To run this type DOOM -file eyesp.wad Choose the SHORES OF HELL, or wait and watch the cool demos! ================================================================ Title : EYE OF THE BEHOLDER--SNEAK PREVIEW Filename : eyesp.WAD Author : Jon Landis Email Address : Misc. Author Info : Description : This is a SNEAK PREVIEW of EYE OF THE BEHOLDER, a vast PWAD file for DOOM v1.666 that will be coming out sometime in the near to distant future. The SNEAK PEEK includes the first four levels. Approximately half the WAD. The final product will include a new monster - the SUPER IMP. This guy looks like he took a mineral bath in toxic waste. he runs TWICE as fast as a regular imp, and hurls toxic waste at you. He also scratches TWICE as hard. To combat this new terror a PLASMA CANNON will be needed. The Mancubus is armed with one of these in DOOM II: Hell on Earth. For now the first four levels are complete. Here is the write-up. EYE OF THE BEHOLDER - SNEAK PREVIEW EOB is a thinking man's WAD that has a fair share of brute force. Getting all the secrets is very challenging. LEVEL #1 - The Prison previously released as !POIS!.WAD Look for these features: Plenty of CACODEMONS Swirling slime (COOL!) MONSTER ACTIVATED SECRETS REGULAR SECRETS THAT ARE VERY HARD TO DISCOVER MULTIPLE PRESS BUTTONS CONSISTENCY WITH THE NEXT LEVEL... LEVEL #2 - The Sewers previously released as !PIPE!.WAD Look for these NEW features: Doorways are well marked. DEATHMATCH play is now possible EXIT is marked THEME, yes THEME!!!! Not much by way of secrets here, but they are tuff anyway. ***NOTE*** The Sewers are very SNEAKY. I suggest you save the game VERY often. Just warning you. LEVEL #3 - The Storage Facility NEVER BEFORE RELEASED!!!! Look for these features: A four stop elevator. Crates that actually contain things! (YES!) 18 CACODEMONS (NINE ON EACH SIDE OF THE ROOM) MONSTER ACTIVATED SECRETS!!! A very large crate containing a SPIDER DEMON! and just enough rockets to kill the bastard. (This level still needs a little bit of work. so don't be too judgemental. Please mail me any suggestions.) LEVEL #4 - The Firefields NEVER BEFORE RELEASED!!!! Look for these features: Monsters that COME OUT OF THE GROUND This level comes very close to reaching the limits of DOOM v1.666's engine. I had to change much of the level because it kept bombing with visual plane or not enough plats errors. But now it works and it is awesome! Optical Illusion secrets Lots of FIREWALL texture (!WOW!) Additional Credits to : ID software for a GREAT game! Raphael Quinet and Brendon J. Wyber for DEU Matt Fell for the DOOM SPECS Colin Reed for BSP Bill Neisius for DMAUD and DMGRAPH ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : ExMx (Episode #2 levels 1-4) Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : Coming with final release New Graphics : Coming with final release New Music : Yes Demos Replaced : Two Demos replaced for PRISON AND FIREFIELDS The Demos DON'T reveal many secrets! Sorry. !POISDEM.ZIP shows all secrets for the first level. You can check it out !EYEDEM.ZIP will be available when !EYE!.ZIP is. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : so far DEU v5.21, BSP 1.1 DEHACKED v2.0, DMAUD 1.1, and DMGRAPH 1.0 for final release. Known Bugs : Some disappearing Dead Cacodemons on Second Level * Copyright / Permissions * Authors (MAY) use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * BBS numbers: I originally put in on SOFTWARE CREATIONS BBS - the number is in the DOOM README. If anyone else puts this anywhere else, just add it to the list. Other: Many ideas in this wad file were taken from many sources. These include DOOM II: HELL ON EARTH, 777.WAD, 666.WAD, CRINGE.WAD. If an idea that you KNOW is yours is in this WAD, please add your WAD to this list. And if you use any ideas from this WAD, make a list of your own. THANKS A BUNCH AND HAVE LOADS OF DOOMING FUN. JON LANDIS