ۻ ۻ ۻ ķ ͼ ۺ ۺ ͼ Ŀ ۺ ۺ ۻ DSNEWS15 JANUARY 94 ۺ ۺ ͼ VOLUME 3 ISSUE 01 ۺ ۺ ۺ ۻ ͼ ͼ ͼ ͼ Ŀ ۻ ۻ ۻ ۻ ۻ Located in the lovely ۻ ۺ ۻ ͼ ۻ town of Port Orchard, ۻ ۺ ۺ ۻ ۺ The NASA MLP BBS *IS* ۺۻۺ ۺ ۺ ۺ the definitive ۺ ۺ ۺ ۺ ۺ ۺ ۺ educational experience ͼ ͼ ͼ ͼ ͼ ͼ ͼ    ۻ ۻ ۻ ۻ 206-871-3965 2400 ۻ ۺ ۺ ۻ 206-871-8089 14.4 v42 ۺ ۺ ɼ Hours: Forever, Amen! ۺɼۺ ۺ ͼ Jim & Mary Coleman ۺ ͼ ۺ ۻ ۺ ͼ ͼ ͼ Ľ ķ Dedicated to the life and science of the late Al McReaken Ľ Ŀ The NASA MLP BBS ۻ ۻ ۻ ۻ ۻ ۻ ۻ ͼ ͼ ͼ ۻ ۺ ۻ ͼ ۺ ۻ ۺ ۻ ۺ ۺ ۺ ۺ ۺ ۺ ۺ ۺۻۺ ۺ ۺ ۺ ۺ ۺ ۻ ۺ ۺ ɼ ۺ ͼ ͼ ͼ ͼ ͼ ͼ ͼ True Science Center; NASA Oriented TeleCommunications Ŀ This issue of DSNEWS is different than most--this issue is aimed at the first-time caller or prospective caller and contains information about everything that The NASA MLP has to offer. Some of the regular monthly features that you have come to expect are near the end. However, there's lots in here that even a SEASONED user can learn so it still might be worth your time to read. :) Ŀ This DSNEWS file is a monthly newsmagazine produced by the sysop of The NASA MLP BBS in Port Orchard, WA. The purpose of this magazine is to educate and inform, and keep everyone abreast of NASA MLP activities. It is invaluable to long distance callers who are not able to call as often as local callers. Please upload/post this where you can. Nearly 70% of NASA MLP callers are long distance, and it does them a favor when DSNEWS travels far and wide. Thanks! Ŀ Letter from the Editor MLPNET--Hamster, Earthquakes, Bigfoot, and NASA Top Message Posters MLP Music Conference NASA MLP Networks What's there to do on The NASA MLP? MLP Board Gossip Interesting Conferences MLP Coffee and Pizza DSNEWS16 ĿĿ Letter from the Editor Ŀ GREETINGS! Jeez, is it time ALREADY for another ĿĿ Ŀ DSNEWS newsletter? Seems like I JUST finished the Ĵ Ŀ Ĵ last one! Actually, I did just finish it. This new DSNEWS is gonna be JAM-PACKED with exciting information Ŀ Ŀ about The NASA MLP and MLPNET and I came in here to get an early start on it! But first, the letter from the editor (me :) that so many of you look forward to! ͼ I receive a LOT of feedback on the DSNEWS newsletters and it always makes me really happy to hear back from you all, especially when you are making favorable comments about what has really turned into a labor of love, producing DSNEWS on a monthly basis. And so many of you say that your favorite part is the Letter From the Editor at the beginning of each one. Thanks! I do try and spend a lot of time on the letter to you all, versus how much time is spent putting together the rest of the newsletter. I try to write this as if I were writing directly, personally to YOU! So, how have you been? The weather! YIKES! (You knew I would mention it!) Cold and rainy this month, and, so far, no snow to speak of. Parts of Seattle got nailed around ThanksGiving with a few inches, but we received very little. Still waiting! Now it's just a lot of convergence stuff, and the high pressure zone in the middle of the Pacific that is sending storm after storm along the jet stream. I heard that high-level winds have been clocked at OVER 200 MPH! *THAT'S* some wind. Say, did you know that The NASA MLP is the *SOURCE* of the national METEOROLOGY Conference on the SciFacNet? Now you do! Come join the fun! :) Some fun things happened this month. There was the FIRST OFFICIAL NASA MLP COFFEE OUTING and the Fourth Biannual NASA MLP PIZZA BASH! THANKS to all who attended both events (and shame on those of you who didn't!) We had a BLAST! We spent way too much money and had way too much fun. I had a BUNCH of visitors this month. Roger Van Hoover, Khrista Webb, Brian McNett, Scott and Janel Berry, Ron and Sue Wright, Pasha Phares, Stephen Doerk and many more. Sure was an active month with people trudging in and out of here on a near daily basis. :) I cleaned my room this month, to accommodate the crowds. It is set up real nice now; the computer desk is still here, but now there are many cozy chairs in the room and I have my synthesizer set up right behind me, so I can start jamming along with the CD player whenever I feel like it. I'll be starting another band soon, and my neighbors will REALLY hate me, then. Especially when we start in with the Bob Dylan/Neil Young stuff. Heheheheheheheheheeeeeee. When I worked with SYNTAX back in high school I wrote a lot of original material. I'm now dusting it off and feeing it to the sequencer, and having a blast again. Now, to improve the recording gear and get a decent amplifier. It's fun to pretend I am still young. :) Hey, after you survive an accident as horrible as the one I was in, you're ENTITLED to have a little fun from time to time. :) Donations and subscriptions were put toward my medical insurance bill this month, and I thank Ron Wright, Fletcher Bonds, and Scott and Janel Berry for the monitary contributions that will enable me to keep my expensive insurance yet another month. All money received was donated anonymously by me into the insurance fund the family keeps. I had to do it anonymously since the family won't take any money from me. :) But, not to worry, they aren't computer people and don't read DSNEWS. :):):) This month will mark SIX MONTHS since the accident, and I am hoping to be able to walk again soon. It doesn't take long at ALL to get tired of hobbling around in a walker or on crutches. WRITING went well this month. My book proposal I mailed to Granbury, TX came back because SOMEONE forgot