Here are a few settings we have found work with Doom on a modem link. These were obtained from our modem manuals and we kept the following in mind: Do NOT put in codes that aren't relevant! iD suggests 9600, no data compression, and no error correction, and that's it! Good Luck! Complete PC Turbomodem Plus AT&FB8%C0\N1 AT - Hayes Attention Command &F - Recalls Factory Default B8 - Sets 9600 bps %C0 - Turns Off Data Compression \N1 - Turns Off Error Correction USR Sportster AT&K0&M0&N6S27=16 AT - Hayes Attention Command &K0 - No Data Compression &M0 - No Error Correction &N6 - 9600 bps S27=16 - Disables MNP Suprafax Modem 14.4 AT&FS37=9 AT - Hayes Command Set &F - Recalls Factory Default S37=9 - 9600 bps?