+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Renegade Graphics DoomED Deluxe v. 2.11 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you haven't run the installation yet, run install.exe from windows. USE MORE THAN 256 COLOR MODE IN WINDOWS IF AT ALL POSSIBLE!!! The overhead for palette management is horrible and brings things to a crawl, so use a better graphics mode, buy more graphics ram, get a real computer. Read the installation notes and be sure to at least browse through this file once. Don't miss reading the controls guide at the end of this file! IMPORTANT INSTALLATION NOTES: *Copy RUNBSP.BAT and BSP.EXE to your Doom directory or anyplace you intend to save WAD files. *The following files were placed in your editor directory, if you don't already have copies of these in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory you should move them there. Then delete them from the editor directory. VBRUN300.DLL, COMMDLG.DLL, CMDIALOG.VBX and THREED.VBX. In many cases you will already have these files. *If at all possible, use a graphic mode under windows with more than 256 colors available. It will be much faster. If you can use 32k or 64k colors it will be great. 1024x768 with 64k colors and you will be in heaven. *ATI Mach users (and possibly others). If you are using a utility that lets you change graphics modes 'on-the-fly' (without restarting windows) you may experience some re-draw errors. This is due to incompatibilities with the graphics drivers and can't be helped. Turn off the 'winswitch' feature on your ATI Desktop to avoid this. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Welcome to the EASIEST to use editor for Doom and Doom II. This editor has been created with ease of use and simplicity of action in mind. You don't have to deal with arcane commands and numbers or difficult to use tools. After you play with the editor a little bit, be sure to at least read the quick documentation part of the manual. Otherwise you are sure to be missing out on some important features. There are two cheat codes in DOOM II which are helpful when editing, IDCLIP replaces IDSPISPOPD (yay!) to allow you to walk through walls and inspect things faster or to get around problems in the level. IDFA [Fun Ammo :-)] is similar to IDKFA except you don't get the keys, this is useful for testing the flow of levels since you still have to get any keys but don't have to waste time in dispatching monsters. Don't forget the -nomonsters Doom command line option when you just want to look at structure. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FEATURES +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * indicates new Edit Doom or *Doom II* seamlessly * Fast wad conversion converts from Doom to Doom II useable wads by clobbering any invalid textures MAP Navigation * Use arrow keys to move around map * Control+O to turn object labels on and off. * Coordinates of mouse or closest object are displayed on status bar +/- to zoom in and out Control+C to get a 'centering' cursor, next clicked postion becomes center of display Mini-map control shows reduced view of map and viewport for fast selection of display Object Editing Control+I to insert new object (select attrib and type from pop-up) then click on map to place as many as you like Control+D for Delete mode, any object clicked will be deleted Right-click (inspect) an item to change it's attributes or type * Continuous display of object types and coordinates Easy and natural drag and drop object placement Texture/Attribute editing Lines which have a special associated with them are highlighted blue Click on the center of a line to select it and its zone * Floor/Ceiling heights in blue boxes * Brightness in white box * Zone Special and tag in green boxes * Line Special and tag in red boxes Press '?' near specials to get a menu and inspect or change value Press '?' near tag to highlight zone/line with same(link) tag value Press 'Next' near tag to automatically assign next available tag Drag and Drop flat texture assignment For wall texture slots, press 'U' to used the texture in the combo box below, '-' to assign no texture. Combo boxes at top and bottom contain the floor and wall palettes * Select wall or floor icons to edit the pallete and manage palettes + Detail box shows raw line/sidedef/sector numbers for special changes * Interactively change current sector ceiling hight with Ins/Del keys * Interactively change current sector floor hight with Home/End keys * Interactively change current sector bright hight with PgUp/PgDn keys * Paint tool lets you quickly change textures and other attributes Structure editing * Improved display techniques allow faster redraw and reduce display errors when manipulating nodes * Ruler tool shows horizontal, vertical and diagonal distance between points * Sector delete tool removes an entire sector * Copy attributes tool makes contiguous rooms and halls easier to edit * Delete individual line segments by moving vertices on either end of a line together making the line dissapear * Combo drop downs containing the user palette make default texture selection faster * Sectors for insertion of voids on contained sectors is easier, simply click on the center of the sector to be selected from the sector tool. Bitmap Fiddler * Larger picture size for easier viewing * Optional 2x zoom when viewing graphics Explanation of Delete Functions: -------------------------------- The Renegade Graphics editor is deliberately designed to hide the technical complexities of level design. This is