B L O O D O N T H E W A L Z VERSION 1.0 DESISIGNED BY :Tom Walz This is the first release of a few levels that I have done for Doom. They take place in levels 1 through 4 on mission 1. They were created in the order that they are played in, so the first level seems less well rounded but level 4 has some excellent design. These levels took me a long time to create (learning Deu and thinking of new mechanics.) I plan to release newer versions later with more levels, better graphics, and I'll brush up the early levels even more. There are some graphics included in this version (mostly textures for my house) but most of the stuff is the same. The levels are set up so that if you choose medium difficulty, it should be perfect for those who need a challange. Easy is well ... pretty easy. And Hard is not impossible (I've completed it often, but I know where everything is) but it is difficult. In order to get the best value out of these levels I suggest you DO NOT USE ANY CHEAT CODES. If it seems to difficult at first, change the difficulty level, and don't spoil the secrets. I have worked hard to get the difficulty where I wanted it for these levels. NOTE: If you want look at a good level, take a look at level 4. Here is a description of the levels (and I know the names suck, but hell it's version 1.0 subject to change wihthout notice) Level 1 -Gateway Home This level may seem pretty basic, but it was my first level. It has a good amount of hidden things, and many different ways to get to the end. There a few nifty mechanics involved also (I like the star elevator) HINT : Chech the walls in the spiral stairs at the start of the level Level 2 -160 Hartman Circle I think that this level is very fun. The layout is of my house, and the detail is as good as I could get with the Doom engine limitations. There are some new textures on the walls. It is set up so that the enemies (once they spot you) will try to get inside the house. Going outside early is a big mistake. Enjoy your stay at my house, but please keep the blood off the furniture. If you know how to grab power ups wisely, there should be little problem finishing this level. (If you can beat this level on medium, try it on hard once ... it rocks) By the way, the moving texture in one of the rooms is suppoesed to resemble a big TV. HINT : Like I said before, grab power ups only when you need them. There are alot of Medical kits laying around, you just have to look a little. And look for a room to take a stand. There is a big one that works well. And it's dark. Level 3-Enemy Fortress This level has a story like setup. At first you are the prey, and then you are the stalker. Save the game when you get to this level, cause the start is tricky. At the begining you must run for your life (do a 180 right away) This level is pretty well designed, focusing more on mechanics than anything. It is realatively straight forward, but it is a battle to the finish. HINT : There is a plasma rifle hidden on this level that is very hard to find see if you can find it though, because it is great for level 4. You have to hit a lot of switches to get it, and leap (HINT HINT) near the rising staircase. Be alert at all times and it will be easy to beat this level. Level 4-Church of the Burning flame This level is very well set up. I concentrated on the mechanics and the layout of the rooms. Very symetrcial. This is the first level that uses keys. There are lots of ways to go, and lots of 'wrong ways' but the are designed well. This level took me forever to make, and it jams the node builder in deu because it's so damned big and detailed, but this is a level I would put my name on.It has a better lay out then the other 3 levels by far. HINT : There are a couple well hidden rooms that are VERY HELPFUL in beating this level on medium. Try keeping your distance from the enemy, and if you see a demon or a spectre, open up on them with the chaingun. This level (without cheating of course) will take time to complete. I like the challenge though, and so should you. Coming soon: More levels like level 4, only more elaborate, and increasing difficulty. Better textures (hopefully ... if only wacker worked better!) Also included in this zip file is the Moviemus.wad which is movie music for levels 1-4. I got the music from the Internet. Music included: Level 1-Terminator theme song Level 2-Jurassic Park theme song Level 3-Batman theme song Level 4-Starwars music Thanks to those who uploaded those tunes, there grrrreat! To load type in: doom -file botwalz.wad moviemus.wad Have fun! Tom Walz twalz@badlands.NoDak.edu