to put postage on it. So, back to square one. SECRET THINGS got a LOT of new material this past month. I am amazed at how smoothly this one is developing, especially in light of the closed head trauma and nerve damage I suffered in the accident. SECRET THINGS is now in READING ROOM #2 (Limited Access Door) with close to ten chapters. I decided not to start the OMENS rewrite this month and didn't add anything to NIGHTSOUNDS. I think I'll let NIGHTSOUNDS sit for ahile, at least until after I get OMENS back out on the market. I was very pleased with the quantity and quality of work I produced this month, for the first time in a LONG time. :) I spent two straight days of work on one and a half pages of SECRET THINGS (the one with Major Sindy Smalley) but it was well worth it in the end. :) Sometimes it just works out that way. A huge time investment with little useful output. :) I'll probably NOT be picking the National NASA echo back up through SciFacNet, for those of you who were asking about it. If I ever do, it won't be until later in 1994. I really don't see any reason to, at this point. The NASA MLP NASA area is going strong and I appreciate everyone who takes the time to participate in that conference. :) I made an offer to the SciFacNet administration to SOURCE the NASA area, but I never heard back from them on it and I can't say I blame them; I already SOURCE two areas there: Meteorology and Seismology. They're probably getting sick of looking at my -=Drk$ŏr-$ ¿LP $y$0p Many of you know that many in my family work directly with the Space Shuttle Program. Many of you have been over here and seen the NASA trinkets and souvenirs, etc. Here's an excerpt from the family Christmas letter we just received: "In October, Bob (Coleman) had a very gratifying experience at NASA, one that makes all the long hours of work worthwhile. He was called to a mock meeting with the intent to surprise him. In walked an astronaut, several Lockheed VP's and a NASA photographer. In the middle of the speech, he realized he was being presented the coveted "Silver Snoopy award." The tie tac pen portraying Snoopy wearing an astronaut's helmet was designed by Charles Schultz, the creator of Snoopy, for the astronauts. The letter accompanying the pin and certificate states, "Only given to those few we regard as the very best in their professions." Bob's pen was flown in space on the Discovery orbiter in October, 1991. He is still on cloud nine . . ." Congratulations, Uncle Bob!!! ĿĿ MLPNET ۻ ۻ ۻ ۻ ۻ ۻ ۻ ۻ ۻ ۺ ۺ ۻ ۻ ۺ ͼ ͼ ۺ ۺ ɼ ۻ ۺ ۻ ۺ ۺɼۺ ۺ ͼ ۺۻۺ ͼ ۺ ۺ ͼ ۺ ۻ ۺ ۺ ۺ ۻ ۺ ͼ ͼ ͼ ͼ ͼ ͼ ͼ ͼ from Ŀ Ŀ ķ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ĵ Ĵ Ŀ Ĵ in beautiful Port Orchard, WA Overheard: "I like running my BBS, but my callers just come in and leech and don't pay any attention to my message areas." "I'd really like to get some message areas started, but I just can't seem to get anything rolling." Solution: MLPNET. The NASA MLP is a progressive, successful BBS in Port Orchard, WA that is geared toward the free and friendly exchange of small-talk and information between consenting adults and career-oriented people. Conferences and file areas range from Aviation to Seismology to Music to Star Trek to Meteorology to SeaQuest DSV to Anthropology, Biology, Rush Limbaugh and more! The NASA MLP is *NOT* an "Adult" board and does not have any "Adult" file areas. When the word "Adult" is used in this text, it simple means what it says. :) The NASA MLP BBS had NUMEROUS areas of interest! A national BUY/SELL/TRADE Compact Disk area is starting up. There is an area for Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Sightings :) And, of course, with MLPNET, you'll ALWAYS have the latest news on ANY earthquake in the world DIRECT from the National Earthquake Information Center and you'll always have the LATEST news DIRECT from NASA about space shuttle activities, etc. It costs me about $300.00 a MONTH to acquire this information and I would love to share it with you, and interact with your BBS. Why, there's even an ONLINE RPG game being played in Conference 12! Believe it or not, my callers are MORE interested in my message bases than they are my file directories, all 176 of them. I'd like to share these successful message areas with you and with your callers. MLPNET is gearing up, and I encourage you to come aboard! ĿĿ RULES OF MLPNET :) There are none...that is the beauty of it. I ask that you carry the DSNEWS conference, though. That's where any pertinent news is posted that you may need to be aware of. Of course, there are the standard rules regarding foul language, flaming, etc. Alias names and that sort of thing are up to you. I do allow the use of tasteful alias names in most of the MLPNET conferences. Only Seismology and Meteorology are alias-restricted. 95% of all MLPNET mail is Real-Name Mail. I've seen NETS with pages and pages of agreements and rules. The only thing you have to agree to to use MLPNET is that normal BBS rules of ettiquette are followed. That's it. :) And, try to call at least once a week to pick up your mail and upload your replies. ĿĿ WHAT *YOU* GET FROM MLPNET You get premade, existing message bases that are thriving. Well, most of them are. You know how that goes...up and down. You get the Nationally Famous MLP Hammster Conference...