DeuSF version 2.2 10/94 Copyright (C) Olivier Montanuy 1994. special version released with AL|EN-TC Legal Stuff: see the end of this file. **************** EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ****************** DeuSF stands for DEU Sprite and Flats (DEU is a DOOM level editor by Bendon Wyber and Raphael Quinet.) (Heck, I know the DeuSF name is lame.) DeuSF is an alternative to DMADDS and DMADDF. DeuSF will enable you to distribute PWADS with only those SPRITES or FLATS that you wish to replace. To play you PWAD, people will have 3 solutions: - use DMADDS/DMADDF (do they still work?) - use DeuSF to regenerate another PWAD containing all the SPRITES and FLATS of DOOM which you can't distribute (illegal...and about 3 meg total :-) - use DeuTex (merge command) to merge the PWAD within the IWAD. This solution saves disk space, but modifies the IWAD (though safely and reversibly). DeuSF will work with PWADs composed for DMADDS. But DeuSF's prefered PWAD composer is of course DeuTex. *** NEW in DeuSF 2.2 **** You can now change the number of viewpoints of a sprite. DOOM either want one view point (ex: COLUA0) or 8 viewpoints (ex: COLUA1 COLUA2A8 COLUA3A7 COLUA4A6 COLUA5). These are mutualy exclusive. DeuSF will delete those viepoints you do not want. but take care to provide all the necessary viewpoints, else DOOM will lockup. ************** Distribution ******************* See legal stuff at the end. Basically, if you distribute for free, there is no restriction. DeuSF is derived directly from DeuTex, and edited for higher speed and smaller executable size. ********************* THANKS ********************** DeuSF would not have existed without the help of those people: Bern Kreimeier ( (original DMADDS/DMADDF idea) Dewi Morgan ( (unashamed flattery that lead me to consider writing DeuSF from DeuTex code) Raphael Quinet ( (for DEU code and general moral support) Matt Fell ( (Doom specs version 1.3) ID software ( (for the DeuSF test bench, also known as 'DOOM') ********************* SHAMES *********************** DeuSF would not have existed if there was not a stupid bug in the DOOM code for loading FLATS and SPRITES, that locks up DOOM when you try to replace existing entries. ***************** CONVIVIALITY ************************ DeuSF has NO human interface. I will seriously frown upon complaints about the lack of human interface. DeuSF IS MEAN TO BE RUN IN BATCH. You shall provide a batch file with all the PWADS you distribute. example: DeuSF -doom c:\doom -sprite -add ALIENGFX.WAD ALINGRFX.WAD ****************** DISCLAIMER ************************ This program is an ordinary DOS executable, compiled in HUGE memory model, with 386 instructions. It might not run under a 286. Anyway, If all goes wrong I'll be very sorry but I will not be liable for any damages consecutive to the use of this program, including severe damage to your nerves or brain. ******************* Known problems ********************** - DeuSF is not able to recognise SPRITES and FLATS just by the names in the PWAD directory. I refuse to program this because it would cause trouble if DOOM changes. - DeuSF was *not* tested under DOOM ][. There is no reason why it shouldn't work, but I would bet that damn program will find a bl**dy reason. - DeuSF now eliminates unwanted sprites (view point 0 and viewpoints 1-8 are mutualy exclusive) but does NOT test that all required sprites are here. hence DOOM crashes if you forget one sprite. - Source is NOT included. not yet. **************** Hardware Requirements ********************** Compiled for 386. Does not make use of coporcessor. Should run with about 500k or less of free base memory. ******************** DeuSF Commands **************************** All the optionnal commands must appear before the non optional ones else they will be ignored. (talk about commandline parsing!) * Help commands DEUSF -help won't help you a lot, but will give you the parameters. DEUSF -format will print the format of PWAD that DeuSF can recognise * Optionnal commands DEUSF -doom OPTIONAL COMMAND DEFAULT IS: CURRENT DIRECTORY or \DOOM or \DOOM2 use that command to indicate the directory where you put your DOOM.WAD and DOOM.EX example: -doom C:\DOOM DEUSF -sprite DEUSF -flat OPTIONAL COMMANDS to be use with -add, to add only sprites or only flats. * Mandatory Commands DEUSF -add Will put in ALLSF.WAD all the sprites and flats of DOOM.WAD together with those contained in MYOWN.WAD. DEUSF -app Will append to MYOWN.WAD only those sprites of DOOM which are not redefined. Saves disk space, compared to -add command. DEUSF -res Restores a PWAD which had been modified with -app command. Quite safe. Note: Due to the absence of explicit entry identifer in DOOM, sprites are identified only if comprised between: - S_START or SS_START - S_END or SS_END flats (floor/ceilings) are identified only if comprised between: - F_START or FF_START - F_END or FF_END This strange format is automaticaly generated by DeuTex. It also happen (not by chance) to be compatible with old PWADS built for DMADDS, like ALIEN DOOM. ********************* Legal Stuff ********************* *********************************************************************** * I have no relations with IDsoftware (except as a registred user) * * They don't care about this program, and certainly never will! * * I have good relations with Raphael Quinet and Bendon Wyber but * * they are NOT supposed to answer questions about this program. * * so please: * * Direct all comments to me, don't bother them. * *********************************************************************** DeuSF is Copyright (C) Olivier Montanuy 1994. DeuTex is Freeware but NOT public domain. Why is DeuSF Copyrighted? so that I can make the following requirement, which would be impossible with Public Domain status: YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MAKE ANY MODIFICATIONS TO THIS PROGRAM AND TO ALL THE INCLUDED FILES. ALL THE FILES INCLUDED IN THIS PACKAGE SHALL BE RELEASED TOGETHER. If you want modifications, ask me, I'll do my best. Later on I'll release the source, when stabilised. USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS. NO LIABILITY. It runs under DOS, so behaviour is unpredictable . YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MAKE ANY KIND OF PERSONNAL PROFIT BY SELLING, RENTING, LEASING, OR USING THIS PROGRAM, WITHOUT MY EXPLICIT WRITTEN CONSENT. You are allowed to distribute this program on a CD or any other commercial media provided I get a free and fully functionnal copy of your product by snail mail. Thanx for your enthousiasm. Ignore this and I might find it very funny to sue you. SPECIAL EXCEPTION: CompuServe is allowed to distribute this program for a fee, provided I only receive (by e-mail) a monthly report of the total number of uploads. * Alright folks, it was a shame, but it had to be stated somewhere... ************** LAST WORDS (AT LEAST!) ************** Thanx for using DeuSF. It's only a small derivative from my PWAD composer, DeuTex. If you enjoyed that program and want to create cool PWADS, (and you're not too bored with my bugs) I'll suggest to get hold of that DeuTex tool of mine. Olivier Montanuy, E-Mail: Work time mailbox Leasure time mailbox Dream time mailbox Address: Manoir de Keringant, St Quay Perros, 22700 Perros Guirec, FRANCE This is in Bretagne (Brittany), the westernmost part of France. Phone: +33 96482047 (time: UTC+1) modem: 1 bit of usable information per second (vocal emulation)