CONNECT, The Modem User's Resource! Covering the major commercial online services, Internet/Usenet and bulletin board system networks, CONNECT focuses on telecommunications from a user's perspective. Issue after issue, CONNECT shows you how to get the most from the commercial online services you're using -- CompuServe, Delphi, America Online, Prodigy, GEnie, BIX, etc. With columnists on staff to cover the major services in depth, you'll find CONNECT a valuable resource. CONNECT also shows you what "free" networks like Internet and Fidonet have to offer. Every issue of CONNECT contains Internet coverage that helps you find your way around the biggest network in the world. But CONNECT doesn't stop there. BBS callers also receive a wealth of information from each issue. All varieties of computer platforms (IBM, Apple/Macintosh, Commodore/Amiga, NeXT, Atari, etc.) are covered in the pages of CONNECT, as are the many different types of bulletin board software and services found on these computers. Articles spotlighting BBSes in specific cities or similar categories (such as medical BBSes or handicapped-related systems) will appear regularly. Each issue contains platform-specific columns highlighting programs available online or commercially for IBM and Macintosh users. Of course, you'll also find hardware and software reviews in CONNECT. From high speed modems and LAN-based BBS systems to shareware terminal programs, we cover it all. Last, but certainly not least, each issue of CONNECT contains a column written by renowned author Michael A. Banks. His column, called "The Inside Line," takes you behind-the-scenes of your favorite online services. Often controversial and always thought-provoking, this column "tells it like it is." Michael Banks gives CONNECT readers a look at the online world they may never see on their computer screens. If you have any questions about CONNECT, please contact Pegasus Press at 3487 Braeburn Circle, Ann Arbor, MI 48108 or phone (313) 973-8825. For the fastest response, please email us at: AOL: PegasusPR CIS: 70007,4640 GEnie: CONNECT.MAG Delphi: UNICORNPUB Internet: Pegasus Press BBS -- (313) 973-9137 (300-14.4Kbps) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECT Subscription Form ------------------------- [ ] Yes, sign me up for a year of CONNECT (6 issues) at $18. Send my issues to the US address listed below. [ ] I don't have a US address, but sign me up for CONNECT at the rate below: [ ] $30 Canada/Mexico (surface) [ ] $36 Foreign (surface) [ ] $54 Foreign (air mail) Name: _____________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ City/State: _______________________________________ ZIP: ________ - _____ Country: ___________________ Phone: (______) ________ - ____________ Where can we reach you online? __________________________ ___________________________________________________ [ ] Please charge my credit card [ ] VISA [ ] MasterCard [ ] American Express Card #: ______________________________________ Expiration Date: _____________________________ Signature: ___________________________________ Make checks or money orders payable to Pegasus Press. Return this form to: Pegasus Press CONNECT Subscriptions Dept. 3487 Braeburn Circle Ann Arbor, MI 48108