-=< The Story >=- Mission 2, Level 1: Lamer Assault You are lame. The biggest lamer in 303. Your nick is ________ (Fill with person that you hate's nick.) All the semi non-lamers are trying to eliminate you off the face of the earth. There are 3 end bosses. They are Calypso, Q TaK, and Jericho. This mission is extremely hard mainly because the odds are against you, and a whole state. Mission 2, Level 2: Cone Of Destiny You think your hotshit since you managed to get past the lamer assault crew? well, Think you can take on the ultimate 303'er? SCOOPER BOY. He and his '31 flavor' followers say you won't get past the first turn. "How can a lamer like me make it out of here?!" you ask? Well, just close your eyes and hold down the fire button. This mission can be passed without cheating, but barely. After all, your not a complete lamer, anymore.