================================================================ Title : Ktulu Calls Zaphod (BIG mistake) Filename : ZAPHOD11.WAD Other included files : ZAPHOD11.TXT, ZAPHINST.BAT, ZAPHEASY.BAT, ZAPHHARD.BAT, ZPHSPRIT.WAD, FILE_ID.DIZ, DEUSF.EXE, and DEHACKED.EXE Author : Timothy A. Harris Internet Email Address : whiplash@jax.jaxnet.com or jedaiyet@jax.jaxnet.com PLEASE GIVE ME FEEDBACK!!! Misc. Author Info : You may be tired of Doom 1, but this is really nothing like it. Believe it or not this is my first level. I actually completed it about three months ago but just recently acquired internet ftp access and decided to use the advantages of DEUTEX 2.9 instead of editing the DOOM.WAD with DMGRAPH. I tried to make the "world" as realistic as possible and paid a lot of attention to detail. I also made some pretty nifty edits using DeHackEd (hee hee). In other words, I spent entirely too much time on it. Description : Bear with me... I know sometimes I don't care what the story is behind the level - I JUST WANT TO PLAY - but I think you'll be glad you read this first. Zaphod Beeblebrox, our galactic hero and just an all-around great guy, was zipping around in his speedboat on an uncharted watery planet when one of his two heads realized the other knew where he was going. Unfortunately his two heads had previously had a profound disagreement and were not talking to each other. So the uninformed head just had to sit tight (although this gave Zaphod a neck ache) and wait. Soon enough an expansive wall of shimmering blues and reds could be seen closing in from all direc- tions. Despite the circumstances, the informed head remained calm (too calm - a bit trance-like in fact), while the oblivious one remained so. Eventually something could be seen ahead in the distance as the shimmering wall was almost upon him. Soon Zaphod's speedboat came to a splashing halt in front of a large dock. Suddenly his purpose was all too clear! Despite their differences, both heads thought as one (with twice the brain power)! Zaphod had been called to the Land of Ktulu!! There were bits and scraps in in the HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE about such a place - but many thought it was just a myth. But now Zaphod knew they had been mythinformed. Supposedly an unknown being (except it's name) named Ktulu had/has a hunger for humans (specific- ally battle-trained) and "calls" them from all over the far reaches of the galaxy to it's land. Apparently Ktulu appreciates a good fight before it overcomes them, but before they are worthy enough to be devoured by Ktulu, they must fight their way through it's minions and find Ktulu's lair! (Zaphod always thought it was just an excuse to soften up the victim). With Zaphod's newly acquired oneness of his two heads, he became acutely aware that his speedboat was sinking. The corrosive waters surrounding Ktulu (the land) work pretty fast, he thought. Luckily his previously only-informed head had gotten Zaphod to wear his neato-cool eLiTE battle armor which would protect him from most corrosive substances - not to mention also bringing the other battle supplies... Zaphod's heads agreed it was a BIG mistake for Ktulu to have called Zaphod Beeblebrox. Zaphod just hoped he could find enough ammunition from fallen predecessors to last through the gauntlet he knew was waiting for him... Additional Credits to : -Those visionaries at Id and of course all the "little visionaries" (like me) who inspire each other to make better PWADS. -Douglas Adams for Zaphod Beeblebrox and the HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY series. -Metallica for inspiring the music. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1M1 (yes, the energy weapons work) Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes, the start points are there but this level wasn't especially designed for it - untested. Difficulty Settings : Hurt Me Plenty for the casual stroller and ULTRAVIOLENCE! for the real Doomer New Sounds : Yes, inside ZAPHOD11.WAD New Graphics : Yes, inside ZPHSPRIT.WAD New Music : Yes, inside ZAPHOD11.WAD New Attributes/Effects : Yes, using DeHackEd 2.x Demos Replaced : None (Didn't want to spoil any surprises) * Construction * Base : New level TOTALLY from scratch Editor(s) used : DEU 5.21, DEU 5.2 GCC, DEUTex 2.9, BSP 1.2, DeHackEd 2.x, RMB 1.x, DmAud 1.1, Midi2Mus Known Bugs : - The most common error is due to Doom's limits: a visplane overflow dropping you to DOS. This happens in one place only that I know of and it is understandable due to the complexity of the room. Save Game! :) - Once in a while it may drop to DOS with a message about it can't find a sound - not sure if its a bug in 1.666 or DeHackEd. - Not really a bug, but since the level is so BIG (even without the patches), it's probably slower on some machines - I have a 486-dx2-66 so I didn't have any problems :) Although, I used RMB (a lifesaver for slower machines) to make the WAD as efficient as possible (93%). * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels (but feel welcome to use any of my ideas). You MAY distribute this ZIP, provided it is distributed as the original ZAPHOD11.ZIP including all of the graphics and sound patches, with no modifications. You may distribute these files in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc). * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com and mirrors BBS numbers: - The Modem Games BBS using Game Connection (4-player Doom, Doom II, Heretic, and more!) (904) 725-7931 and 8103. - Others boards in the (904) area code.