Xref: nuchat rec.games.video.sega:947 news.answers:8354 Newsgroups: rec.games.video.sega,rec.answers,news.answers Path: nuchat!menudo.uh.edu!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!agate!ames!purdue!mentor.cc.purdue.edu!rusbara2 From: rusbara2@mentor.cc.purdue.edu (Bob Rusbasan) Subject: Sega CD Video Game Secrets (FAQ) Message-ID: Followup-To: poster Summary: This post contains easter eggs and other secrets for the Sega CD video game system. Keywords: sega, genesis, cd, easter eggs, secrets, video games Organization: Purdue University Computing Center Date: Wed, 12 May 1993 04:51:01 GMT Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu Expires: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 05:00:00 GMT Lines: 95 Archive-name: games/video-games/sega/cd-secrets Last-modified: 1993/05/08 Version: 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SEGA CD Game Secrets Version 4 May 8, 1993 This list contains various secrets (easter eggs) for Sega CD games. I have maintained a similar list for the Sega Genesis since October 20, 1991. I started this list on January 30, 1993. New versions of this list include every valid secret I have received, so please do not mail me requesting "back issues." Enjoy this list, and please help me out by mailing new secrets to me. I am mostly looking for undocumented features that can not be discovered through normal play, such as level selects, invincibility, and so on. Because I am not familiar with every Sega CD game, when submitting a trick please use the current format and describe it fully. Also, since I can not test all of the secrets, if you notice a mistake in one, please mail me the correction (preferably rewriting the trick completely). Thanks. Bob Rusbasan rusbara2@mentor.cc.purdue.edu 71672.105@compuserve.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SEGA CD Game Secrets BLACKHOLE ASSULT ( Secret Game ) Play the game with your name entered as AZY (with no period). A secret game called Blackball Assult then comes up. It is a two player pong game with a couple variations and a great soundtrack. ( Kill Opponents Instantly ) Play the game with your name entered as BIGNET. When you push the start button on controller 2, your opponent will die immediately. ( See All Cinema Displays ) If you play the BHA Game as FOMA, Japanese characters appear. It is apparently a menu allowing you to select an animation sequence from the game to watch. COBRA COMMAND ( Training Mode ) Press start at the title screen. When you see the words "Game Start" and "Config Mode," press Up, Down, Left, Right, and Start. You'll hear a short explosion sound. You will now be able to use the "Training" difficulty setting, which will let you continue at the point you had reached when you were killed instead of being sent back to the beginning of the stage. This also apparently adds several other new difficulties. GOLDEN AXE ( Stage Select ) To start on any of the levels in Golden Axe, go into Arcade Mode. Now push to the Lower Left (the characters will spin on the skeleton's hand) and press B and START at the same time. A number will appear in the top left hand corner. Press Up and Down to adjust what level to start on, then select you character and start the game. REVENGE OF SHINOBI ( Unlimited Shurikens ) For unlimited shurikens, set the number of shurikens on the Options Screen to 00 until the zeros turn into an infinity symbol. ROAD AVENGERS ( Level select ) From game start screen press UP to options (important not to move down to options) and press start. With the cursor on the players option press the A button 6 times, and you will hear a beep. Exit the options screen and start the game and you will be asked to select the level. SOL-FEACE ( Level Select and Other Options ) On the title screen when it says "push start button," press A, B, C, A, B,C, B,C,B,A, then START. Now in the options screen you can select the starting stage and give yourself 99 ships. ( Skip Level ) Do the level select. Then, when in any level, at any time, if you hit all three buttons (A,B,C) you will automatically skip to the next level. -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- / Bob Rusbasan | Dance to the tension \ / rusbara2@mentor.cc.purdue.edu | of a world on edge \ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-