why you will never have to deal with sector, sidedef and line numbers. It is also the reasoning behind the behavior of the sector insertion tool, you always have complete sectors, there is never a possibility of an incomplete sector or stranded line. Following this same principle there are two delete abilities, one for lines, the other for sectors. Removing an unwanted line is very simple, move one of the vertices on the end of a line to meet the other vertice. Now that line is gone and the sector has one fewer sides. To remove an entire sector, choose the sector tool in structure mode, then click on the center of the line segment of the sector you want to remove. This selection is identical to selecting sectors in the attribute/texture mode. If the line belongs to two sectors, selecting with the second mouse button will select the second sector. Then click the delete sector button (the red x) and the sector will be removed. Any lines that also belonged to another sector are NOT removed. This means that if you delete a sector which is completely within another sector, you will be left with a void where that sector was. If you now wish to remove the void, simply delete individual lines by moving vertices together. You will simplify it down to a triangle, then a line, then a stranded vertice. Ignore this vertice, it will be cleaned up the next time you edit the level or run it through the bsp. Fixed from previous versions: ----------------------------- Problem with more than 1100 sidedefs per level fixed. Problem manifested itself as the BSP reporting no sidedefs and the editor failing with an 'out of range' error when the level was next loaded. This problem is fixed. Occasionally a single vertice from a loaded level would inexplicably be at completely wrong coordinates. Fixed. Previously fatal condition "Can't find the PNAMES in the Master WAD file..." is no longer fatal. Texture Palette save and load features now 100% reliable Bitmap Fiddler able to display 100% of Doom graphics A BMPS directory is no longer created. This saves a great deal of disk space at a small cost in speed when editing palettes. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ KEYBOARD REFERENCE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (Keystrokes are read by the map screen itself, occasionally if a control is selected that control might not be passing on the keystrokes and you will have to click on the map first, this is rare.) Control+S is a quicksave. This dumps the current level to a file called QUIKSAVE.BSP in your editor directory, then you can continue working. MAP NAVIGATION (All Modes) To zoom in and out use + and -. You can zoom faster by holding the control or alt keys. To move around the map use the arrow keys, this will pan 1/4 screen in a given direction. Center the screen at a new point by pressing 'C' and then clicking on the new center. Shift+C will cause a zoom and center. Preset Zoom levels Shift+F1=10%, Shift+F2=50%, Shift+F3=100%, Shift+F4=200%. Redraw Screen by pressing the SpaceBar. Occasionally the screen will become clutter, especially in structure mode, and you can quickly redraw the screen by slapping the space. To toggle the gridlines on and off press G. Change the spacing of the lines with Shift+G. MODE CHANGING (All modes) Key Action === ============================================================ T Go to thing(object) mode and/or set to inspect (not ins/del) I Go to thing mode and/or set to object insert/delete mode V 'vertice' mode. Go to structure mode and/or set to vertice tool. P Go to special/line(paint) mode. L/S Go to structure mode ready to insert sectors or switch to sector tool. THING/OBJECT MODE Control+O toggles labels on screen. I sets to insert/delete, T sets to move/inspect. SPECIAL/TEXTURE MODE The floor/ceiling heights and brightness of the currently selected sector can be changed with keyboard controls for speed. All of these normally increment by 8, but holding Shift causes the increment to be 1, Alt causes it to be 32. [/] Decrease/Increase sector brightness Ins/Del Raise/Lower Floor height Home/End Raise/Lower Ceiling height PgUp/PgDn Raise/Lower Floor AND Ceiling height, moving entire room up or down. Control 1/2/3/4 Switch to the corresponding palette if they have been created and saved with the palette editors. STRUCTURE MODE The same controls used to modify the current sector in special/texture mode can be used to modify the settings of the next sector to be drawn. D will delete the currently selected sector. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RGDOOMED.INI +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ These items can be set in your RGDOOMED.INI. ;Sound on and off ClickSound=True/False ;If you have a B&W printer try color once anyway, you might ;like the settings better, especially if you have a decent laser. Printer=Color/B&W ;Startup zoom level MapZoom=50 ;Forces the editor to ask you for location of your DOOM.WADs again. Installing=T/F ;Startup GridSize GridSize=64 ;Startup SnapSize SnapSize=8 ;Turn grid or point snap on automatically SnapOn=True/False GridOn=True/False ;Color of gridlines GridColor=&HFFFF& ;Yellow GridColor=&HFFFF00 ;Cyan ;Automatically load this wad file AutoLoad=d:\doom2\whatever.wad ;default dir for saving wads WadDir=d:\doom2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ QUICK GUIDE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You will find this editor to be much easier to use than the old ones. Every aspect of the program has change, with the exception of its ease