(more on that later.) You get a monthly newsletter SIMILAR to the one you are reading now, except that this one is more of a huge BBS ad than anything, since it is the first issue of the year. Normally, the newsletters are not all that BBS-Ad oriented. :) In May, 1993 4,071 messages were left on my system outside of the other NETS. In June, nearly 6,000 messages were left in 20 days! These are LOCAL messages, not long distance or NET. As you can see, things are hopping here. :) ĿĿ WHAT MLPNET IS *NOT* * MLPNET is NOT huge. Your downloads and uploads will take very little time (if done regularly.) MLPNET is very personal and is not lost and entangled within itself due to size. MLPNET is not beaurocratic or overly political, like some boards we all know of. * MLPNET is NOT available within the 206 area code (local to this BBS only) For example, Seattle is long distance from here, so it would be available there. * MLPNET is NOT an "Adult" NET. There is no Adult area within the NET. There never will be. * MLPNET is NOT complete yet! As the Network grows, new areas will be added. This is part of the process of growing, and I ask that you be patient with it. :) ĿĿ HOW DO I JOIN UP??? Call up The NASA MLP and leave me a comment, letting me know you are interested in signing on with the MLPNET. Answer script question #3 (MLPNET application) while you are online. This step is VERY important! Hit "S" at the menu, then select the THIRD option. It'll be very self-explanatory. I'll have you upgraded and you'll have NET status by your next call. I'll turn on all the areas in the Cam-Mail .QWK door, and you can start exchanging mail. NOTE: If you don't want all the areas, that is fine. Just reconfigure your setup. :) That's all there is to it! Ŀ From the Makers of the Original SPAM: Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ĵ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ In a unique pull-top can. Made from only the freshest, purest, Deboned hammsters from Vashon Island, WA SPAMMSTER is good nutrition! Ŀ Sometimes, we can take ourselves too seriously. Education, seismology, geology, etc. Sometimes, we just need to take a deep breath, let it all out and DEBONE SOME HAMMSTER! SOURCE: The NASA MLP [MLPNET] - Jim Coleman - Port Orchard, WA 98366 Ŀ ´ Ŀ Ŀ ¿ The NASA MLP BBS of Port Orchard, WA Ŵ Ŵ Ŵ Ŵ HOME of the Acclaimed Hammster Conference! ¿ Ŵ 01) MLPNET NASA 08) Fishing/Outdoors 15) Law Enforce Ŵ Ŵ 02) Seismology 09) Bigfoot 16) Education Ŵ Ŵ 03) Rush Limbaugh 10) Buffalo Bills! 17) Parenting Ŵ Ŵ 04) Writer's Forum 11) Meteorology 18) Paranormal Ŵ Ŵ 05) Chit-Chat 12) Online Role Playing 19) Food/Recipes Ŵ Ŵ 06) MLPNET Hammster! 13) General RPG Forum 20) Arts/Movies Ŵ Ŵ 07) Classified Ads 14) Religious Issues 21) Monty Python Ŵ Ŵ 21) Monty Python 30) MLPNET/DSNEWS! 39) Comedy/Jokes Ŵ Ŵ 22) BBS Ads 31) Hobbies 000) Reserved Ŵ Ŵ 23) Computer 32) Pets and Animals 000) Reserved Ŵ Ŵ 24) Music 33) Geneology 000) Reserved Ŵ Ŵ 25) SeaQuest/StarTrek 34) SummerTime 000) Reserved Ŵ Ŵ 26) NASA MLP MMT 35) Programming 000) Reserved Ŵ Ŵ 27) Debate Forum 36) Compact Disks 000) Reserved Ŵ Ŵ 28) Flight/Pilots 37) Criminal Justice 000) Reserved Ŵ Ŵ 29) Private E-Mail 38) Mycology (Local) 85) Coleman Family Ŵ Ŵ ĿĿ OKAY, THE HAMMSTERS :) (We *DO* know that HAMMSTERS is not spelled correctly!) Okay, so, you may be wondering. What's with the Hammsters? I've seen references to our Hammsters on AOL and in one or two of the Internet Newsgroups! Well, the national HAMMSTER craze started right here, two years go, and has been going strong since then. :) About two years ago, I wanted to create a special area where we could just go, be silly, unwind, take it easy. The Electronic Hammster forum was born! And we sure do have fun with it. I'll enclose just a FEW sample messages here. But, be sure to call, pick up MLPNET, and set the famous Hammster Conference up on YOUR BBS! :):):) Ŀ Date: 05-03-93 (06:05) Number:1416 of1471 (Refer#1402) To: ANDY HARGROVE From: JIM COLEMAN Subj: IGNITION Read: 05-03-93 (23:15) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo) Conf: HAMMSTER (6) Read Type: GENERAL (-) -> Quick, anyone out there know at what temp a Hammster will self- -> combust? I need to know!! NOW!!! The fur will ignite at 178. They will explode at 213!!! Ŀ Date: 04-28-93 (00:52) Number:1380 of1471 (Refer#1364) To: GARRETT WHITNEY From: JIM COLEMAN Subj: THIS SUCKS Read: 05-05-93 (17:27) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo) Conf: HAMMSTER (6) Read Type: GENERAL (-) HAS REPLIES -> How do they taste, we could feed over a million people a year -> with these things. They already tried that in Somalia. . . and look where we are now. Besides, it takes about nine of them a day to keep my own daughter healthy and well-fed. At the local pet shop, they run upwards of five bucks apiece. Figure in a family of four. You do the math. It gets dismal...especially when you factor in the starving third world nations. It pities me to see the starving children in Somalia...I can read into their eyes. I get so guilty that I hide the hamster...I shut off the grill...I wipe my lips and wipe my hands on the towel and pretend I wasn't enjoying that succulent morsel. :) Ŀ To: JIM COLEMAN From: ANDY HARGROVE Subj: THE HABIT Read: 05-05-93 (08:06) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo) Conf: HAMMSTER (6) Read Type: GENERAL (-) HAS REPLIES Well, here it is, 4:30 a.m. Everyone in the house is asleep, 'cept me. Skin's crawling, nose running, eyes itcy, I keep looking out the window 'cause it sounds like the Hammster Detox Cops are tryin' to get in again. Got extra locks on