MULTILEV v1.1 Documentation July 5, 1994 PWAD MultiLevel version 1.1 by Scott Mitting Sorry this program is sloppy, but I want it out as soon as possible. Most Doom Editors won't allow you to have multiple levels in your PWADs. I got mad at that this afternoon and started programming. This is what I came up with. (If you think this version is bad, you should have seen v1.0. It had some NASTY bugs.) I promise I will come out with a new version in about two weeks. This is freeware. I refuse to force people to pay for something I have only worked four hours on so far. I will charge $5.00 when I think this is worth it. If you want to send me moeny now, I will give you every Registered version I come up with every two months for six months. (Hey disks cost money!) If you send me a disk, I will keep continue giving you new versions for free! (Free registered versions? Not Bad huh?) Chances are you won't register this. Future version WILL have a very user-friendly GUI and will have the speed up by 300%. I plan to optimize this program majorly. I hope to eventually evolve this into a WAD editor in itself. Then the registration fee will be $15.00, unless you registered before then. Then, if you send me disks, you will get it for free!!! For anyone interested, I am 15. That is NOT why this program sucks! This program is the worst program I have ever released! I made this program to be functional as quickly as possible. Please report bugs to me. Is it too much to ask 29 cents for the mail to help out what will be a great program. If anyone wants my remix to HERESY by Nine Inch Nails (by me) in .669 format and/or a create .669 freeware EDITOR/PLAYER (not by me) then write me with a disk and I'll get them to you in a few days. Scott Mitting RR1 BOX14 Roann, IN 46974 ***********I love to hear from you ************ *****************WRITE ME********************** You can cuss me out and insult my mother if you must, but I want to hear your opinions!