WAVs, DMAUD and BATs For changing 2 Gun Sounds in DooM 1.2 REG- Replacing- Sounds 1 and 2 In the DOOM.WAD file ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To install the 2 new sounds unzip the archive in your DooM directory and run NEWSOUND.BAT The original sounds will be saved to disk as WAVs. To go back to the originals run OLDSOUND.BAT If you run this more than once it will NOT erase the old*.wav files on the second time, so there's no need to worry about losing the original sounds. But...I don't trust anything in this world..niether should you! make a back-up a copy of your original DooM.wad file when using any of these programs to modify it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To save ya some typing I included a batch file for playing all the sounds that are in the DooM.WAD - HEARALL.BAT Experiment with DMAUD.EXE DMAUD with no parameters will tell about itself and how to use it - Enjoy, DTM - 3/27/94