the doors and windows this time, but don't none of you tell 'em. I'M OUTA HAMMSTERS!! It's been hours since the last one and I gotta get another one SOON! You got a spare? Some spindly little runt that you couldn't bring yourself to eat? I aint picky, maybe just a side, or even a hind quarter. Some extraneous little parts, your know, like little Hammster chittlin's or something. Gotta get one soon. Uh oh, here we go again. Starts slow, maybe just thinking I see one here and there. Start to pick one up and it disappears. Then I start to see more and more of them. On the sofa, under the 'puter, peeking out from behind the monitor. Jeez, now they're everywhere! Still can't pick one up though. Don't know how long I'll be able to stay and NO CARRIER Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ DSNEWSxx.ZIP is the monthly NASA MLP NewsMagazine that I publish in electronic format each and every month. The DSNEWS file are VERY popular with my callers as they always have up-to-date news and information. This conference gives YOU a place to discuss the upcoming issue and leave (Privately) anything you wish to see included! SOURCE: [The NASA MLP BBS] Jim Coleman, Port Orchard, WA Don't forget that the DSNEWS conference is YOUR place to leave comments, suggestions, questions, articles, etc for this newsletter or in reference to The NASA MLP. This newsletter is usually released in the last five days of a month, and the cutoff time is usually on or near the 20th. Your input is always appreciated and taken seriously. :) Ŀ People this Sysop Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ĵ Ĵ Ŀ o Ŀ The Top 12 Message Posters on The NASA MLP in the past 30 DAYS! Ŀ Ŀ 738 JIM COLEMAN 606 RON WRIGHT 264 ANDY HARGROVE 209 STEPHEN DOERK 181 SCOTT BERRY 171 PASHA PHARES 168 ANDREW WAGSTER 157 JIM RICE 94 STAN KING 88 DHRI ZHAN 87 ROB WRIGHT 87 KEVIN LAWRENCE Ŀ (206)871-3965 NASA MLP BBS TOP POSTERS by Jim Coleman v1.0 Don't forget to look into the NASA MLP C Programmer's Conference Room!!! ĿĿ NASA MLP MUSIC CONFERENCE WOW! Join The NASA MLP Music Conference if you love music or if you are a musician. We sure do have a lot of fun in there. We talk about the recording industry, we swap favorite lyrics, we discuss song writing, etc. And, there is a separate Compact Disk conference where we discuss the hardware. Albums are reviewed in The NASA MLP Music Conference as well, and what is REALLY NEAT is that not only NEW albums are reviewed (though many new ones are). Older albums may be reviewed, too, such as the review which follows: Album: "FROM THE INSIDE" Artist: Alice Cooper Circa: 1978 Warner Brothers Records, Inc. Metal Blade Records ALICE SAYS: "FROM THE INSIDE" is one of my favorite albums. It was fueled by my stay in the hospital in New York City, recovering from my bout with booze. Everyone else in this joint was totally out of their minds (literally). All the characters on this album were based on real inmates I met there. "HOW YA GONNA SEE ME NOW" was a smash, but I love every single song on this album. It's a beautifully sick thing to listen to. Do you belong here, too?" Alice Cooper "FROM THE INSIDE" was written while Alice Cooper was commited to a sanitarium to recover from his alcohol addiction. In the midst of his pain, he observes what is going on around him and writes this perfect album, with references to "Nurse Rozetta" and "JackKnife Johnny" and "Lizzy Borden." Even those who detest Alice Cooper have been impressed with this album, when I've played tracks from it. In the midst of heartbreak and misery comes some of the best poetry, best music, most honest revelations. Alice talks about the "QUIET ROOM" where there are" "Plastic forks and spoons, no laces in my shoes They all know what I tried to do Outside the quiet room." He later reveals conversations he overheard between inmates: "Oh, Billy, it's fresh in my memory The night it had to be. You with your pick-axe and scissors and you with your shovel and gun. And I liked your late husband, Donald But such torture his memory brings All sliced up and sealed tight in baggies . . . I guess, I guess love makes you do funny things." Some there were in the war, and now suffer the horror that so many Vietnam vets suffer: "Jackknife Johnny, you're a floor-moppin' flunkie Tool of a dagger's drawn world Jackknive Johnny, all them old vets are gonna hate you For bringing home that V.C. girl." "I'm stuck here on the inside looking out I'm just another 'Case.' Where's my makeup, where's my face? On the inside." From "I wish I was Born in Beverly Hills" to "We're all Crazy" this CD is FAR different from anything Alice Cooper ever recorded previously, or since. It was a limited release and album versions are still worth money (first editions, with the cover pullouts). This fantastic effort was released on CD several years ago and sold out until a second pressing could be made. "All of my life was a laugh and a joke A drink and a smoke And then I passed out on the floor Or a friend. Again and again and again and again and again." So much music today glorifies drinking, drug use, illicit sex, violence, etc. This music paints a SOBERING and very true picture of what alcohol and/or drug addiction can make on a prisoner within him/herself. Cooper fan or not, this album is worth listening to, absorbing, and digesting the sobering truths contained within the sometimes flippant lyrics: "And don't think we were trying to be bad, All the innocent crimes seemed alright at the time Not necessarily mad . . . I guess they just couldn't take us no more." And, yes, for the romantics, a LOVE SONG, love between Milly and Billy: "Billy, I wonder, why are we insane Will we ever get better, will we stay the same? Billy, I am worried. Milly, don't worry, No one knows our pain Being in love is crazy We're not alone that way. Milly, our world's an asylum And our mind's, like you say, ain't that straight But you know and I know our passions Not deformed, it's true, I'd say We'll love our lifetime. God made love crazy so we wouldn't feel alone He was thinking of us, He was thinking of us God made love crazy So He wouldn't feel alone." "I've wrestled with reality for 34 years and I'm glad to say that I've finally won out over it."