Part I: EARTHQUAKE Zeeno PREPARED ---------------------------------- COPYRIGHT. 1994 Sadiq Somjee STORY ----- This is a story about Zeeno (TM) the dinosaur. The object of this game is to teach the player earthquake prepardness skills. There are 3 main things to do to get prepared: 1. Identify a safe place to duck, cover and ride the quake out. Safe places might be under sturdy tables, away from hazards such as windows. 2. Identify the hazards around the room. For example overhanging plants and picture frames. Each time a hazard is identified, a blue 'H' marks it as secured. 3. Collect as many survival tools as you can. For example first aid kits, shoes, drinking water, canned food and so on. Click on the swiss army knife button to read about the survival objects (Zeeno's Menu). Note: Surival tools appear after all the hazards and a safe place to duck is identified. This starts the time countdown. When the time is zero and you have the required points, you will progress to the next level. Each room requires a minimum score to get to the next level. If you do not collect enough points the current room is repeated. For young players and beginners, set the game to: 1. Easy Skill 2. Normal Mode 3. Long Play As you become better, try and up your skill level and your speed. You learnt which survival tools to collect, how to identify hazards in the house, safe places to duck. Now look around the rooms in your house, can you identify the hazards and find the safe places to duck? Help your parents get prepared by collecting survival tools, start with a supply of water and collect one survival object every day. MACHINE TYPE SCROLL BAR ----------------------- The scroll bar controls how fast or slow Zeeno moves. For most 386's and 486's set the scroll bar to the leftmost position. For High performance 486-66's set the scroll bar to the mid point. Note some 486-66's perform like 486-33's, so try it out until Zeeno's movements feel right. Zeeno should be slow enough to control, unless you have played this game a few times and want Zeeno to Zoom. For those lucky few who own high performance machines, set the scroll bar to the right of the midpoint. Play with the setting until Zeeno's movements feel right. You can use this bar to set Zeeno's speed you like. It defaults to the leftmost position. REGISTRATION ------------ Part I, EARTHQUAKE Zeeno PREPARED is shareware, which means you may try before you buy. Shareware authors depend on registration to provide creative products. Enjoy Part I and share it with others. If you have not registered please do so now for a small fee. You may register by selecting "YES" at the end of the game. Registration will get you the latest version without the pester screens, discounts on future upgrades and news on new products. PART II: EARTHQUAKE Zeeno SURVIVOR , COPYRIGHT 1994 Sadiq Somjee ---------------------------------------------------------------- The sequel, PART II, Earthquake Zeeno "SURVIVOR" has completely different rooms. The earthquake is visually simulated , where objects fall and crash. Zeeno has to survive the quake and aftershocks. Hazards not identified will crash and Zeeno has to avoid them. Zeeno crawls out of smoke and fire. SURVIVOR is more challenging, because you never know what may fall. Each level gets more difficult. Part II: EARTHQUAKE Zeeno SURVIVOR is not shareware and is only available from ZeenoMation Entertainment(TM). PRODUCT SUPPORT --------------- 1. Electronic mail to CompuServe User Id 74554,3442 2. InterNet Address: 3. ZeenoMation Entertainment(TM) 312-9632 Cameron Street Burnaby, B.C. CANADA V3J 7N3 Please provide your full name and Product Registration Number. DISCLAIMER ---------- THE PROGRAM IS SUPPLIED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND EXPRESS OR IMPLIED ARE MADE AS TO IT OR ANY MEDIUM IT MAY BE ON. WE WILL PROVIDE NO REMEDY FROM FOR INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM IT, INCLUDING SUCH FROM NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, OR BREACH OF WARRANTY OR CONTRACT, EVEN AFTER NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. The recommendations and suggestions made in the game are intended to improve emergency prepardness and awareness. They do not guarantee the safety of any individual or object.