Computer Gaming World recently received a request from GILLS@ for a copy of the DOOM transcript. He requested the transcript be made available to selected newsgroups. As a result, here is a compiled version of the DOOM Conference held on the Computer Gaming World Forum (GO GAMEWORLD) on August 1-5, 1994. GAMEWORLD is available on ZiffNet (via CompuServe) and is the online forum of Computer Gaming World magazine. The conference is presented here in slightly edited form. Messages were shortened for clarity and organized by category so questions and answers are grouped together. You can participate in future conferences like this by subscribing to ZiffNet. We have a software library of more than 6300 top-rated programs and provide information on personal computers. For more information on ZiffNet or Computer Gaming World magazine, send an e-mail to Max Green at MGREEN@ZDI.ZIFF.COM specifying your interest. This text is Copyright (c) 1994 by Ziff-Davis Interactive and may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of U.S. copyright law. The transcript may be distributed free of charge, but it must be distributed in its entirety and must not be sold for remuneration of any kind. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms requires the the notification of Ziff Communications. Russ Lockwood Sysop, GAMEWORLD forum ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to GAMEWORLD's second on-line conference. This time, the topic is DOOM, the wildly popular and addictive 3D game from ID Software. The conference lasts from August 1 through August 5 and we're pleased to announce that our guests will be ID Software's American McGee, on-line support, tester, and DOOM level creator, and Shwan Green, on-line support and tester. They'll be happy to answer all your questions about DOOM and perhaps give us a preview of things to come in DOOM II. Other folks from ID may stop by as well. So get your questions ready--whatever you wanted to know about DOOM--now's the time to ask. For those of you who have not received the July issue of Computer Gaming World with its cover story about DOOM II, we have the full-text file (DOM120.TXT) here in GAMEWORLD, plus some screen shots for you to download. In addition, we have a wide range of DOOM-related utilities and files to allow you to create your own DOOM levels as well as play some others have created. You'll especially want to grab Stephen Baldwin's PARKDO.ZIP--a rendering of Ziff-Davis Publications HQ in New York City. The conference will be held here in section 17, from August 1 through August 5. We are pleased to announce that ID Software's American McGee, on-line support, tester, and designer of some DOOM levels, and Shawn Green, on-line support and tester, will be our guests during DOOM Week. They, and perhaps some other folks from ID, will be here to answer all your questions about DOOM and perhaps give us a hint about DOOM II. We have moved a considerable number of DOOM files--utilities and levels--into this forum to give you an idea of the wide world of DOOM. Of special note are utilities that allow you to create your own DOOM levels, add music, and add graphics, plus a number of DOOM levels (especially the highly recommended PARKDO.ZIP) for your enjoyment. If you haven't seen the July issue of Computer Gaming World, you'll definitely want to download the full-text article (DOM120.TXT) which tells of DOOM II. We've also arranged for the screen shots of the new DOOM II monsters (as seen in the magazine) to be placed in our library as well. So join me, CGW editors, ID Software, and other DOOM enthusiasts for a rip-roaring descent into the world of DOOM here on GAMEWORLD. -- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 To start things off with the DOOM conference, I'm posting a few questions of my own, each under their own subject. American and Shawn Welcome, id Software! On behalf of ZiffNet and its members, I'd like to welcome our honored guests from ID Software. We are quite pleased to have you for our DOOM Conference, although I post this a little ahead of time. I wonder if we can start off with a little bit of info about yourselves. Please, introduce yourselves, and tell us a little about what you do at ID, and perhaps a little background into your input into the original DOOM. -- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 :On behalf of ZiffNet and its members, I'd like to welcome our honored guests :from ID Software. We are quite pleased to have you for our DOOM Conference, :although I post this a little ahead of time. Thanks. Glad to be here. :) :Please, introduce yourselves, and tell us a little about what you do at ID, :and perhaps a little background into your input into the original DOOM. Name: Shawn Green Position: Software Support/Software Testing/Level