--Elwood P. Dowd "Harvey" NOTE: Many lyrics on this album were CO-WRITTEN by Bernie Taupin, ELTON JOHN's writer! :) Pick this one up today! :) Ŀ Tjim - NASA MLP Sysop -=Dark$ar-Na$A ¿LP $Y$0p=- NASA MLP MUSIC EDITOR A Certified TSCNOT Bulletin Board System ĿĿ NASA MLP NETWORKS Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ĵ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ ĿĿ NORTHWEST LINK Network Got cancelled due to some overly political, sensitive little TSCNet people. ĿĿ FSNET (SciFacNet) The NASA MLP and FSNET'S (SciFacNet) relationship is over a year old. It all started a long time ago, when I saw the listing for Science Factor BBS in the Puget Sound Computer User. The numbers (three nodes, back then) were Seattle, and, consequently, long distance, but I was so excited that I called regardless. Imagine, ANOTHER BBS with a Science/educational theme. More than anything else, I wanted to be a Sysop should be the FIRST to realize the importance of supporting BBSes in the community. True, one can't afford to support them all, but one should pick out one or two or three that means the most and support them. I chose to help support Science Factor. Bruce N. Baker started in on my right away, pushing SFNET. I wasn't a hard sell. I only had an 89 meg hard drive back then and it was nearly full, so hardware was definately a factor. In addition, Seattle was (and still is, unfortunately :) long distance from my house. I had to do some talking with the wife! Soon, however, permission was granted, I cleared some junk off my hard drives (leecherfiles, mainly :) and set up FSNET. I persuaded Bruce to pick up the Meteorology Conference from The NASA MLP. He did, with no hesitation. Later, I approached him with yet ANOTHER idea. I wasn't so sure this one would fly. In fact, I asked friends of mine on the MLP about it. I said, "I want to talk to Bruce about starting a Seismology area on the SciFacNet. He already has a Geology area. Do you think he'll go for that, since seismology and geology are so closely related???" I was told by nearly everyone that I'd probably be wasting my time to even MENTION it to Bruce. I was disappointed, and vowed to start a Seismology area ANYWAY. If SciFacNet didn't want it, to hell with them! As things turned out, I was talking with Bruce on the voice line one night and I brought the subject up. Yes, I ended up begging for it! I made promises that it wouldn't be ignored, or started and then left to die. I promised that I would post weekly updates on any earthquake ANYWHERE in the world. I promised that I would expand to the Cascade Range volcanoes so far as seismicity goes. I promised that if there was a major earthquake ANYWHERE, callers could read all about it on a TIMELY basis from the SciFacNet. Bruce, chuckling, floored me by readily agreeing to set up the conference. "Won't your geology people be mad, think I'm trying to crowd in or something?" I asked. Bruce indicated that I shouldn't concern myself with that. The NASA MLP and SciFacNet Seismology conference was born. I have kept every promise I made to Bruce that night. Now, the Seismology conference is one of the more active conferences in the SciFacNet. A worthwhile addition, I should think! :) NASA MLP ĿĿ GEOINFO Network What a great NET! What a SLOW NET, also! Come on folks, get involved! I have to call all the way to Sacramento to get this one, so that makes it the most LONG-DISTANCE NET I carry! I am also a hub, so anyone (aside from TSC) who wishes to carry it, just download and fill out the application and I will pass it along to my good friend, Ted Smith! Ted Smith is the sysop of CDMG ONLINE, one of DarkStar's RECOMMENDED BBS's that you will see later in this document. CDMG (for those who don't know or can't figure it out) stands for California Division of Mines and Geology. Yes, Ted is one of those LUCKY ones who gets PAID to be a sysop! CDMG has a tremendous earthquake emphasis, and I get a lot of my earthquake stuff from CDMG. Stephen Doerk (there, I mentioned you--enough already! :) has been most helpful in acting as a liason between Ted's board and my own. GEOINFO is a great NET that has more to offer than you may realize! GEOINFO is fun for people who are into earthquakes. GEOINFO is great for geologists. But, GEOINFO also has a paleontology area (dinosaurs) and a rock collecting area. It is great for those who are into crystals, and rocks of all kinds! So, jump on in! Get yer feet wet and let them folks down in Sacramento know that The MLP is a force to be reckoned with! ĿĿ USENET/INTERNET The NASA MLP had over 100 areas of INTERNET/USENET newsgroups, but then, when I was run over by the car, I cancelled most of them. Once I recover, I will