series of dialog boxes for a download sequence). But for now, I would be happy to understand why I have to sacrifice the "plain vanilla" border around, say a door display, just because I have created a custom doors menu! I am not looking for any answers from you, per se, I would just like to know if anybody has (or might) publish some kind of text file that teaches RIP to INEXPERIENCED WILDCAT! sysops. Maybye one of your talented writers could do an article. Your magazine and BBS has a reputation for being helpful to new sysops, I thought maybye you would know where this information could be found. Thanx and keep up the great work, Rob Walsh - THE BRIDGE BBS 201-656-4602 ******************************************************************