of use. That was always good. Look at structure mode (start a new map, it goes right to it). It's much easier to draw structures now. Just start drawing, it will be pretty obvious what to do. Just draw out rooms, draw sectors in rooms, draw hallways connecting them... it's all almost 100% automatic. You will notice that the map is really easy to understand, the outside walls or edges of a column/void are drawn a darker black. (Print out a map, sexy eh?). If two sectors are joined properly the line between will be thin. This is an obvious visual cue that sectors are or aren't joined. Notice that you can set the textures and heights/brightness of the next sector you are going to draw, and you can 'pick up' the attributes of a sector on the map just by clicking on it. Make it a habit to click on the sector you are going to attach the next sector to, then make adjustments to the floor/ceilng heights etc and draw the sector. This makes designing a level as you go really easy, almost too easy! If you want to draw a column/void inside a sector, it is easiest to draw it with the right mouse button, this makes the new area a void automatically. If you select a sector that is inside a sector and then delete it (press D) it becomes a void. If you are going to leave the void there, make sure you turn off the 'Two Sided' attribute of the lines that make it. To remove a void from a sector, move the vertices together deleting lines until you have a triangle. Then make a line, then a point. The void is now gone. Now look at special/texture mode. Displays will pop up as is appropriate to what is currently selected. If you click somwhere in a sector but not close to a line, the sector highlights and you can see the flat textures, special if any, heights, etc. Click on a line but not in a sector (on the outside side) and only the line is selected and only info about that line is shown and modifiable. Click on the side of a line in a sector and that sector, line and side are shown. Click on the other side of a two-sided line and that side and sector are shown. To change floor/ceiling textures hit the arrow icon next to the box in the upper left corner. A list of textures will appear (the current palette). Choose a texture by clicking on it or moving up and down and hitting enter. Notice you can see the actual texture. To assign the texture to the floor or ceiling grab onto it, drag it over and drop it on the floor or ceiling box. To change wall textures click on the list at the top of the side information and choose a texture. Now press the 'use' button next to the texture area you with to assign it to. To blank that texture section press the '-' button. Notice that only the texture segments that would be visible in the game are shown, so it is easy to see if you are looking at a step side or whatever. To assign a special to a sector; Select the sector, then hit the button that says 'special'. The current special assignment if any will be shown. To pick or change just click on the new one. Double click on it or hit enter. To assign a special to a line that affects a sector, first select the sector the special will affect. Hit the 'Get Tag' button, this will assign the next available tag number to the sector. Now pick the line that will affect this sector. Hit the 'Get Next Tag' button and the same number should be assigned to the line (this feature will not work right on a level which has been manually edited an messed up by another editor, then you will have to edit the tags manually). Then hit the special button and pick the special for this line. Some specials are sensitive to direction. If you find that the special you assigned doesn't seem to work the way it should (i.e. you can't get out of a teleporter) then select the line and press the 'flip line' button. This will change the direction of the activation. Note that this is the only reason you would ever want to flip a line. You can locate the line or sector associated with another sector or line with a tag easily. Pick the line or sector you are interested in and click the 'Find Tag' button. The associated line or sector will be highlighted. QUICK PAINT (sub mode) There is a nifty feature within the special/texture mode. It allows you to rapidly assign any combination of attributes to lines, sectors or sides. To use it select a sector and/or line and or/side and set the attributes as you want them to be. Now press the quick paint icon. A box will appear where you can select which attributes you want to use to 'paint' with. You may select any combination. Now click around the map 'painting'. Sectors and lines will be left highlighted so you can tell where you have been. When you are done or want to change the paint settings click on the quick paint icon again. THING/OBJECT MODE Great, simple, awsome. There are two submodes which are picked or switched between with T and I. In T mode you are moving or inspecting and changing objects. To move an object just grab it and move it somplace else. To inspect it or modify it click on it with the right mouse button. The rest is obvious. In I mode you can insert or delete items. The currently selected item type and attributes are shown in the upper left corner. Simply click anywhere on the map to insert the object there. FAST! To delete an item click on it with the right mouse button. POOF! Enjoy this thing! We put a hell of a lot of work into it, I didn't even get to finish Doom II yet and it ticks me off! So if you think this thing is cool, register it please so my wife doesn't leave me :-)