pick them back up. There were some fascinating areas in there. Presently, I still carry Airlines, Space Shuttle and California Earthquake USENET areas. :) More are on the way, promise. ĿĿ WHAT'S THERE TO DO ON THE NASA MLP ANYWAY? I'm GLAD you asked that! You can download files. You can send and recieve E-Mail. You can play a WIDE variety of games. You can read (limited access) NOVELS-IN-PROGRESS in a READING ROOM. You can enter another READing Room and read Earthquake, NASA, Law Enforcement, Medical and AIDS, Humor and Comedy articles. You can enter YET ANOTHER READING Room and find a whole HOST of song lyrics, and classic and modern poetry. You and enter a WRITING Room and actually help WRITE the great American Novel! :) You can check the availability of your favorite Compact Disks and, very soon, join a BUY/SELL/TRADE CD forum. Jeez, there are TONS of things to do. You can play a slot machine and throw food at someone . . . the list goes on. Here's a few more specifics: ĿĿ File Directories Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Earthquake Info. NASA News GIF Collections ٳ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Custom-Made CDROMS ٳ 1) DSNEWS and Board Related Files 17) MLP NASA GIF Collection #1 2) Cascade Range Volcanoes 18) MLP NASA GIF Collection #2 3) Strong-Motion Seismic Accelerograms 1 19) MLP NASA GIF Collection #3 4) Strong-Motion Seismic Accelerograms 2 20) MLP NASA GIF Collection #4 5) Strong-Motion Seismic Accelerograms 3 21) MLP Space Shuttle GIF Collection 6) Strong-Motion Seismic Accelerograms 4 22) MLP NASA Motion Picture Library 7) Strong-Motion Seismic Accelerograms 5 23) MLP SpaceLink Planetary GIFS 8) Strong-Motion Seismic Accelerograms 6 24) MLP Jet Airplane GIF Collection 9) USGS 1994 Weekly Earthquake Updates 25) MLP Jet Airplane GIF Collection 10) USGS 1993 Weekly Earthquake Updates 26) MLP Prop Airplane GIF Collection 11) USGS 1992 Weekly Earthquake Updates 27) MLP Prop Airplane GIF Collection 12) USGS 1991 Weekly Earthquake Updates 28) MLP Outdoor Photo GIF Collection 13) Earthquake Text Files and Information 29) MLP Outdoor Photo GIF Collection 14) Seismology and Earthquake Related 30) MLP Apollo PCX Collection #1tion 15) (Reserved for future earthquake files)31) MLP Apollo PCX Collection #2 16) (Reserved for future earthquake files)32) MLP Science GIF Collection #1 33) Space Shuttle Missions #1 49) Jet Propulsion Lab Newsletters 34) Space Shuttle Missions #2 50) Space Warnings--Launches 35) Space Shuttle Missions #3 51) CURRENT NASA NEWS 36) (Reserved for future NASA files) 52) Recent NASA News 37) Jonathon's Weekly Space Reports 53) Archived NASA News 38) Space Calendar NASA Newsletters 54) NASA and its History 39) Text files by Sysop 55) NASA and its Centers 40) NASA Classroom Materials 56) Notable NASA Speeches 41) NASA for Teachers 57) NASA MLP NASA Sound Files 42) MLP Teachers' Lounge 58) (Reserved for future files) 43) NASA and Aeronautics 59) NASA Files #1 44) Extraterrestrial and UFO 60) NASA Files #2 45) Space Station FREEDOM 61) NASA Files #3 46) FREEDOM Newsletters 62) NASA Files #4 47) NASA Health and Medical 63) (Reserved for future files) 48) Galileo Updates 64) Hubble Space Telescope 65) Magellan Updates 81) Children's Education #1 66) Ulysses Updates 82) (Reserved for future Kid's) 67) Mars Observer Updates 83) Children's Games 68) About NASA SpaceLink 84) Miscellaneous Education 69) Shuttle/Satellite Tracking Software 85) Programming (BASIC) 70) Astronomy #1 86) Programming (C) 71) Astronomy #2 87) Programming (More C) 72) (Reserved for future NASA files) 88) Programming (Even more C) 73) (Reserved for future NASA files) 89) (Reserved for future C Files) 74) (Reserved for future NASA files) 90) Programming (Pascal) 75) Meteorology and Weather Related 91) Programming (Miscellaneous) 76) NASA Games and Simulations 92) Programming (Tutorials) 77) (Reserved for future NASA files) 93) Programming (BASIC/QBASIC) 78) Before the Space Shuttle 94) Programming (Assembler) 79) (Reserved for future NASA files) 95) US Military/Military Issues #1 80) (Reserved for future NASA files) 96) US Military/Military Issues #2 97) Spreadsheets 113) Paranormal/ESP 98) Computer/DOS 114) BBS Lists 99) (Reserved for future DOS) 115) Kitsap County/GIFS/Occupational 100) Jokes and Pranks 116) Special Interest 101) Virus Protection 117) Calculators 102) DataBase--Freeform 118) Music Programs 103) DataBase--Full Feature 119) Music/Sound/VOCS/CMF 104) DataBase--Informational 120) Music Lyrics 105) Foreign Language Studies 121) SoundBlaster VOCS 106) Demographics 122) NASA MLP Promo GIFS 107) Electrical 123) GIFS of fine Swimwear 108) Communications 124) Star Trek GIFS 109) (Reserved for future files) 125) (Reserved for StarTrek) 110) (Reserved for future files) 126) Files for Writers 111) Math 127) Word Processing #1 112) Informational Texts 128) Word Processing #2 129) Legal 145) Spelling 130) FREE Downloads 146) Mycology 131) Windows #1 147) GrabBag #1 132) Windows #2 148) GrabBag #2 133) Windows #3 149) GrabBag #3 134) Food, Nutrition, Health 150) (Reserved for future files) 135) Food, Recipes, etc. 151) Monty Python Files 136) Hobby and Leisure 152) Offline Mail Readers 137) Chemistry 153) Utilities 138) Religious 154) Graphics/CAD 139) Commercial Demo Programs 155) Uploaded Computer 140) Trivia Shell Games 156) Uploaded BBS 141) Fishin' Files 157) Uploaded Games 142) Desktop Publishing 158) Uploaded GIFS, etc. 143) Biology 159) (Reserved for future