design/A little programming/and pretty much anything else. Mainly I give on-line support and test software all day. I do a little of everything else when I have time.... Name: American McGee Position: Level designer, tech support, lizard care-taker, and just about anything else that I happen to be doing that day. There's four difficulty levels in the shareware version, plus a Nightmare version in the upgrade. I can see there are fewer mutants and monsters about, but is there any sort of "aggressiveness" factor involved when changing difficulty levels? Maybe a more general question would be, How do the difficulty levels work? -- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 :There's four difficulty levels in the shareware version, plus a Nightmare :version in the upgrade. I can see there are fewer mutants and monsters :about, but is there any sort of "aggressiveness" factor involved when :changing difficulty levels? Yes. The demons will attack faster, recover faster from shots and shots will do less damage. -Shawn Green -- id Software 74250,2566 I noticed in Lombardi's article (in Computer Gaming World) that DOOM II will have higher system requirements. Now that you are closer to release on DOOM II than 3 months ago, what kind of requirements will DOOM II need? And I guess I should ask, is DOOM II still slated for a mid-October release? -- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 486 will be a must. 486 w/8MB recommended. Yes. -Shawn Green -- id Software 74250,2566 ~ Now the burning question. We know what kind of car Carmack drives, but what kind do you, Shawn, and American, drive? -- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 Do we have to say? I drive a 1983 Camaro Z28. American drives 1990 CRX. -Shawn green -- id Software 74250,2566 It would be great to get a WAD of that Camero! (g)... -- Steve Baldwin 72241,733 I used to own a 78 Camaro 3spd 6. Not a Z, but ran decently and had a T roof. After 90,000 miles, got "sensible" and bought a 85 Nissan Stanza puddlejumper. Still my main car at 232,000+ miles. So, if you guys race Carmack, do you limit him to first gear? :) -- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 -- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 OK, I'll bite... Where do you go for a drive in a 700+HP Ferrari? And does Carmack really have a bumper sticker that says "My other car is a Ferrari, too" :Where do you go for a drive in a 700+HP Ferrari? If you're unlucky, the hospital. :) Actually, Carmack hasn't got the TR w/700HP out of the shop yet, they are still mapping it's performance. :And does Carmack really have a bumper sticker that says "My other car is a :Ferrari, too" No. Bumper stickers and Ferraris don't mix. -Shawn Green -- id Software 74250,2566 I saw a licence plate frame here on a Rolls that said "My other car is a piece of s**t too!" You have to like guys with a sense of humour. Are you going to make the area of effect weapons (Rocket Launcher, BFG-9000) TRUE area of effect weapons? It annoys me a bit when I lob a rocket (or six!) through a door and only get one guy. -- Bruce Hawick 70714,3403 Do you work a level up from a map, or just a rough sketch? Or just out of your imagination? -- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 We don't do any preliminary planning for the levels. We just load up DOOMED and go at it. From the imagination.... -Shawn Green -- id Software 74250,2566 Hear that, Mr. Baldwin? From scratch.... :) (having seen Steve wandering around the corridors of Ziff-Davis HQ, map in hand, making notes. Of course, the end result is one heckuva accurate rendering of the 11th floor!) -- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 When you see him wandering around with a shotgun, I guess that'll pretty much answer most of the questions in the "DOOM & Violence" thread :) -- Alan Ray [GameLib] 72241,2067 DOUBLE CHUCKLE! wandering around with a shotgun...chuckle chuckle! -- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 :After a long, hard day slaving away at DOOM II level creation, what do you :do to relax? Somehow, I don't think you create multidimensional financial :spreadsheets :), but what? Play our levels. Go for rides in 700+HP Ferarris :). Carmack and American go jogging.... -Shawn Green Looking back on the original shareware version of DOOM, what do you believe is the single most interesting aspect of the game? and what do you believe is the single worst aspect of the game? -- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 :Looking back on the original shareware version of DOOM, :what do you believe is the single most interesting aspect of the game? Deathmatch. :and what do you believe is the single worst aspect of the game? The time consumption during deathmatch. We've had to ban it so we can get