---===||| HOW TO RELEIVE THE RAW DEAL STRESS |||===--- Clinton's DOOM Here's what we always wanted to see... Brother Bill's DOOM! This modification replaces the Cacodemons of the Registered version of DOOM with our favorite president! Seriously folks, It's just a joke! If you're a Clinton fan, hey, more power to ya'. DISCLAIMER: THIS DOOM MODIFICATION SHOULD IN NO WAY BE INTENDED TO INDUCE DESIRES TO KILL, SHOOT, BLUNDER, STAB, FRY, STICK ONE'S TOUNGUE OUT AT, OR INSULT THE PRESIDENT. IT IS INTENDED FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY OF THE ABOVEMENTIONED DESIRES, IT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE A: A DISGRUNTLED UNEMPLOYED REPUBLICAN, OR B: SICK AND IN NEED OF SERIOUS PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING. THE CREATOR OF THIS DOOM MODIFICATION ASUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACTIONS OF ANYONE WHO COMES IN ANY CONTACT WITH THIS DOOM MODIFICATION. p.s. I can't seem to get the wording lined up with his mouth. It's coming from his nose area. I've tried several ways to correct this, but no luck. If you can figure this one out, mail me! Adrian H. Hayes ahayes@pacifier.rain.com ***************************************************************************** Clinton Doom v2.0 I have taken the liberty to edit Adrian's version of doom with Bill Clinton. I have added a sound patch to spicin' things up and I have also made the .bat files a little more easy to execute!! Now it is just a one line install and a one line uninstall! I did this same thing with Barney doom and that file is called barn3d21.zip. Which is Barney 3-D v2.1!! Check it out also!! Any questions or comments e-mail at: teegarde@ucssun1.sdsu.edu Robbie Teegarden