files) 144) Geography 160) (Reserved for future files) 161) Hammster Self Help 166) William Rountree's Games 162) Religious Hammster 167) William Rountree's Utilities 163) Hammster Utilities 168) Law Enforcement 164) Adult Hammster (Joke Directory) 169) Law Enforcement Text Files 165) (Reserved for future Hammster files) 170) Unsorted Uploads Ŀ The NASA MLP BBS P.O. Box 723 Port Orchard, WA 98366 ĿĿ READing Rooms Welcome To ķ ķ ķ ķ ķ ķ ķ ķ ķ Ŀ ӷ ֽ ӷ Ľ ǿ ӷ ǿ ӷ ķ Ӵ Ӵ Ľ Ľ ķ ӷ ķ ķ Ľ Ľ Ľ Ľ Ľ Ľ Ľ Ľ Ľ and Jim Coleman's ķ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ĵ Ŀ Ĵ Library and Reading Rooms! There are THREE READing Rooms available on The NASA MLP and they are growing daily! ĿĿĿ READING ROOM #1 READING ROOM #3 READING ROOM #2 ĴĴĴ NASA MLP Documents Poetry OMENS - The Novel Medical Texts - AIDS, etc. Poetry--Classic OMENS - Continued Earthquake Information Poetry--Empty NIGHTSOUNDS-Progress Pacific NorthWest VolcanoesLYRICS--Bob Dylan Short Fiction Stories Law Enforcement LYRICS--Harry Chapin GLASS - The Novel NASA and Space Shuttle LYRICS--Jimmy Buffet SECRET THINGS-Progress Humorous Text Files LYRICS--SimonGarfunkel CYGNUS CRISIS-Progress NASA MLP Hammster Tales LYRICS--Tom Petty Short Fiction LYRICS--Neil Young Ŀ LYRICS--Roger Waters Ŀ LYRICS--Miscellaneous NASA MLP CD Reviews PLEASE UPLOAD humorous text files for Reading Room #1! Thanks! I keep asking, but no one sends me any. :( ĿĿ WRITING Room Introducing: Ŀ The Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ ĿĿ Ŀ Ŀ Ĵ Ŀ Ĵ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ I have been wanting to add this feature for a LONG time now, but could never find any software that I liked. So, I'll be rolling up the programming sleeves (again) and writing one CUSTOM to this system. But for now, this will do. Join in and help us write the Great American Novel! Or several! As the stories are completed, I may publish them in future DSNEWS files, so jump on in!!! Depending on interest, I may add a FOURTH NASA MLP READing _____ _____ Room, specifically for viewing ANSI! ܱ ۲۳ ۲۳ ۲߲ ۲ܲ ܳ߰ ܰ /\ /\ /\ /\ İ ĿĿ MLP BOARD GOSSIP! TERRY HEATH is calling again. He got out of the book business and got into the coffee business, and is now thinking of merging both interests. He's got another computer and is picking up where he left off. DHRI ZHAN has been very involved in the message bases, but will be out-of-state for a few weeks. Sure wish her a safe trip. ANGELA WRIGHT is the newest Wright family member to join our little family. :) ROB WRIGHT is contesting her (and everyone else) in the FOOD FIGHT game. Incidentally, I am *NOT* TSCNOT in that game, that is a different caller. But, don't let that stop you from throwing all your food at him/her. STAN KING MARK MCBRIDE came back from school and called a few times, and is back to school now. Jeez, quick visit. :) PAUL ZIMMERMAN is really stirring things up in the RUSH LIMBAUGH area. Be sure to drop in there for some friendly debate and for a break from your liberal counterparts. Incidentally, I might mention that as of today Ŀ Ŀ America Held Hostage, Day 343 Ŀ Ŀ 1118 days left of the Clinton presidency! 361 days of tax retroactivity for the wealthy and deceased. PASHA PHARES will be leaving us soon but I don't know exactly when. Pasha wanted a change of scenery so he joined the Air Force. Most of us look out a different window but NOOOOOOO, not Pasha. Actually Pasha is quite the flight enthusiast and we all wish him the very best and warn him that he MUST fly in for the annual MLP Pizza Parties! AL SHARPENTIER said I was "immature." Boy, did THAT ever generate a TON of mail on The NASA MLP main board. I mean, Jeez! I just ignored it and went back to playing with my Lincoln Logs and Barbie set. KHRISTA WEBB needed her nice external modem back and I thank her again for loaning it to me for a period of time. BRIAN MCNETT donated an EXACT DUPLICATE to the system for Node One. Thanks, Khrista and Brian. JOHN CRAWFORD has not called in awhile so the FOOD conference has suffered a bit. But that's okay; LINDA NELSON-ESCAMILLA talked me into putting up the FOOD FIGHT game and she has forgotten about the rest of the BBS outside of that game. Go get 'em, Linda! ALEX WEBB, KHRISTA's brother, is logging on for the first time right now in another window. Wow, we may get ANOTHER family thing going here like we have with the WRIGHT and the LAWRENCE family. :) BRIAN MCNETT heads up the MYCOLOGY conference! Drop into the MYCOLOGY conference, leave Brian a message and off you go! :) I petitioned FSNET today to pick up the conference. I anxiously await an answer. TANGLED UP IN BLUE has not called in awhile. I don't know where he is or what he is doing, but I assume he's busy. He came over here on Thanksgiving Day and was invited for Christmas Eve day (the informal get-together we had) but he didn't show. Merry Christmas, Owen! JIM ZERBEST: Thanks for the NASA GIF uploads. :) MARK SUNDERLIN is a friend from WAY back. We go back about 13 years. I haven't seen or talked to him in over 5 years. He helped me through what was the most difficult event in my life 6 years ago. I've missed him greatly. He called from Phoenix, Arizona on Christmas Day and left me this sweet message: Rev Jim, Involved in the world of cyberspace now I see.... How the hell are you??? I here good things about you and I'm glad I was able to get through to leave you this Christmas Message...... "Like the moment when the brakes lock... As you slide toward the big drop, you streach the frozen moment with your fear.... And you'll never hear their voices..