STTNG.WAD -- The "Star Trek: The Next Generation" Wad For DOOM Version 1.0 by Chuck Geary Poplar Bluff, MO 11/10/94 Hello and welcome to the "Star Trek: The Next Generation" wad for DOOM (registered) v1.2 or higher. This new sound-only pwad changes demon soldier and sergeant sounds to those of TNG's borg, adds phaser sound effects for the pistol and chaingun, plus changes a few other sounds, such as those for the doors and switches. To install, simply move/copy STTNG.WAD and STTNG.BAT to your DOOM directory, CD to the DOOM directory, type "STTNG" and hit . You'll be glad you did. STTNG.WAD was compiled from Windows *.WAV sounds (none of which I recorded) from various sources and "wadded up" with Bill Neisius' DMAUD v1.1. Other acknowledgements go to Gene Roddenberry, the cast of TNG, Paramount, blah, blah, blah (overendowed with tolerance for legal gibberish, I'm not). STTNG.WAD is, of course, freeware. Do with it as you please, but please, include this *.TXT file when you distribute it and have fun. I'd appreciate any comments you have via e-mail on the Software Creations BBS at 1-508-368-6604. I wouldn't mind seeing someone else create a good graphics PWAD to go along with these sounds, by the way.