================================================================ Title : The Gathering Filename : GATHER.WAD Author : Daniel "Stormin" Norman Email Address : 70437.3146@compuserve.com Misc. Author Info : Everything I ever needed to know I learned on the Shores of Hell. Description I think this level is a great one. Something for everyone I hope. I'm sure you've never seen some of the things that are in my twisted head. The moon base water treatment and recycling center started reporting strange happenings deep in there sewer system a few weeks ago. Just days later a garbled transmission during the sounds of battle made it through to the UAC outpost on Deimos 4. "Nuke us.......it's the only.....have to... ....cant make this......sewers...cavern... from hell" was all that could be understood from the message. Not much to go on, but that's what you're used to. They don't give you any easy ones, and you don't get to ask to many questions. The UAC needs you to investigate and "rectify" any potential hazards on the water treatment facility. Good luck. Additional Credits to : My wife. She is absolutely the greatest gal in the whole world. A true DOOM widow at times but alway delightful. : Mike "All I want is a plasma gun" Hough; the greatest space marine in UAC history. Mike spent hours playtesting this level. Thanks for the encouragement. : ID Software - WOW! Thank you so much. This has become a way of life. : Collin Reed for the BSP Utility : Raphael Quinet and Brendon Wyber for the awesome DEU 5.21 editor. You guys are brainiacs. : My mother, the acadamy and all my grade school friends..... ;) ================================================================ * Play Information * Copy the unzipped files to your DOOM directory and run GATHER. That's G A T H E R then press Enter for you PC infants. It would look like this from DOS: CD\DOOM GATHER If you had your monitor off it would look like this: Once your in DOOM pick Shores of Hell and hop to it. ============================== Episode and Level # : E2M1 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Sort of, the starts are there. You may want to move 'em around a bit though. Difficulty Settings : Absolutely. I think it plays best on Ultra Violence. New Sounds : No, they got annoying New Graphics : No, but wait till you see how I used the existing textures! New Music : No, I'm a marine, not a musician. Demos Replaced : All - Watch the demos for a clue to the first puzzle. But I didn't want to spoil many secrets so the good stuff is not in any of the demos. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : DEU, BSP, DMAUD Build Time : All my LIFE!!!! Known Bugs : Bugs? You think I spend hundreds of hours on this for bugs?.....Jeeez. Seriously, I tested this to death. There's a bit of a flash when you enter or exit one very tall room. It doesn't always happen and I don't think it takes away from the game. I thought about writing my own DOOM like engine to get around the problem. I could do it, yeah, and monkeys might fly out of my butt. There's also a microscopic HOM effects in one room, but if you are looking closely enough to see it, you're gonna get clobbered by the Coca's on top of you. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. Blah blah blah..... Why's that always sound like a lawyer wrote it? * Where to get this WAD * Other: Compuserve gamers forum Please Communicate! I'm like Doritos I'll make more! DOOM is a trademark of ID software. Doritos is protected with some legal clause also I'm sure. Great chips you know...