(mommy, daddy) and you'll never see their faces.... You have no recourse to the law anymore............" (Personal part deleted). Enough for now. .....Merry Christmas from the politically Incorrect in Phoenix... Mark (mineman) Sunderlin Thanks much, Mark. That made my whole holiday. :) JOHN HEATON hasn't called in AGES. WHERE ARE YOU? JOHN? SCOTT and JANEL BERRY: Thanks! You know what for. :) SHARON and RALPH MCCORD are doing very well and Sharon's pregnancy is progressing very healthily, for those of you who have asked. I haven't met either of them, but Mary took DOOM to Ralph on disk and said he seems like a real nice guy. :) Sharon ducks into the Writer's area as she is an aspiring author. Sure do enjoy her input there. ANDY HARGROVE has been having system difficulties with his mail readers. He keeps trying new ones, but there is something wrong. Hopefully, he'll rejoin us soon. He's really tearing up the world in the Yankee Trader games. :) ANDREW WAGSTER is one of the MLP's newest subscribers and he is really hot in the message bases. Say hi to Andrew and be sure to welcome him aboard. RON RUPPEL hasn't commented on Miami's recent difficulties and he hasn't called since Buffalo beat them. Ron is my Florida rival, but a super nice guy. :) ĿĿ INTERESTING CONFERENCES Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ĵ Ŀ ٳ The MLPNET area set aside for discussion of Sports, and your favorite teams! (Guess mine?) SOURCE: [The NASA MLP BBS] Jim Coleman, Port Orchard, WA Ŀ This area of The NASA MLP is dedicated to the discussion of that last American legend . . . the Sasquatch, Bigfoot a.k.a. the Abominable Snowman. (Madonna?) SOURCE: [The NASA MLP BBS] Jim Coleman, Port Orchard, WA Ŀ My dream is to write . . . to write is to dream . . . This Conferencing Room is dedicated to the discussion of writing and the open sharing of creativity, ideas, and help for the writer! Tangled Up in Blue is your Conference Host SOURCE: [The NASA MLP BBS] Jim Coleman, Port Orchard, WA Ŀ This is the MLPNET Conference area for discussion of Criminal Justice issues, and compliments the MLPNET Law Enforcement area. SOURCE: [The NASA MLP BBS] Jim Coleman, Port Orchard, WA Ŀ Sometimes, we can take ourselves too seriously. Education, seismology, geology, etc. Sometimes, we just need to take a deep breath, let it all out and DEBONE SOME HAMMSTER! SOURCE: The NASA MLP [MLPNET] - Jim Coleman - Port Orchard, WA 98366 ĿĿ MLP COFFEE AND PIZZA ĿĿ COFFEE Outing The First NASA MLP COFFEE OUTING was a smashing success! I would like to thank everyone who showed up at Steamer's (downtown Port Orchard) on such a rainy, miserable day. We really had fun conversing with one another, and enjoying expressos. We shoved a few tables together and sat and talked about everything from Jim Rice's toupee to Stephen Doerk's kid (who was there and was not AT ALL interested in what we were doing!) It was a fun outing and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Some of us have even regrouped and met there a time or two SINCE then. :) Steamer's is a rather small coffeeshop, so I planned it at 2:00 on a Tuesday afternoon on purpose, to keep the turnout low. That strategy worked well and we had the perfect time! Stay tuned for the NEXT NASA MLP Coffee Outing! :) ĿĿ PIZZA Bash! The FOURTH BI-ANNUAL MLP PIZZA BASH was an outstanding success! Jeez, everything we touch around here turns to gold. After hearing numerous complaints about Shakey's pizza, we decided to have the Pizza tradition elsewhere. Actually, Shakey's went out of business soon after BILL VELEZ (Sysop: WINGS) passed away. Bill and I spent a LOT of time in Shakey's and I guess that without the Big Guy around anymore, there was just no reason to stay in business. The pizza party was held at Pietro's in Port Orchard and it was a "sold out show." We couldn't have fit more people into our area if we TRIED. It was a record breaking crowd and we had all kinds of fun. From Brian's Mushroom pizza to Pasha's Taco Pizza to the aggravating little snot on the space shuttle, we had a blast. A SPECIAL THANKS to Kevin Lawrence's folks, who held Marina for so long and kept her quiet and sleeping. Thanks to Janel Berry for taking Erica to the playroom so many times and thanks to Pasha for sharing his pizza. I NEVER have time to eat at these things since I am so busy greeting people and being charming and I was STARVING when Debbie left and there were a few pieces of Taco Pizza in the box still. The NEXT party will be in June, if all goes as planned. Hope you plan on attending. :) As is customary, SOME in the crowd came over to the sysop's house after we shut down the restaurant (which we did, AGAIN) and we had fun over here for awhile. (Incidentally, at the SECOND MLP Pizza Bash, they ran OUT of Pizza, no kidding!) Sure appreciated everyone showing up, and THANKS Stan for giving out all the little pies. I STILL get yelled at for that. Ain't married life GRAND??? Ta-Ta, till DSNEWS16! DSNEWS*.* (c) 1993 Jim Coleman III Feel free to distribute but do not alter contents. Please don't give Stephen Doerk a copy of this. Contents may destroy your Q:> drive. Hey, let's be adult about this, Mr. POOPIE PANTS! NASA MLP Home of the TSCNOT Sysop-in-Training Program. NASA MLP I am TSCNet of Borg--Your BBS will be assimilated. NASA MLP There are no bad sports on The NASA MLP. Don't distribute to any purple people.