Did you think DOOM was getting too easy? Well, here's a file that will keep you busy, at least for a while. Here are the changes I've imposed on the usual gameplay: 1: Faster pistol fire (Still able to control your ammo waste, though.) 2: Faster shotgun (Probably about the round rate of an M60...) 3: Much (!) faster chaingun (About 60 rounds/second avg. on a 66DX2 VLB video) 4: Harder punch rockets (About twice the power) If you think this makes it too easy, then consider these additions... 1: Troopers with chainguns (!) Courtesy of George Hamlin 76500,557(DMMING.ZIP) 2: Stealth Sergeants (Won't see 'em until they shoot ya!) 3: Explode on contact imps (The explosive power of a UAC rocket.) 4: Tougher demons (About twice the HP) 5: Lost Souls explode upon death. (For real) The normal four shell shotgun pickup is now five, and a pistol clip is now equal to fifteen shots. You can carry twice the bullets now (400 without a backpack), but use them carefully; that chaingun eats them quickly! Obviously all I did to the demons was increase thier HP count. The sargents' sprite numbers for the moving frame were changed to 16,0 (PUFFA), so all you see when they are just moving is a little puffy thing moving around on the floor. Pretty well impossible to see from any kind of a distance, except for when they shoot at you (Imagine your surprise when an oversized dandelion fuzzy turns into a soldier and blows yer head off!). The imps were given an attack sound (BAREXP) and their close attack frame was changed to MISLB (rocket death frame). For the lost souls, I gave them the same thing as I did for the imps, but they blow when they die instead of when they attack. See George Hamlin's DMMING.ZIP for his 2 cents on how to give a trooper a minigun! The chaingun and pistol were just basically sped up. The shotgun was modified to skip the cocking frames to make it faster with no lag between shots to reload. The rocket's missle damage count was doubled to make it more destructive. In addition to these, imp fireballs are now 50% faster. Feel free to use any of my mods in your own files, or tinker with them as you wish. Just credit me with the original idea, please... As for George's minigun troopers, you'll have to ask him before plagerizing his work :) Hope this gives you much pleasure while Dooming. I especially like the rediculously ammo-wasting chaingun. Kinda reminds me of Jesse Ventura in Predator I (The minigun scene in the jungle). Ol painless is waitin' >;-> Enjoy! Rick DeMar CIS 74354,1421