Mah Jongg Tile Set Description Tile Set Name : FOSSIL.TXT Subject : Fossils, Dinosaurs, equipment, etc. Created by : Rebecca L. Liberato - Fossil Hunter Extraordinaire Tile Description Format Stolen from : Michael C. Fitz-Enz (sorry, but it looks good) and Mark McCullough Description: Dedicated to the unsung thousands who, through rain, snow, summer heat, strange hours, and unreasonable conditions, make sure that the fossils of the world are preserved one by one in people's homes and do not uselessly weather away on the outcrop (the way our evil bureaucrats would have them do). May the great Trilobite be at your fingertips, and Holiday Inn not build on your favorite locality. Fossils -- Invertabrates -- 1) Sharks Tooth 2) Sharks Tooth 3) Gastropod 4) Crinoid 5) Trilobite (Isotelus) 6) Trilobite (Paradoxes) 7) Echinoid 8) Crab 9) Ammonite 10) Starfish 11) Brachiopod 12) Conularia 13) Pectin 14) Horn Coral 15) Amber -- Vertabrates -- 16) Brontosaurus 17) Sabertooth Tiger 18) Dimetrodon 19) Triceratops 20) Velociraptor 21) Tyrannasaur 22) Plesiosaur 23) Stegasaur 24) Pterosaur 25) Pterosaur 26) Dino Egg 27) Fish 28) Skull 29) Dino Bone 30) Footprints -- Scenes -- 31) Palms and Cycads 32) Volcano 33) Glaciers 26) Tropical -- Wild Cards -- 35-38) Paleo (word) 39-42) Outcrop (word) Thank you Nels Anderson