work done. :) -Shawn green -- id Software 74250,2566 -->>>>> And now for a variety of information about the upcoming DOOM II. How do I get DOOM II? I will be at Computer showcase in Pomona, CA on Aug 6th but if they don't have it where is it. I now have Registered version(all three Episodes) of DOOM?. -- MICK J. JOHNSON 74563,23 DOOM II is not yet released. Official release date is October 10th. -- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 DOOMsday is October 10th. Searching before that day is not likely to be fruitful. We're all waiting... going mad... waiting... -- \/arzil the Good 72241,50 [DOOM II System requirements will increase to a 486 system with 8MB of RAM.] That's not too bad, since just about everything sold now is a 486 and up. Looks like a memory shortage will be looming after DOOM II is released as folks upgrade like crazy from 4MB to 8MB. -- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 My response to the young man who said 486's are common, yes they are. But for fellas like myself who have a 386 40 with only 4 megs.. The requirements keep getting larger and larger.. When do programmers ever have enough!! -- MILTON ROBERSON 72410,3134 Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your viewpoint) with computers enough is never enough. -- Ken Hipple [ZiffNet] 72241,65 Since DOOM II is Hell on Earth, are you going to model any of the levels after real places? Are we going to see the last level as a Mesquite level, or id Software's HQ? -- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 One of the city levels has the big black id building. The inside is nothing like id, but the outside is.... -Shawn Green -- id Software 74250,2566 In DOOM II Hell On Earth - are all the villians still mutant and murderous aliens? Or are there regular human folks? I can justify the level of violence since these are fantasy characters. I even let my 8 yr old play the lowest level. Thanks -Jeff -- Jeff Kasavan 76424,1125 Nope. Murderous demons from Hell....... : Or are there regular human folks? Well, there are FORMER humans.... -Shawn Green -- id Software 74250,2566 Don't tell me that DOOM II is set at Colombia Law School! Aargggh! (g,r & d) -- Steve Baldwin 72241,733 What would be nice to see in Doom2 is damage detail on the monsters, kind of like the detail on the players face on the satus bar. When you shot them a couple of time you actually see the bullet holes, etc... Also I was wondering why do the dead monsters contently continue to face your player head on when ever you look at them. Will this so called problem be fix in the upcoming Doom? Thank you -- Daniel 74273,1057 What would you do in the secret level of episode 2, where there are about 8 hell barons and maybe 24 cacodemons all in your area? I mean, how would you display their damage detail?? I like the idea, I just can't see how you'd implement it. RE the dead monsters, look closely and you'll see that *anything* inanimate - weapons, ammo, etc. - has only one side. Walk around it and it always faces you. -- \/arzil the Good 72241,50 I have dozens of DOOM II GIFs, and there's one rumoured "new monster" I don't see in them. They have the new Sarge with the chaingun, and the new cacodemon that shoots flaming skulls instead of merely fireballs, and the one that everyone seems to call "heavyweight hellion" (is that his NAME?). But some articles mention a skeleton-type monster. I ain't seen him in no GIFs. Was he just an evil roomer? -- \/arzil the Good 72241,50 We've uploaded a number of GIFs in this forum, taken from DOOM II (the ones that you see in the article in the July issue of Computer Gaming World. We even uploaded a photo of Carmack and his Ferrari. -- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 I heard a rumor that once DOOM II comes out, you're going to release original DOOM code as freeware. Is it true? -- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 No. -Shawn Green -- id Software 74250,2566 Are you going to make the area of effect weapons (Rocket Launcher, BFG-9000) TRUE area of effect weapons? It annoys me a bit when I lob a rocket (or six!) through a door and only get one guy. -- Bruce Hawick 70714,3403 The Rocket launcher is a true "area affect" when you launch into a room of demons, the one that gets hit absorbs most of the damage. The BFG is more of a sight damage. Basically everything in your line of vision (providing you can still see the bfg shot) gets damaged. -Shawn Green -- id Software 74250,2566 --->>>>> And now on to DOOM on CD-ROM... Dear all, thanks for the best game of the year - however, as always, we gamers are always after more !!! You managed to fit in over 30 or so areas in about 10Meg with this release, I can only think how many could fit onto a 650Mb CDROM. Any plans to produce a huge DOOM CD ??? -- Nigel Hodgson 100101,2662 To: ID Software I would also be seriously interested in a CD version. The potential is mind boggling, the carnage endless Utterly Awesome Game Dudes -- Paul White 100113,1744 Will ID Software come out with a CD-ROM version of DOOM? -- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 Yes. DOOM ][ will be available on CD-ROM for machines with at least 8MB. No new data will be included. -Shawn Green -- id Software 74250,2566 A CDROM could contain more sounds and background art. -- Craig Kerwien 72241,224 #: 3117 S17/* Doom Conference 03-Aug-94 17:42:17 Sb: #Running off CD ROM To: Russ Lockwood 72241,567 (X) I have heard that DOOM ][ will not be able to be run off the CD ROM. I sure hope this is *NOT* true. Since the minimum system requirements have been raised up I would hope that this new DOOM would be playable from the CD ROM. Some of us have triple and quad speed players and lots of ram (but not much harddrive space). PLEASE tell me this rumor ain't true. -- Starship 72772,505 --->>>>> The levels are the heart and soul of DOOM. No matter how great the graphics, no matter how impressive the weapon, if the level doesn't work, thegame doesn't work. So, for all your level-headed people out there, a discussion of DOOM levels... I know you've done some of the level design work--where do you get the inspiration? Movies, books? CAD conferences? -- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 None of the above. Everyone here who designs levels pretty much just thinks about a room that would look really cool, and designs it! Other secrets, cool traps, etc. can be added at any time if needed. -Shawn Green -- id Software 74250,2566 Although I risk the answer "every one of them,' do you guys have a favorite level? For player vs. computer? For Deathmatch? -- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 :Although I risk the answer "every one of them,' do you guys have a favorite :level? E1M5 :For player vs. computer? Not that that I can think of.... :For Deathmatch? E1M5 -Shawn Green -- id Software 74250,2566 I've noticed the proliferation of user levels available to plug into DOOM (the registered version only). Some of them are quite challenging, others, well, are, well, levels. What do you think of these user-created levels? -- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 We think user designed levels are great, it extends the life of the game, and lets the user get an idea of some of the creative processes that go into a game like DOOM. :Is it something that ID the company detests (in the vein of users corrupting :the design), doesn't care about, or encourages (as long as it needs the :registered version)? We do not detest it at all. Actually, at one point, we released code for correctly compiling DOOM maps. John Romero and American McGee also suscribe and frequently post to an internet mailing list about the creating on DOOM levels. :Considering the democratic heirarchy of ID (according to Chris Lombardi's :article in July issue), how did folks split on this one? Our general opinion is user created levels are good for users and the game as well. The only objection we have is the use of the levels with the shareware version and the selling of levels. -Shawn Green -- id Software 74250,2566 That's a great outlook on your product--and probably a contributing factor in why it's been a hit. I certainly applaud you for making a sort of aftermarket to "extend the life of the game" as you said. To grasp a point, what do you mean by an objection to "selling of levels?" Does that mean the original designer of the level can't charge for them? What about a shareware company bundling a disk full of these levels together (I've heard shareware DOOM pops up on shareware CD-ROM collections)? What about someone like CompuServe/ZiffNet, where it may cost 20 cents worth of time to download a level? -- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 :To grasp a point, what do you mean by an objection to "selling of levels?" :Does that mean the original designer of the level can't charge for them? Exactly. :What about a shareware company bundling a disk full of these levels together :(I've heard shareware DOOM pops up on shareware CD-ROM collections)? We're stopping that. :) What about someone like CompuServe/ZiffNet, where it may cost 20 cents worth of time to download a level? That's more like charging for a service. A good example of what we do not like is the Laura Beyer levels. This person has created an example of her level design and charges for more levels. This person uses our art, and our engine to make money. We don't like that! Besides it's against the law. -Shawn Green -- id Software 74250,2566 Are you pursuing legal action against this Laura Beyer? If not, then aren't you acknowledging