PSYCHO DEATH LEVEL by Kyle Kenny 7/11/94 Thanks for downloading my level, which I call the Psycho Death Level. To run this level, first copy it to your DOOM directory and type: DOOM -FILE PSYCHO.WAD Then select Knee-deep In the dead (Episode 1), select any difficulty level, and PREPARE TO DIE!!! This level is the toughest I have seen. I am convinced that it is IMPOSSIBLE to beat on the NIGHTMARE difficulty level (no codes!) Even I can't beat this level without using cheat codes, and I consider myself rather good at DOOM (plus, I made the level). If you've played the level and can't get out, remember to try every wall. You never know where you'll find a secret door... I've made other DOOM levels, but this is my best one so far. One is called BKWAD.WAD, and it is very small and tough, much like this one. You can give this level to anyone you want (kind of like "shareware") and if you want you can even edit it. I made this level from scratch using DEU 5.2. It can be used as a DEATHMATCH level, co-operative, or single-player. If you have questions, comments, or CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, you can contact me by E-mail (please do!) at: KyleKenny@AOL.COM or maybe it's--> Kyle Kenny@AOL.COM I'm not sure if there's a space in there... Thanks again and good luck, Kyle Kenny