Thank you for downloading Double Oak Software DeskTop Games I. There are several more games currently under development including Bowling, Skiing, and Sub Hunt. To find out more about these games and to get unrestricted use of the games you just down loaded send just $18 to: Double Oak Software 125 Double Oaks Drive Lewisville, TX 75067 The game pack you have downloaded is shareware and as such there is some restriction to its use. Each program is a complete version of the registered version; however, until you register you will only be allowed to play a total of 20 games. After 20 games you will see a dialog box inviting you to register. If you have enjoyed the games please register and you will recieve unrestricted play of the most recent version of the games. Each game is easy to learn and has several different levels of play to continue to challange you as your skill increases. Online help is available to help you get started. To gain access to the games from program manager do the following: 1. Start both program manager and file manager and arrange your desktop so that you can see both. 2. Make sure all of the following files are in the same directory: ALIENS.EXE ALIENS1.WAV ALIENS2.WAV ALIENS3.WAV ALIENS6.WAV DBLOAK.HLP MISSILE.EXE MISSILE1.WAV MISSILE2.WAV MISSILE3.WAV MISSILE4.WAV REVERSAL.EXE STANDARD.SET CHECK.BIN VIPER.EXE VIPER2.WAV VIPER3.WAV MEMORY.EXE MEMORY1.WAV MEMORY2.WAV MEMORY3.WAV MEMORY4.WAV MEMORY5.WAV MEMORY6.WAV MEMORY7.WAV MEMORY8.WAV 3. From file manager drag ALIENS.EXE, MEMORY.EXE, MISSILE.EXE, REVERSAL.EXE, and VIPER.EXE to your games group. A copy of the game icon will be placed in the games group with the correct path. Simply click on the icon to access the game. Good Luck and ENJOY!!!!!.