================================================================ Title : BLUDBATH.WAD Author : John "Doominator" Ehde Email Address : john.ehde@therealm.com Description : This level is designed to be a fast paced deathmatch level with a Doom ][ feel. The only obsticals in the level are the weapons. All weapons are present, but each weapon has a certain degree of consequence. The plasma being one of the favorite weapons has the largest consequence, that being every one knows where you are when you get it. Since the Super Shotgun has become such a farorite weapon in deathmatch, that also has a slight degree of consequence. This level is great for two players, but the more the merrier. Org Description : This level is best played with -altdeath and nomonsters, but if you must, I threw in a few baddies to make it interesting. I didn't put in 4 player starting points so co-op is definitely out of the question. If you really must play with monsters present I recommend playing Hurt Me Plenty on -respawn. It's just enough to aggravate you, and supply a little ammo in the proccess. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : 01 Cooperative 2-4 Player : NO, don't even try, it'll puke! Deathmatch 2-4 Player : OH YES! A real blud fest! Difficulty Settings : Sorta, skill levels 3 & 4, thats it. New Sounds : Nope New Graphics : Nope * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build Time : Much faster than if I would have used DEU, 30 hours at best. Editor(s) used : DmReal v2.6 beta4 to create the map, Renegade Graghics DoomED v2.0beta for the structural editor and to convert from Doom1 to Doom2, and BSP v1.2x to build the nodes. Known Bugs : No known bugs at this time. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. Just so long as you send me a copy of your version. Otherwise, FORGET IT! You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this .txt file, with no modifications. You may distribute these files in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. REPEAT, IT MUST CONTAIN THIS .TXT FILE! GOT IT?! Good. Other: Renegade Graghics BBS (615)-337-9198 Beyond the Realm BBS (805)-987-5506 Exec-PC BBS (414)-789-4210 P.S. This level is living proof that you can design a level with something other than DEU. P.S.S. I have yet to find one decent editor (that works). Renegade DoomED is the best when it comes to editing a map. You can edit lindefs, sidedefs, floor & ceiling graghics, and sector hights & light values all at once! But they have yet to fix their map editor. :( The sucky part is is that DEU works, but the format is lowsy! :( My eyes can only take so much when it comes to the WHOLE screen redrawing itself a million times while moving a line...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Oh, and good luck finding the exit.