G E N E R A L H E L P Press any key to page through this help message. Press the ESC key to return to the game. If playing the game, ESC ends the game. FUNCTION KEYS F1 Displays help message. F2 Status and inventory. F3 Toggle Music. F4 Toggle Sound. F5 Saves the game. F6 Restores a saved game. F10 Talk about Virtual Prime, Inc. FIRING KEYS... E A D X These keys control the experimental Laser that Baxter uses. Be careful. MOVEMENT KEYS... Movement left or right is controlled by the left or right arrow keys. The up arrow key controlls Baxter's tremendous jumping ability. Watch out that you don't smash his head on too many ceiling. Some of the manuvers Baxter must perform are tricky, so keep trying. Don't get angry, the world is depending on you. Baxter is a tough game with some tough mazes to solve. I suggest you have a sharp pencil and lots of paper to map when you begin a maze. I designed this thing and I still get lost in the mazes.