---===> PLAYER TO TROOPER! <===--- 1st of the S.H.O.O.M Series SCARE the HELL OUT OF a MATE! Yes! Here it is! Change the player gfx to the ones of the crappy (heh!) trooper in a multi-player game!!! Slip it on your mate's computer when he isn't watching, so that in a DeathMatch he'll see YOU as a trooper! This patch also changes a few relevant sfx too. Please email me any comments/critisisms you have about this patch to the address below... Watch the surprise on you mates face when be when this so called 'weak' trooper (YOU) pulls out a BFG9000 and blows him to smitherines!!!! How to setup it up: 1) Distract your mate for about 1 min. 2) Unzip this into HIS DOOM directory. 3) Run PLAY2TRP.BAT. 4) Bring back your mate and play!!! ;) Then to get rid of it, just run TRP2PLAY.BAT and it will put everything back to how it was as well as erasing all evidence of the contents of this ZIP ever being on his system! But you'll have to get rid of the actual ZIP though... So there ya go then, now stop readin' this and go scare the S&%T out of you best buddy! NOTE: I FOUND THAT THE SFX WOULD NOT WORK ON V1.666, BUT DO ON V1.2. I HAVE NOT TRIED ANY OTHER VERSIONS APART FROM THESE... Acknowledgements: Bill Neisius (author of DMGRAPH and DMAUD) bill@solaria.hac.com Andrew Scott (Lord Jester) raistlin@werple.apana.org.au