that it's OK to charge for creative time? -- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 No to both questions. -Shawn Green -- id Software 74250,2566 I downloaded the Laura Beyer episode and was really bothered by the fact that it installed its own textures over id's, replacing an unnamed sound card vendor's advertising messages over many of the basic DOOM textures. -- Steve Baldwin 72241,733 Does Laura work for said soundcard maker? -- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 Greetings, Steve >> I downloaded the Laura Beyer episode and was really bothered by the >> fact that it installed its own textures over id's, replacing an >> unnamed sound card vendor's advertising messages over many of the >> basic DOOM textures. Are the textures patched over in the .PWAD file, or did it actually change them in DOOM.WAD? I have changed many of the textures in my .PWAD, but would never have a level that changed the sprites or floors in the DOOM.WAD without asking first... -- Paul D. Owensby 74212,2614 >> The installations that change the WAD file (e.g. the "silly" sound >> collection) clearly modify the main WAD directly. But just loading a >> PWAD with "DOOM -file name.WAD" - how could that change DOOM.WAD? Whoa, sorry if I wasn't clear, what I meant was I would never have any sort of file that changed your DOOM.WAD without asking you first, something like a .BAT file that called the DMGRAPH sprite -s sprite.gif function.... I'm definitely not the one to ask, but no, I really don't think a .PWAD could do anything to the main file (unless it was a really big processor screw up :) ). No, my original question was: Was it just the fact that she changed the textures that bothered you, or that she put in the sound card "advertisement"? Paul Darius -- Paul D. Owensby 74212,2614 Is it even *possible* for a PWAD to change textures in the main WAD file? My understanding was, no way. The installations that change the WAD file (e.g. the "silly" sound collection) clearly modify the main WAD directly. But just loading a PWAD with "DOOM -file name.WAD" - how could that change DOOM.WAD? -- \/arzil the Good 72241,50 I can only tell you that 3 people in our office downloaded the Laura Beyer episodes, and after that, all external PWADs, and even the original DOOM levels, showed unwanted LB "custom" textures replacing the defaults. Oh, I didn't even mention this - the level changed some of the sprites too! We all wound up having to re-install DOOM... -- Steve Baldwin 72241,733 Good question - I really don't know the answer. I actually really enjoyed seeing the possibility Beyer illuminated, in terms of using DOOM as an interactive advertising vehicle. But it's obvious that things will have to be ironed out more before we'll see DOOM level's with Coca Cola logos all over the place... -- Steve Baldwin 72241,733 Steve, It seems to me that if you plastered your adverts over the walls and *GAVE AWAY* the levels, Id wouldn't blink. It's the fact that the Beyer (Breyer?) levels are as-if Shareware, with money requested for further levels, that puts a burr under their saddle. How about changing all the "UAC" wall and door textures to "ZiffNet"?? -- \/arzil the Good 72241,50 Yo! Here's something I didn't realize was possible - I just tried it for grins. You can stack up multiple PWAD names on the DOOM command line! So e.g. "DOOM -file FOREST.WAD CLASMUS.WAD STOOGES.WAD" gives me the excellent "forest valley" levels, with "classical" music background (E2M1 is Bach's "Tocatta and Fugue in D Minor" - M3 is "Phantom of the Opera"), and three stooges sounds. I don't know precisely what happens when more than one WAD redefines the *same* level, but I imagine you could use one of the utilities that changes episode/mission number in a WAD and then stack up several of your favorites. -- \/arzil the Good 72241,50 #: 3357 S17/* Doom Conference 05-Aug-94 22:35:43 Sb: #3276-Multiple PWADs at once! To: \/arzil the Good 72241,50 Have you played any of the complete episode wads (eg. wadpak*.wad, epi*best.wad, etc.)? The halls*.wad series is great. Hallsall.wad repaces e1m1-e1m9. These are strictly deathmatch wads. You haven't done deathmatch 'till you've done these. Great replacement weapon sounds (not that the originals aren't !). Good background music. Step on the wrong teleporter and you wind up in prison; where you can't see out, but other players can see YOU and claim an easy frag. Great fun! -- Richard D. Henry 74077,3061 I recently began using additional WAD files for DOOM and in order to start the game with the new files you should enter it like this: c:\doom>DOOM -FILE NEWWAD.WAD Where NEWWAD.WAD is the new WAD file you wish to play. This will also work when playing over a modem or network on a new WAD file. HAPPY DOOMing ! -- richard h smith jr 