RenderWare(tm) Maze Demonstration Program ========================================= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This demonstration program is copyright Criterion Software Limited 1994. Criterion Software grants you a license to use it only in the form as supplied. You may not disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer these demonstration programs. This demonstration programs is provided as is with no warranties of any kind. Criterion Software will not, under any circumstances, be liable for any lost revenue or other damages arising from the use of this demonstration program. RenderWare is a trademark of Canon Inc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RWMAZE.EXE ============= rwmaze.exe is a demonstration of RenderWare being used in a "DOOM-like" application. The user can wander through a dungeon/maze consisting of rooms and interconnecting corridors which are fully textured. In some of the rooms are various objects performing full 3D animation in real-time. The demo is built with the standard v1.3 RenderWare libraries, so the user gets a fully general viewing model which allows the viewer's head to be tilted around as they walk with no loss of performance. Installation ============ Create a new directory for the demonstration program somewhere on your hard drive. Make this directory the current directory. Unzip the demonstration archive as follows: pkunzip -d The demonstration program assumes that the scripts and textures it needs can be found in two sub-directories (called "SCRIPTS" and "TEXTURES" respectively) of the directory in which the demonstration executable is located. Controls ======== The control is with the mouse only. When a mouse button goes down a cross-hair is superimposed on the image and the distance above this cross-hair controls the speed of forward motion (moving mouse pointer below the cross-hair will cause reverse movement). Distance to the left and right of this cross-hair determines angular speed. In addition, if you hold the shift key down while dragging the mouse, the view direction can be changed to show the completely general nature of the viewing model and rendering used by RenderWare. (ie the walls and floors don't have to be vertical or horizontal as in DOOM). A few points to note while looking around the dungeon. When the application begins, you'll be facing down a corridor. If you about face and follow the corridor into the first room, you'll see a lampshade hanging in the air intersecting with a yellow slab. The next room along contains a number of sprites. In RenderWare, sprites are treated as real 3D objects and can be manipulated in an identical way as polygonal objects. As an example of this, we've applied a semi-opaque material to one of the sprites so you can see through to the walls behind. By using shift+drag you can look to the ceiling to see the night sky beyond. In another room there is a large letter C spinning around while altering its opacity causing it to fade-in and fade-out. In the far corner is a movie strip running on six faces of a cube. The Options Menu consists of: HUD HUD --- This item toggles an on-screen overlay of the dungeon map. The white square represents your current position in the maze. It is drawn using standard MoveTo/LineTo GDI calls. Running the Demonstration ========================= To execute the demonstration use the Run... menu from either the Program or File Manager or double click on the executable's icon in the File Manager window. Microsoft's WinG API ==================== This demonstration includes support for the beta of Microsoft's WinG API. WinG provides fast screen updates under Windows. If you have a copy of the WinG beta installed on your machine you can have the maze demonstration make use of it by specifying a command line option, -g, when running the executable. ==========================================================