74734,2174 Try "Doom Control Center" -- Jack Israel 72241,2024 You can get DCC in GAMEWORLD. -- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 You can get the Doom Control Center here in GAMEWORLD in lib 17. The file is called DCC.ZIP. -- Alan Ray [GameLib] 72241,2067 I wondered which 'home grown' WADS that you have played seemed among the best of the bunch - just your favorite top 10 will do!! -Jeff -- Jeff Kasavan 76424,1125 Actually, there are only two (we haven't played many of them....) The Star Wars wad (We love Star Wars!) and the UAC_DEAD wad. -Shawn Green -- id Software 74250,2566 I understand there are additional levels for DOOM on the Forum. I looked though the libraries (searched DOOM) but failed to recognize them. Could you help with the file names? Thanks, Dale -- Dale O. Irvine 74224,242 There's only 1 additional level in our libs at this time (PARKDO.ZIP) in lib 17. [Note: PCDOOM.ZIP is also available here. Both are modeled on Ziff-Davis HQ bldg at 1 Park Avee, New York. PARKDO.ZIP is the 11th floor, where Computer Shopper and Windows Sources make their home, and PCDOOM.ZIP is the 4th floor, home of PC Magazine and PC Labs. Both are excellent creations of Steve Baldwin, an editor for Computer Shopper. --RL, sysop] Download with a protocol, and uncompress with pkunzip v. 2.04g or compatable. If you don't have pkunzip v. 2.04g, it can also be found in lib 17 under the filename PK204G.EXE (a self extracting executable). [72241,2067] PARKDO.ZIP/Bin Bytes: 57563, Count: 257, 28-Jul-94 Last:03-Aug-94 Title : DOOM in Ziff-Davis HQ Keywords: PARKDO.ZIP DOOM ID ZIFF WAD BALDWIN ONE PARK Stephen Baldwin's masterpiece DOOM level allows you to invade Ziff-Davis HQ offices and take out the mutant replacement editors. Highly recommended. Requires the registered version of DOOM. -- Alan Ray [GameLib] 72241,2067 Thank you. I'm downloading as I write. Thanks again for the quick reply Regards, Dale -- Dale O. Irvine 74224,242 Always glad to help. If you need any assistance finding other files, just give me a yell. -- Alan Ray [GameLib] 72241,2067 --->>>>> If you haven't played Steve Baldwin's PARKDO level, you haven't lived. Of course, if you have played it, you certainly haven't lived. :) This level is available in GAMEWORLD as PARKDO.ZIP and is the 11th floor of Ziff-Davis' HQ at One Park Ave., New York... I'm being a bit presumptuous here, but have you downloaded the Ziff-Davis Publishing HQ level, PARKDO.ZIP and played it through? What do you think? Personally, I think it's great, but then again, I sometimes cruise those same corridors. Starts fast and furious, needs motion to break through the beginning, and even when you escape the building, you still have to get past the New York City Highschool Hell Barons... -- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 Not yet. Right away though! -Shawn Green -- id Software 74250,2566 I downloaded the .WAD file. How do I get it to work? Do I need addional software? Can you help? -- Ron Corradino 72123,1026 First, you need to expand it. To save you downloading time and $$$, we ZIP (compress) most files. You'll need an utility to unzip the file. We have one here in the library called PKUNZIP. Put PKUNZIP.EXE in your DOOM subdirectory, which holds the PARKDO.ZIP file. Then type in the command: PKUNZIP PARKDO.ZIP This will change PARKDO.ZIP into PARKDO.WAD. Next start doom with the command: DOOM -FILE PARKDO.WAD (the -FILE tells DOOM to grab the PARKDO.WAD file. Note that you MUST have the registered version of DOOM. All user-created levels will not work with the shareware version). When DOOM fires up, select New Game, then select Knee Deep in the Dead episode. Then be prepared to run and shoot like crazy. -- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 Just to expand a little on Russ's reply. We do have pkunzip v. 2.04g, but the file is lib 17 as PK204G.EXE. It's a self extracting executable with all the pkzip utilities including pkunzip. -- Alan Ray [GameLib] 72241,2067 Russ, Are you responsible for it? My hats off to you... I've been toying with creating WADs of various NYC public places that I frequent, but you beat me to it. I'll still proceed, but I look forward to your future uploads. Good luck! Needless to say, I enjoyed your layout. Now, how about teleporting via one of the elevators to the building lobby and out onto the street... -- Robert Visser 70621,1553 I wish I could take credit for PARKDO.WAD, but alas, the creative genius behind it is Steve Baldwin, who works on the level he created with the pre-mutant editorial staff. This is an accurate representation of his floor within Ziff-Davis HQ, straight from a floor plan and confirmed by his first person presence (except the ladies room, I hope!) -- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567